n i n e t e e n

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$ n i n e t e e n $ 

*note: i still don't know how to play poker. so please bear with me.*

Both gangs had been gathered together at the Coven's mansion, in what was reminiscent of the time at the casino, where Junmyeon had lost his wife to Wu Yifan. The members of the Coven stood behind their leader Wu Yifan, while the members of the Pack stood behind Kim Junmyeon. Hani stood behind her husband, while Sky stood behind Yifan, her hand on his shoulder to offer him some reassurance. She secretly wanted the other to win because she knew that if Yifan were to decide that he still had Hani in his heart, he would just discard her. 

This time around, there seemed to be less tension and hostility between the two leaders. It was a match that would once again decide their futures. The other members were merely nervous of the outcome because they didn't want a gang war with the opposite gang which they had considered family, and they still considered them family.

Junmyeon smiled to himself when he looked at his cards, the game had been going on for a little while. He once again had a good hand, the third best hand one could have at poker. It was highly unlikely that Yifan would have a better hand again. But that was the thing about luck. Sometimes you got lucky, and sometimes you had to lose. It was every bit like a roulette. Junmyeon was confident that luck was on his side this time around, especially considering that Yifan had been more than willing to play another decisive card game for Hani.

"Full house, Fan." Junmyeon said, dropping his cards on the table.

Hani's breath caught in her throat, and this time she didn't want to celebrate prematurely. But it seemed for the moment that Junmyeon would be the one to emerge with the victory.

Everyone watched in anticipation as they waited for Yifan to make his moves. After seeing Junmyeon's cards, the members of the Coven seemed to stiffen with worry like they knew something. They could see Yifan's cards, as they were standing behind him. Yifan looked at his cards for almost a full minute before heaving a sigh. He looked to Hani and Junmyeon, and knew how much they wanted to be reunited with each other. He remembered Junmyeon's words to him as well. They didn't have to continue fighting. They could be friends again if he wanted to.

He placed his cards face down on the table, stating firmly. "I fold."

There were gasps coming from the Coven members behind him because they had seen the cards he decided not to use. Without saying anything more, the Coven leader rose from his chair and left the room, leaving everyone there in awe. Sky wanted to follow him, but she knew that he needed a few moments alone. Sometimes it was difficult to let go of the things one had clung to for so long, and she knew it was something he needed to come to terms with on his own. She instead followed the others out of the room and went to her bedroom which she had been sharing with Yifan over the last few nights. Mitsuki was nowhere to be found. She had been in constant contact with her brother through the week.

She had seen that Yifan wasn't interested in her, and that he was finding solace in someone else. Though it hurt her heart, she accepted it, and knew she needed to do the same. She needed to stop suffering over someone that didn't love her. She had finally decided, that if her husband wanted her back, she wanted to return to Japan and her family.

Yifan had decided to fold like he didn't have any good cards at hand, in order to fix the mess he had made of things. The moment he was out of the room, Junmyeon and Hani hurried into each other's arms. Now she was truly free and could return to Korea with him. When they pulled away, Junmyeon couldn't help but wonder what cards Yifan had. He grabbed the faced down cards on the table and flipped them over, revealing four of a kind--a better hand tan Junmyeon had. He let him win.

Junmyeon had asked Hani to go pack her things while he went in search of Yifan. He found him standing out on the staircase that led up to the entrance of the house. He was looking out at the stars, but there was a peaceful aura to him. He had finally been able to let go of the things that had hurt him in the past. There was no more room for resentment within him. 

"Fan..." Junmyeon called gently.

Yifan turned towards him slowly.

"Why did you let me win?" The leader of the Pack asked as he cut the distance between him and Yifan. 

"You saw my cards." Yifan concluded with a sigh. He had known from the start that Junmyeon would follow him and try to talk. When Junmyeon gave a nod of his head to confirm, Yifan began to explain. "Jun, I don't think I ever really loved Hani the way you do. I thought I did. But now I think I just wanted her to get back at you. I wanted to see you suffer for choosing a woman over our friendship."

Junmyeon stood by Yifan's side and leaned against the stone railings in front of the house. They had once been two homeless boys--best friends--torn away from each other over the love of one woman. Now they were able to overcome their differences and Junmyeon hoped in his heart that they could be friends again. Even after everything, he had never hated Yifan. "I'm sorry if I pushed you aside. I should have been a better brother to you."

Yifan lowered his head and chuckled lightly, remembering something. "You always were like that, Jun." When Junmyeon raised an eyebrow at him with confusion, he continued. "You were always the bigger person. Always the good guy who took care of everyone. Always apologizing and trying to make things better instead of fighting me."

A shrug came off Junmyeon's shoulders like it was nothing special. "Arguments never solved anything."

He had been the same with Baekhyun, when his beta was feeling unappreciated and pushed aside in the Pack. They had talked things out to solve their differences and their problems. Other than when absolutely necessary, the Pack's leader didn't believe in fighting.

There was a short silence between them that Yifan broke after a moment. "So...you and the guys are returning to Korea?"

Junmyeon nodded his head. "That's where our business is at. You're welcome to come with us." We could be a family again, he thought to himself.

But Yifan refused with a small shake of his head. "I don't think so. We have a good thing going here in China." He was the leader of his gang, and had various important business and contacts in his country. He didn't want to lose all of that by moving back to Korea. Junmyeon's expression dropped at his friend's refusal. Upon seeing this, Yifan quickly tried to salvage the situation and added, "But...if you wanted to be allies, I wouldn't oppose that idea."

Junmyeon quickly recovered and the smile returned to his face. "I'd like that, Fan."

With their conversation finished, Yifan turned to his friend and offered his hand for Junmyeon to shake. Junmyeon took it, but instead of shaking it, he pulled him in for a hug, taking Yifan by surprise. 

"We'll always be brothers, Fan. Try not to forget it again."


so yifan let junmyeon win, and the two packs are allies now? i wanted to make them one big happy family again, but i feel like that's something they would need to transition into. but just because they're happy with each other again doesn't mean the drama will stop here.

there will be new villains and new problems to overcome. so stay tuned for all of that good stuff. thank you all loads for reading. it means a lot to me.


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