s i x t y o n e

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$ s i x t y o n e $

Silver had been able to convince Hella for the time being that she was one hundred percent committed to the organization and that she wasn't a cop. "Fire said you were a cop, and I trust him. He's annoying and he thinks he's gonna make me fall for him, but I do know that he's legit and he wouldn't lie to me." She explained. She hadn't really known Chanyeol for a long time, but she had learned that though he was cocky and annoying, he really wasn't the type to lie. If he knew something, he would tell Hella the truth. And he claimed to know that Silver was a cop. He just had no proof to support his claims.

The undercover police officer shook her head quickly, keeping her nerves at bay. At the police academy, she had not only learned strength training, but she had learned techniques to fool people. She was able to lie convincingly and without a second thought.

It was the reason why Hella hadn't gotten her taken care of yet. She trusted Chanyeol, but she also thought that he could just as easily have been mistaken. And knowing that both the Wolves and the Coven were back in Korea to rebuild their drug and money empire, she set a difficult task upon her newest recruit. 

"Go to their casino and get a job as a waitress. Get me any information you can about their operations and how they're planning to rebuild." Hella explained and Silver could only nod obediently. She knew how things in gangs worked. They always had to do what the leader wanted, especially when they were in the leader's good favor like Silver was. Hella liked her, and Silver didn't want all of that to go to waste. But she would need to be careful.

Chanyeol already knew her and would no doubt question her presence at the casino. She also thought about Yixing--a part of her was anxious and excited to be seeing him again. It had been so long and she always regretted not trying harder to get him to stay. She could have easily gotten him a new identity and could have spared him whatever pain he suffered when he was in Japan. But he was too loyal and would not abandon his family. In some way, Silver admired that about him. 

Now she found herself at the casino on a weeknight. She had gotten in as one of the waitresses who mostly went around offering glasses of wine to the customers. She didn't see Yixing or any of the Coven members through the hiring process, which was a relief to her. They had people who hired the service for them and she had been hired on the spot because she was pretty enough. Silver remembered with disgust how she had to flatter the middle aged man in the hiring department to get her position at the casino. She felt it degrading, especially when she had worked so hard at the police department to undo such inequalities.

There she was in a tight little black dress with a silver platter balanced in one hand, shot glasses scattered over the small space on it. Her long dark hair was pulled back into a half updo and her lips were tinted with a deep red, which was standard for all the service waitresses both in the lobby and on the game floor.

She had been trying to sneak into secret hallways, to listen in on anything that could be important when she felt someone grab her upper arm. He turned her around, startling her, and she almost dropped her tray of drinks in the process. But her reflexes helped her balance the tray back in her hand. "What are you doing here, fucking cop?" He asked her through gritted teeth.

It was Chanyeol from the Wolves, Hella's friend.

Last time he saw Hella, he thought she would have gotten rid of the rat problem by now. "I don't know what you're talking about." Silver replied in a whisper, trying to wrench her arm out of his grip. But he was stronger than her, even with all her police academy training. The gangs trained their members as well.

"Stay away from Hella. If you so much as hurt one hair on her head, I will fucking kill you." He warned her, a deadly threat to his words. If Hella could see him now, Silver thought to himself. This was a long way from the cheerful and childlike boy she was used to seeing.

"You stay away from her." Silver shot back, not wavering in the slightest. "Wake up. You're in rival gangs. She'll never go out with you."

"What's happening here?" Another voice joined them.

Both turned to see Yixing standing in the hallway, just a few feet from them. He looked from his brother to Silver in confusion. He took some steps towards them and grabbed Chanyeol's hand, prying his fingers off her arm. 

"That's not how we treat women, Fire." He scolded.

Chanyeol bowed his head in apology. But the apology was towards his hyung, not Silver. "Sorry hyung."

Satisfied with the apology, Yixing turned to silver and a smile formed on his lips, exposing his dimple. "I feel like its been years since I last saw you."


Baekhyun had been planning it since he found out about Miran being locked up in that mental hospital, per request of her parents. But he didn't tell anyone of his plans, not even Miran. He knew she wouldn't approve, but he had to do it. He felt compelled to. No one could hurt the woman he loved and continue living. He wouldn't let them get away with it.

While everyone went to their daily tasks, he left the casino, claiming to have some errands to run. Miran offered to accompany him, but he assured her that he would be back quickly. She had been more often clinging to him since their reconciliation, not that he minded in the slightest. He wanted nothing more than to spend every moment with his Miran. But this was something he needed to do alone

He drove to the house that was by now slightly familiar to him and climbed out of his car, leaving it parked in on the curb in front of the house. He walked up the small path that led up to the house slowly, his gun easily tucked away beneath his shirt. He slowly drew it out and used the handle of the gun to knock harshly on the front door. For about a minute, there was no sound. But then he heard footsteps, and soon the door opened. Baekhyun had chosen a time of day when they would all be there. 

Morning, just before anyone could leave for school or work.

He was met with the fear stricken eyes of Mrs. Nam who tried to slam the door in his face, but he wedged his foot in the door and forced his way in. He didn't hesitate, didn't even wait for her to attempt to save herself. He just cocked his gun, held it to her forehead and pulled the trigger. There was no remorse for them in his heart. Her crimson blood splattered a bit onto his clothes and her now limp body fell back onto the floor.

At the sound of the gunshot, her husband rushed into the living room. He was horrified to see the lifeless body of his wife on the ground by the entrance. It was like Baekhyun wasn't himself anymore. He stepped over her and marched right up to Mr. Nam who now held his hands up in self-defense, trying to weasel his way out of death with another deal.

"Wait. My daughter Yoona is sixteen, and she's really pretty. Prettier than Miran even." He started through nervous and shaking words. "Why don't you take her with you and we call it even?" 

But Baekhyuh gave a shake of his head. "The only thing that will make us even is this."

He quickly cocked his gun and pulled back the trigger.


i havent updated this in ages guys. and i apologize for that. honestly work has gotten really busy and stressful, so i dont have time to do anything pracitcxlaly. and when i do, i mostly just sit around my house resting and watching king of the hill.

lately im just way too tired to even pretend like i can write a decent story. i hope you can all understand me. bear with me. i love you.


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