f i f t e e n

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$ f i f t e e n $

The next morning, Yifan was more caught up in his own inner turmoil to remember that he had wanted Junmyeon out of his house. He got out of bed, and went to the only two people in the house who knew Sky--Mariel and Jongdae. He knocked on their door, hoping to get some information about the woman who was staying in one of the guest rooms.

Since it was still early, it took them a while to answer the door. Jongdae was the one to open it, dressed in only his boxers, and a sleepy expression on his face. "Morning duizhang." He muttered a greeting, his hands wiping the sleep from his tired eyes. Mariel was also still in bed with the covers wrapped around herself. "What brings you here?" Whatever it was that his leader needed, Jongdae wanted it solved so that he could get back to sleep. He hadn't had much of it the previous night.

"I was just wondering..." Yifan began, but paused nervously. He debated with himself whether to ask or not because he didn't want to sound like a creep--going to someone else for an answer to his question, rather than going to Sky Blue herself. "Do you happen to know what Sky Blue's real name is?"  He asked. 

Jongdae thought about it, and came to the conclusion that he didn't know. All he knew about her was that she was a dancer at The End of the Night, and that her stage name was Sky Blue. That was where his knowledge of her ended. He gave a shake of his head. "I don't know what her real name is duizhang. Sorry." Gesturing to the sleeping mess sleeping soundly on his bed, he offered. "Mariel might know though. I can wake her and ask her."

Yifan gave a nod of his head, not even the slightest bit regretful of the fact that Jongdae was going to wake Mariel. But Jongdae didn't mind. He still had plans for them in that bedroom. He walked back to his bed and placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking her awake. Mariel stirred in her sleep, swatting his hand away, before her eyes slowly opened and she blinked back against the daylight coming in through the window. "Baby..." He called softly to her. "Duizhang has a question for you. He's wondering if you know what Sky's real name is."

Mariel shrunk under the covers and murmured a sleepy reply. "All I know about her real name is that Sky Blue is her name, but translated into English."

With a playful smile, Jongdae pushed the covers aside and kissed Mariel on the lips before returning to his leader who was still waiting by the door. "Maybe you should ask her yourself, duizhang." He suggested.

Yifan only nodded, but had the thought present in his mind that he probably needed to earn her trust first.


"When are we going home, alpha?" Baekhyun whined when he finally got to see Junmyeon after breakfast. For the time being--even though Jongdae strongly protested--it had been decided that the two packs would have their meals separately. That was to avoid conflict between the two leaders--or to avoid Yifan from starting any conflict. Yifan had been on board with the idea of the packs having their meals apart from each other because he wanted to avoid being put in a bad mood, especially now that he was currently feeling in a not-so-bad mood.

Like a child, he had tugged on Junmyeon's arm to get his attention. Junmyeon had been sitting with Hani at breakfast--something that had surprised everyone once more. There was no Yifan calling for her to sit with him, and the Wolves saw it as a good sign that maybe he was ready to let her go.

Junmyeon turned to his beta like a mother tending to her child. "Relax Light. We've only been here two days." He said. And two days that felt like an eternity to his second in command felt like two seconds to the alpha of the Pack.

"Two days too fucking long if you ask me." Baekhyun pouted.

He had been in an irritable mood since he had been kicked out of Jongdae's room. Since he couldn't find an unoccupied room to sleep in, he had been sleeping on a stone bench in a vast rose garden that almost looked like a maze. He was tired, and sore, and he felt like he was coming down with something after sleeping outside in the cold.

Still, the leader found some humor in his friend's sour mood. "You wanna sleep between me and Hani tonight? Would that make you feel better?"

Baekhyun wanted to roll his eyes, but found himseld cracking a hint of a smile. When Junmyeon and Hani were together, Baekhyun was the one who often made jokes about how they were the Pack's parents. Now Junmyeon was the one following along with the joke.

The beta only scoffed with his response. "I know you want to stay longer to convince duizhang to let Hani go back to Korea with us. But its been two long days without Miran, and phone sex just isn't cutting it for me."


Yifan stopped Sky in the hall after breakfast, his curiosity having gotten the best of him. Mitsuki hadn't joined them and Jongdae arranged for the service to get her food to her bedroom. According to what she had told Jongdae, she had been on the phone with her brother all morning and he wanted her to come back to Japan. But she didn't know if she was ready to return.

For one, it had been her husband who banned her from their home. And for another thing, she knew their relationship was damaged after she admitted to him that she still had feelings for Yifan.

But leaving had been his decision, not hers. 

She loved Shin, though not as much as she loved Yifan, and never meant to hurt his feelings. She would have stayed with him, had he wanted her to. But he had let her go so easily, without even trying to fight for her and their marriage. She couldn't entirely blame him. She could imagine exactly the hurt that he was feeling. It was like an endless chain of one sided love. Yifan loved Hani, she didn't love him back. Mitsuki loved Yifan, he didn't love her back. Shin loved Mitsuki, and she didn't love him back.

The leader of the Coven decided that he would go talk to Mitsuki, and find out what was wrong. Just because he didn't love her didn't mean that he didn't want to be her friend. But first, he had resolved to talk to Sky.

"Hey Sky." He called her name to get her attention. 

She stopped on her path and he jogged up to reach her, a smile formed on her lips and she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Yes, duizhang." She greeted him with a polite bow of her head.

"I know you said all I needed to know for the time being is that your stage name is Sky Blue." He told her, prying more than he should have. But she was so beautiful and mysterious that he felt compelled to learn more about her. Even her most menial habits, he wanted to learn them all. "But I'm curious, and I want to know your real name. I swear I've never been this fucking nosey in my life. But I want to know the name you want to go by now that you'll be starting a new life."

"Hm." She smiled at him, thinking of an idea. She tapped on her chin with her index finger. "What if we play a game? Take three guesses, and after every three wrong guesses, your punishment is that you have to tell me something about yourself."

Yifan didn't think there was anything difficult about her request.

He quickly nodded in agreement. "Deal."

And the two shook on it.


another little update for this story. thank you all so much for reading. also, i might start introducing some lover interests for the bts / cross gene boys soon. but they will be just vaguely mentioned, since this is an exo story. if you all have any suggestions for names/face claims, personality and background ideas, i would welcome them.

i mean, if you all want to be in the story. let me know. i will write you in.

i just need a description of you both physically and personality-wise. and your face claim, and name of course. 

thank you for reading.


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