t w e n t y s i x

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$ t w e n t y s i x $

Ever since she had found out the truth about Sehun and his family, Darlene had spent most of her time avoiding him. But she still stayed in the house. Sehun couldn't understand why she hadn't left yet. Part of him would have preferred it because it was torture to see her everyday, and not be able to talk to her, or touch her, or even get close to her. The only people in the Pack that she talked to and seemed to be comfortable around were Jiyeon and Miran, and Sehun knew that it was because they technically weren't involved in anything illegal.

They had decent jobs that they went to everyday, even if both of them were being trained to be able to fight and take over in their given positions as beta and warrior of the pack--ranks that had been granted to them because of their boyfriends.

He caught Darlene after breakfast one morning and cornered her in the hallway no matter how much she tried to escape him. "Why do you keep avoiding me?" He asked her, even though he knew the answer. He had grabbed her by the wrist and pinned it to her side as she had tried to push him away in order to make her escape. He had her unable to run--between himself and the wall behind her.

Darlene gulped nervously. "I don't like the kind of person you are, Sehun."

When the words were out, she regretted them instantly because it hadn't been what she meant exactly. She had also seen how he tensed at her words. She had hurt him with what she said.

"Am I a bad guy?" He asked her, eyes full of curiosity.

She quickly gave a shake of her head. "Its not that you're a bad guy. I just don't like the things that you do."

"I can't change who I am, baby." He said with a sigh. He couldn't change who he was because he didn't want to change. He didn't want to leave the Pack--his only family. He didn't think he was doing anything particularly wrong by staying with them. He had killed and injured people before, but only when he thought it was absolutely necessary. There had never been any malicious intent in his mind.

If God was as benevolent as people claimed, Sehun thought that He would understand that.

"Anyway, if you don't like what I do...why are you still here?" The words were unaccusing. In them was only curiosity. 

"Miran." She admitted. "I was ready to leave that night I found out about you. But she told me that you were not bad people, even despite what you do. So I thought you did deserve a chance to prove that. But...I just didn't know how to approach you."

Bless Miran, he thought to himself.


"Duizhang, what's the deal with that jewelry businessman who married that Russian girl?" Tao asked Yifan one day out of curiosity, referring to Fu Jian and his wife Iva. He knew that Jian had married her for the money, and that he didn't love her. But he was just letting her waste away in a big mansion where she was a prisoner. 

The only two who knew the details of the plan for the time being were Jian and Yifan.

He heaved a sigh, guessing what had happened between his friend and the foreign girl. "You fell in love with her, didn't you?"

Tao went nervous in an instant, but he tried to deny his feelings at all cost. "No, duizhang. I just feel bad for her, that's all. She never gets to go out and she looks like she's given up on life." The description reminded them of when Hani had been forced to live in China with Yifan. She wasn't allowed to go out, and because of that she preferred to stay in her room all day and didn't want to see anyone other than her cousin Hyuna.

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