e i g h t

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$ e i g h t $

The Nightmares were on their way back to their mansion in Fukuoka while Takuya made another phone call to the security booth at the front. "Apprehend those repair men." Takuya barked an order into the phone as their vehicle sped down the street. "Don't let them leave until we return to the house. We're on our way right now."

"What's taking them so fucking long?" Jongdae huffed with his arms crossed over his chest. 

He saw Mitsuki turn the corner to find them when they were swarmed by security guards of the house. Rather than helping them right away, Mitsuki thought fast and hid behind the side of the building once more. Yifan and the other members of the Coven followed behind her. Yifan could only watch her in confusion as she pulled a switch blade from the side of her high heeled boots. She flipped it open quickly and handed it to Yifan. "Here, take this. And follow my lead." She instructed, and then pulled the hair tie from her hair, ruffling it into a mess and rubbing at her eyes to smudge her make up. 

Next she grabbed his arm and threw it around her neck, making it seem as though he was holding her hostage. Yifan was impressed by the level of thought she was able to put into her plans under such short notice.

He walked out into sight as the security guards seemed to have the others surrounded. It was Junmyeon, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Jongdae. "Chen..." Yifan called in surprise, almost dropping the knife in his hand if it wasn't for the fact that Mitsuki tugged at his arm, pretending to struggle. 

"We came to rescue you, duizhang." Jongdae called, though at the moment they were being held up. "Its not going so well at the moment, but I swear we'll fix it."

Mitsuki cried out, distracting the guards. "Help me, you idiots! I'm being held hostage."

"What do we do? The boss told us not to let them go until they return." One of the guards asked in confusion.

"Just do as they say!" She shouted, fake tears streaming down her face.

"Let us go right now." Yifan demanded weakly.He was having trouble even speaking and standing up right. Jongdae and the others could clearly see the way he and the rest of the Coven were nearly just skin and bones. They looked like they hadn't eaten anything in weeks. They appeared almost like corpses. The leader of the Coven repeated once more, "Let us go right now, or I'll kill her. I swear I fucking will."

The guards were torn between following Takuya's orders or giving in to what the Coven wanted in order to save Mitsuki. Though, considering that they didn't know she was actually on their side, Mistuki was surprised that they didin't try to help her right away. She figured that it was due to the fact that they were more afraid of her brother than anything else.

The head security guard looked at her, and then the others who had been apprehended. He debated with himself until Mitsuki whispered to Yifan. "Cut me, Yifan. These guys don't think you're being serious."

"What?" Yifan hissed back, eyes widening. "No. I won't hurt you."

"Do it!" She demanded. 

He hesitated for an instant before he closed his eyes and brought his knife to the skin of her neck. Being careful not to cut too deep or somewhere where it might be fatal, he sliced at her skin, making her wince and cry out in pain.

That had been enough to subdue the guards, since they all gave in and dropped their weapons. Jongdae and the Pack shot forward, grabbing the guns and using them to point them at the guards. Sehun and Chanyeol watched the guards while Baekhyun, Junmyeon, and Jongdae helped the others into the waiting vans. Yifan was the last to go, since he was using Mitsuki as the guards from attacking them. He watched with bitterness as Junmyeon and Hani were reunited, sharing an embrace that he thought lingered far too long before he helped her into the van.

Yifan thanked her with a quick hug before he climbed into the van. He took her with him, and they would drop her off at the entrance, to ensure that nothing could go wrong. 

They left the guards by the back of the house and the two vans sped off towards the front gates. They were on their way out when a black van stopped in front of the house, blocking the driveway and keeping them trapped inside. From it emerged the members of the Nightmares, Takuya and their leader Shin with murderous looks on their faces.

"Let us out." Yifan demanded as he opened the door to the side of the van and showed them that Mitsuki was with them. "I'll really hurt her if you don't do as we say."

Takuya only scoffed at his words. "We know the truth. My sister is helping you."

Mitsuki's eyes widened in surprise. She had carefully planned all of it and now it seemed to be going wrong right before her eyes. Rather than keeping up the act, she was now pleading to them. "Takuya, Wonho, this is wrong. Just let them go." Knowing the act was finished, he pulled his arm from around her and let her out of the van. She was now standing in between both groups of people. She knew that her brother and her husband would never fire their guns as long as she was standing there.

"We won't-" Takuya started, but he was interrupted mid sentence by their leader.

In his voice was clear heart break. "Mitsuki, why did you betray us like this? Helping them? You know how much I love you." He said to her.

She said nothing to him in response.

Then he asked another question. "Do you still love him? That's the only reason I see for you to hurt me like this."

Once again, she didn't say anything only looked away. Everyone knew right then that without saying anything, she had given her answer. Wonho looked away from her as well, turning his back. He swallowed hard the lump in his throat and took a deep breath to keep his voice from shaking. "Alright. If that's how you feel, just go. Go with them. I never want to see you again."

"But senchou--" Takuya tried to protest. She was his sister after all, and if she was banned from Japan, he would never get to see her again.

"Shin--" She now tried to explain.

But he shook his head. He would have none of her explanations. 

"Move the van." Shin gave the order and Seyoung nodded, going over to the van that blocked the driveway and moved it out of the way, allowing for the Coven and the Pack to get by.

They had planned to leave Mitsuki at the front gates and escape as soon as possible, but now Yifan was faced with another decision. He could leave her there, where she was no longer welcome, or he could take her with them. He thought the right decision was more than obvious.

Before closing the door to the van, he grabbed her by the waist, easily lifting her off her feet, and pulled her inside, shutting the door behind her. She could no longer contain herself and the tears erupted from her eyes and sobs wracked her small frame. She cried into her hands because she would miss them, but she knew she had done the right thing.

But she still cried.

She cried all the way to the airport and all the way to China.


what? so now mitsuki is leaving with them too? how will this pan out in the end? do you all still think sky would be good for yifan? bc i kinda agreed but then putting mitsuki back in the picture might change things. it might, or it might not. i haven't decided anything yet when it comes to yifan, sky, and now mitsuki.

thank you all so much for reading and supporting me. and i hope you're having a wonderful week.


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