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Miran left Baekhyun in their bedroom and went to find Junmyeon. She went to his bedroom door and knocked once. He came to the answer it after a moment, but he was surprised to see her there. He and Miran got along, and he liked her. But they weren't exactly close like he was with the other boys. She was newer to the Pack, while the other boys had known each other for several years now. The surprise was forced off his face and made way for a friendly smile.

"What can I do for you, alpha?" He greeted, taking her by surprise.

He had never called her alpha before. Then again, they hadn't really ever spoken to each other before. Just a few words occasionally in passing, or a small greeting, but nothing big. 

"I wanted to talk to you about Light." She said, biting down on her lower lip nervously as she though about the upcoming fight. Though she knew they had to fight, according to the rules of the Pack, Miran still hoped that Junmyeon would understand and at least do what she would ask of him. He nodded his head and stepped aside to let her into the room. Immediately on the night stand, she saw a picture of Junmyeon and his wife Hani on the nightstand next to the bed. When they had been attacked by the Hellcats, they had been unable to take anything with them. Miran wondered how he had gotten that picture. He gestured for her to sit on a chair that was in the room and he sat on the bed. 

He watched her, his attention fully on her, and she continued. "I know Light is being difficult with himself clinging to the alpha seat out of pride. But you have to understand him." She explained, hoping that her plea would work. "You gave Soo the seat that Light thought would be for him. He felt pushed aside. He felt unloved. I know for a fact he doesn't want to be our alpha." She said, entirely sure of herself.

When Junmyeon said nothing, merely listened, she continued. 

"He doesn't want to fight you, but he will because of the rules of the pack. If he loses, he wants to leave. You can't let him do that." She said. 

Junmyeon tried to reassure her, though he soon realized that his words had done nothing to make her feel better. "You never know. He might win. I learned to fight on the streets, while Baekhyun had a family. A family with money. He trained in hapkido since he was eight years old, up until he joined the Pack. He has the rank of a professional. He could teach if he wanted to. He just really holds back when we would train here with our other brothers." Miran remembered back to the time when she had been practicing with him in the back yard. She had been able to take him down seemingly easy, and now she was beginning to wonder just how much he had been holding back since he had been able to flip her and pin her down in a wink.

"I just want you to let him know that you love him if you win." Miran begged.

The former alpha of the Pack pointed out. "He knows I love him. He's my brother, and we've all been to hell and back together."

"He needs to hear it." She said, knowing that someone like Baekhyun especially needed to hear it. He had been rejected by his father, and his mother, though a good person, did close to nothing to help the situation between them. His brother never had any contact with him, his first wife had been murdered. He just needed to know that someone--other than Miran--loved him. 

Junmyeon heaved a sigh, understanding what she wanted from him. "I'll tell him, and I'll let the others know too."


Darleen was still living with the Wolves and the Jackals in their mansion. She didn't want to go back to the convent, since she thought she was no longer welcome there, and she had nowhere else to go. After things had calmed down in their argument, Sehun had explained things to her, and didn't sugar coat anything. He told her about his life, and the fact that he had injured and even killed people.

She listened and tried not to judge, feeling in her heart that it was not her place. Though she thought that the way he lived was wrong, she thought that it was only up to God to judge him and his family.

She decided to stay at his house until she could find a way to get by on her own. Then she would rent an apartment and move out. Sehun didn't protest and promised her that he would try his best to win her over. But her view of him was already muddled, and she felt weary of him. Now the house was bustling with hushed whispers, people discussing who they thought would win the battle. She saw Sehun pass her by in a hurry. He had been recruited by Chanyeol to help with the preparations for the fight.

Darleen stopped him with curiosity. 

"What's happening, Sehun?" She asked him.

"There's going to be a battle for the alpha seat tonight." He informed her. "Our leader wants us all to be there. But you don't have to go, since you aren't part of the Pack."

Darleen heaved a sigh of relief, wanting to steer clear of something like that. Sehun then excused himself and hurried down the hallway, leaving her alone. She returned to her bedroom, while he went to find Chanyeol.


Almost everyone who was living in that house was gathered there. Darleen was the only one who had decided to stay in her bedroom. Miran watched with worry for her boyfriend, while the others were also concerned for their brothers. They feared that the battle for the alpha seat would drive another wedge in their Pack. They didn't want to lose any more members.

Everyone waited in anticipation as Chanyeol began to explain the rules of the fight. "A battle for the alpha position only has three simple rules. If you step out of the circle, you automatically forfeit. Winner is the last one standing. And anyone from the outside who jumps in or tries to interfere will be punished." The other members nodded in agreement, as did the alpha and the one challenging him.

Miran also worried because of his injury. And Junmyeon was still injured as well, with his arm in a sling.

Baekhyun tossed his cane to the side and tried to balance himself without leaning too much on his injured leg. Junmyeon winced slightly as he removed the sling from his arm, flexing it slowly to test the waters and see just how much it would hurt to move around. 

With both sides ready, Chanyeol began a short countdown from ten. 

Baekhyun took a fighting stance. His eyes darkened with determination as he decided that he would fight back until he could no longer stand. Junmyeon did the same, thinking about Hani and the fact that he wanted to save her. He needed to win so that he could take his place again as leader of the Pack, so that his brothers could help him save the woman that he loved. 

As the countdown near its end, Junmyeon couldn't help but think that he wanted so badly to win, but he also didn't want to lose another brother.


total filler because im tired as hell from work. but i wanted to update. so here i am. sorry for the sshitty update. i hope you're all enjoying this story, it means a lot to me that you all read, and vote, and comment and all that good stuff. 

i'll try to update again tomorrow, since im a bit motivated.

i talked to my work crush, and it was magical.


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