t w e n t y f o u r

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$ t w e n t y f o u r $

Junmyeon was visibly surprised and disappointed by Taeyong's request to leave the pack because it made him think that maybe the younger boys weren't happy. Still, he tried to be understanding about it and forced a small smile onto his lips. "What has made you boys decide that?" He asked, not in a demanding or even an accusing matter. He was merely trying to understand what their reasons were for leaving. If it was something within his grasp, he could try to fix it and ask them to stay.

"Its not that we're leaving because we don't love you." Taeyong assured him with a sigh. "We just think its time to branch out and start our own organization." Without directly saying it, he had explained what their concern was. They were getting older--Taeyong would soon be twenty two in the upcoming months, and though he was his Pack's leader, he had no real authority to actually lead them. It was all make-believe because no matter what, they responded and obeyed Junmyeon and the older boys. He had heard the stories of the older boys and he knew that by twenty years old Junmyeon had already built his empire with his best friend. By twenty two, the Pack was the most powerful gang in Korea.

Technically speaking, Taeyong was Junmyeon's heir, per say. 

He would take over once Junmyeon couldn't, only it was much more complicated than that. For Taeyong to become the leader of the Pack, he would need for all six original members to be incapable. He was seventh in line--after Junmyeon, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Sehun. He didn't want to hope for something to happen to them, so he and the other boys thought to take their leave while things were still peaceful between them.

Junmyeon once again gave a nod of his head. Remembering in his hurt how he had done the same thing to Jinki and his pack. He had sat him down one day and explained that he wanted to separate from the Jackals. He wanted to start his own organization. Jinki had been understanding and supportive of him, and Junmyeon resolved to be supportive of his younger brother as well. 

"If that will make you happy." Junmyeon said with a small smile. "You have my support."

Taeyong's lips formed into a wide grin. "Thank you hyung."

"I want to help you." Junmyeon continued with a sigh. His voice was filled with honesty as he spoke. "But right now I have nothing to offer you. All I can do for you now is to give my permission for you boys to separate from the group."

"There's always the badlands..." Taeyong said suggestively.

Junmyeon had completely forgotten about that strip of land altogether. It was a series of old warehouses in the outskirts of town that had no real value to the Pack, and no other gangs fought them over it because they didn't know it existed. They had once been a booming furniture district in the fifties, but had long since been left behind to rot. It was the main area that had been assigned to the younger Pack before they joined the older boys and it was meant for them to practice and learn the business since they hardly had any problems encountered there.

The younger of the two leaders continued, "You could use that to start rebuilding. My brothers and I will help you. Once you have recovered, we can officially leave."

"That's not necessary, Tae. My pack and I will manage well." Junmyeon said with a shake of his head, his words without accusation. "Keep those lands as a present from us, to help you get started. I will ask Minho for help in getting you a house to live in."

"You don't have to, hyung." Taeyong said, refusing with a shake of his head.

But Junmyeon insisted. "I want to help you. You're my younger brother, and it wouldn't seem that way, but we appreciate you and the younger boys too. Just make sure that whenever you can, help someone out. Just because we're in a gang doesn't mean we're bad guys, you know."

Taeyong gave a shake of his head, keeping that lesson in mind. Help people whenever you can. Just because we're in a gang doesn't mean we're bad guys.


Kyungsoo stayed by Jagi's side all through the night, never leaving her side, and no one tried to tell him otherwise. Her injuries had been treated and she had been given sedatives with pain medication to keep her from feeling any pain. Other than a few bruised ribs from when he hit her in the gut, she was okay and it was only minor damage that looked worse than it really was. The doctor assured them that she would easily heal within a few weeks, and that was from the worst of her injuries. The others would take a few days to a couple of weeks to get better.

Jimin had gone to see her for a few minutes after the doctor left the house, but seeing Kyungsoo there with her tore at his heart. He left almost immediately as soon as he had entered the room. It was painful, but he had to understand that the woman he saw now was not the same anymore. She was no longer Hyejin, she was just Jagi. And she didn't love him anymore. She was in love with Kyungsoo. Jin had been there to visit his sister as well, but none of the Coyotes members had done anything to remove the electric shock collar from around Kyungsoo's neck.

Which was just as well, since the only thing stopping the Pack's assassin from killing Kim Namjoon with his bare hands was exactly that--the collar.

Jagi regained consciousness at dawn, by which time Kyungsoo was sat on the ground by her bed, holding her hand in his. His head was rested on the side of the bed as he slept soundly. Jagi tried to sit up but winced as she felt a soreness in her body. It wasn't exactly pain, since it was being dulled by the pain killers, but it wasn't comfortable either. 

Kyungsoo stirred awake when he felt her movement, sighing as he lifted his head urgently to look up at her. "Jagi, I was so worried about you." He called her name as he got back on his feet. In the still darkness of the room he tried to inspect for other wounds that might be causing her any pain. His hands touched ever so lightly down her arms. She stopped him, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards her. She ignored the soreness in her body as his body collided with her and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight.

"Please tell me we're finally free, Soo." She begged in a voice barely above a whisper. Kyungsoo sat back as she pulled away from him, back on his haunches and being careful not to hurt her in the small space of her bed. Her hands searched for his face in the dark and held him desperately, waiting for her answer.

After her fight with Namjoon, she had immediately blacked out and remembered nothing more of what happened after. She didn't even know how she had gotten back to her bedroom. Jagi didn't want her sacrifice to have been for nothing. But she trusted her brother, and she trusted that he loved her enough to help her.

Kyungsoo took his opportunity, all his feelings of worry, relief, and happiness rolled into one. He leaned in until their lips collided, coming together in a fiery kiss. He paused for a brief instant, just long enough to say the words back to her. "Baby, we're finally free."


i feel like i haven't updated this story in ages, even though its only been about two days. but i've been working a bit harder on my blog because i want it to thrive, and actualy it hasn't been doing too bad. 200+ followers and about 2.5K views in about three months.

that's considering im really bad at getting my requests finished.

anyway, thank you all loads for reading and supporrting. it means a lot to me. i hope you're all having a wonderful week!


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