t h i r t e e n

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$ t h i r t e e n $

"I have to think about this, Mitski. I don't want to lead you on." Yifan told her, already mulling over the proposal she had made. It hadn't been an outright proposal, but it was a suggestion she had subtly put out there. 

She forced a small smile onto her face. "Think about it, Fan. You have to learn to let that girl go."

Mitsuki wasn't sure if Yifan even loved Hani the way he said he did. She suspected that it was more like an obsession that he had. He wanted Hani, and he couldn't have her, so he wanted her that much more. Added was the fact that he resented his former best friend and having Hani would hurt Junmyeon. She saw it in the way he treated Hani. That wasn't love. He was merely clinging to her, and calling it love.

"I need some fresh air." He said, getting up from his place at the bed by her side.

He walked towards the door and was stopped by her soft voice. "I'll leave the door unlocked in case you want to sleep here again."

Yifan nodded thankfully and walked out into the hallway, taking a random direction. He walked to the end of the hall, until he reached the last room. That was the area where no one was sleeping in. All of the rooms were supposed to be empty. He heard noises inside and became curious, grabbing the doorknob and pushing the door open.

When he opened the door, he was met with a young woman around his age. She was brushing her long jet black hair out in front of a mirror. He watched her with confusion and his eyes narrowed at her. Is that my shirt? He wondered to himself. But he was startled out of his thoughts by her screaming, as she had been startled when he opened the door. He didn't know who she was. He hadn't seen her at breakfast. Then again, he didn't know who had been there since he had been too busy scowling at Junmyeon.

"Who are you?" She asked him, eyes peeled in fear. She was now using her hairbrush as something of a weapon, threatening him to stay back.

"This is my house." He replied, still confused as to who she was. "Who are you?"

She seemed to relax a bit as she heard his words. She had heard from Jongdae that his leader was a good person who would be thrilled to have her join the family. "You must be duizhang. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Sky Blue--well, that's my stage name. But its all you need to know for now."

Yifan eyed her with curiosity. "And why are you here, Sky Blue?"

"I'm a friend of Mariel and Jongdae. its really nice to meet you, diuzhang." She replied in a pur, getting up from her chair at the vanity mirror and walking in his direction, offering her hand to shake.

Yifan gulped, as he couldn't help but look at her curves underneath his button down shirt. 

Not only did he think she was beautiful, but she thought he was handsome as well.


"You have to do something niban." Seyoung pleaded to the second in command with worry.

They hadn't seen their leader Shin since Mitsuki had left the house. He had spent the last three days locked up in his room, crying over her. The house had been swept through by the cleaning staff, any of her photographs and her belongings were discarded. Shin had given the order to have her clothes and belongings donates to the church.

None of her pictures were left in the house. The only remaining physical picture of her was in Takuya's wallet. A small photograph of him and his sister with smiling faces, when they were younger and didn't have to worry about most things. Shin had pictures of her as well--on his phone, and fhe wouldn't admit it, but while locked up in his room, he cried to pictures of her. Pictures of them together. It was hard to delete them and he couldn't bring himself to do it. He loved Mitsuki, and even though he had been the one to banish her from the house and his pack, he still hoped that she would return to him.

Takuya heaved a sigh and gave a shrug of his shoulders. "What can I do? He doesn't want to see anyone."

"You're his best friend, that must count for something." Seyoung pointed out.

"Yeah." Takuya nodded in agreement, looking towards Shin's bedroom door. Both were standing out in the hallway, listening to his sobs which he tried to keep at a low volume. "But I'm also Mistuki's brother. He won't want to talk to me, and if he talks bad about her, I won't be able to bite my tongue."

"We need a leader." Seyoung urged. "And he can't seem to function without Mitsuki."

Without Shin's leadership, their pack was stagnant. They didn't know what to do or how to continue. They were getting nothing done since their leader had decided to wallow in his own sadness, after he himself had let her go.

"I'll lead in his place, for now." Takuya sighed. Though it wasn't like he and Shin didn't make most of the important decisions together. His leader was always good about asking for a second opinion, taking into consideration the needs of the rest of the group. "And I'll try to get in contact with my sister. I know he says he doesn't want to see her. But that's far from the truth. He loves Mitsuki, and she cares about him too."


Jin had arranged to have a professor from the University's psychology department come to their house and give Jagi private lessons in the classes she was missing for her degree. They would study every day for three hours in the living room before Jagi would return to her room. She wasn't allowed to go out anymore and she felt miserable. She had even tried shooting her professor signals, trying to tell him that she was being kept there against her will. But he never picked up any of her words through fake coughs. 

On that day, things were different. She returned to her bedroom to find it completely empty. Jimin was in there, with a proud smile on his face. "Surprise baby." He told her, cutting the distance between them and pulling her into a hug.

"What's going on, Jimin?" She asked him with confusion.

There was some passive aggressiveness in his tone as he replied to her. "You were taking just a little too long to decide, so I decided for you. I moved all of your things back into our room. Isn't that great, baby?" He asked, though he wasn't seeking for an answer. 

Jagi was instantly filled with annoyance at him. "You can't just decide that without asking me first!"

"Its done." Jimin informed her, and then added, as though it would help the situation. "Plus, your brother thought it would be a good idea."

"Bring my things back to my room, Jimin." She said as he let go of her.

The smile that had been on his face quickly dropped. "Hyejin, I'm really trying to save our relationship here, and all you do is reject me. Why won't you just give me a chance to prove that I love you. Maybe you would love me again too if you gave me a chance."

She gave a firm shake of her head. "I'm sorry, Jimin. I know it wasn't your fault that things happened like this. But I'm in love with Soo now. The best thing for you to do would be to move on and find someone else. Stop clinging to a relationship that won't go anywhere anymore." She placed a hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off with bitterness. "Please bring my things back to my room." She said, and then walked down the hall to find Kyungsoo.


so we finally have yifan interacting with sky for the first time. also, we have shin missing his mitsuki so much that he doesn't know how to proceed with his life. last, we have jagi back in the mix. she has decided that she still wants to divorce jimin, even though jimin refuses to let her go.

why are all the men in this story so stubborn? i don't know. it just turned out that way, it wasn't really planned. but i think it makes for a more dramatic story.

anyway, thank you all loads for reading and supporting me. it means the entire world.


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