t w e n t y t w o

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$ t w e n t y t w o $

Everyone had been called in for the Pack meeting, including the younger Pack and the members of the Jackals, even though their vote and their opinion was not required in order to make a final decision. Junmyeon only wanted them there in case there was a need for tie breaking votes which could help one side or the other--not that he thought anyone would even oppose to them removing the infamous only alphas can have kids rule from their list of rules to follow.

They had all gathered in the living room area, all of them piling in and taking every available seat until there were a few people standing. Junmyeon was one of them and he stood at the front of the room. Though he didn't want to, he had woken Hani up because he wanted to count her vote as well. There were side conversations going on between the other members. The younger Pack had all sat together and their leader Taeyong appeared to have something on his mind, but Junmyeon would have to talk to him later. 

Clearing his throat to get their attention, he began to speak. "Everyone who is a part of my Pack has read the rules and most of you even agreed to sign them." He looked at Baekhyun, who was the main reason they were getting rid of one certain rule. Some of the other boys nodded their heads, remembering reading the old document and signing it as their promise that they would obey all the rules. The signature also was a reminder that anyone who didn't follow the rules was to be punished. 

He had paused for a brief instant, but soon continued. "Those rules are unfair to our members, but especially to our female members." Now he looked towards Hani, who had never said anything about it, but had shown a clear dislike for the rule that was made obvious when she refused to sign the rules. "I don't want to be the one to stop our brothers and sisters from starting a family. I want to be an uncle one day, just as bad as I want to be a father. So I would like to take a vote because I like to do things fairly." He looked around the room at everyone present. There were the other eight members of his Pack and Darleen, there were the six members of the younger Pack, and the five members of the Jackals. "Anyone who agrees that we should remove rule number nine--only alphas can have children--please raise your hand."

It didn't even take a second before everyone in the room responded.

Junmyeon smiled, proud of his Pack, when he saw that no one had opposed. They had all raised their hands.

Quickly rising from his seat, Baekhyun went to Junmyeon's side and leaned his arm on his alpha's shoulder. There was a wide smile on his face and an expression full of relief. Now he could freely tell everyone the good news. "Since we all agree that we can all pop out babies if we want, I want to announce that Miran and I are having a little Byun."

"I hope the baby takes after Miran. Just one of Baekhyun is enough." Chanyeol bantered.

Baekhyun shot him a playful glare.

Instead of responding to him, he looked towards Jongin and Jiyeon, shooting them a thumbs up and a wink. "Hear that, Kai? You and Blitz can have a bunch of babies too, if you want."


Neither Namjoon nor Jagi had backed out of the fight, and it was scheduled for that very same night. Most of the members of the Coyotes pleaded with their leader not to fight her. All to no avail. 

Just as the fight was about to start. Namjoon sent for Kyungsoo. The former member of the Pack had been in his room wondering what Jagi's plan was, since she had refused to give him the details. But he knew the reason he was being summoned right then had everything to do with her. Both Hoseok and Yoongi grabbed his arms as they led him out to the back yard and Kyungsoo felt his heart drop when he saw a circle drawn in the dirt. 

By Jagi were Jimin and her brother Jin, trying to talk her out of it. By Namjoon were the two maknaes, trying to talk him out of it as well. But neither of them would budge. 

When the leader saw Kyungsoo arrive, he announced to the other boys. "Now we can get started."

The rules for a battle within a Pack were always about the same. Hoseok had left Yoongi to hold Kyungsoo back while he stepped forward to explain the rules. All the while the Wolves' assassin struggled in the other assassin's grip, he begged and pleaded for his Jagi to stop what she was doing. But she wouldn't listen to him. Namjoon had also instructed for the maknaes to hold Jin back, and they obeyed with some hesitation. As Hoseok gave the signal for them to begin, Jagi braced herself for his attack.

He had no mercy and jabbed her in the stomach, quickly making her double over in pain. She felt like her insides were going to fall out of her body. The moment he hit her, Kyungsoo began struggling harder in his hold, as did Jin. Jagi tried to fight back weakly, but he was much stronger than her and overpowered her without so much as a sweat.

Within about five minutes, she was a bloody mess on the ground. All of them watched, wanting to jump to her aid, but they couldn't because of their rules. The only one who had the courage to speak up had been Hoseok--other than Kyungsoo and Seokjin--who stopped the fight out of pity for her. "You won, alpha." He said in a small voice. "You can stop now." The second sentence had been more of a plea. 

Namjoon sighed with satisfaction. "I guess she learned her lesson." He leaned down next to her battered body and told her in a teasing tone. "At least now you can join your Soo in the slave cell."

Seokjin was released by the two younger boys, each of them giving him apologetic looks. His eyes darkened in uncontrollable anger and his hands balled up into fists. "She's my sister Joon. You didn't have to do that." Kyungsoo was still being held back by Yoongi, out of worry that he might try to do something to their leader.

The leader replied with a shrug of his shoulders. He wasn't the least bit apologetic about what he had done. "We might be best friends, Jin. But I don't play favorites when it comes to the pack."

"I challenge you, Namjoon." Jin said through gritted teeth.

Namjoon's eyes widened slightly in surprise. His beta had never challenged him about anything before. 

"You'll never beat me, Jin." Namjoon said in amusement when he recovered from his surprise. "You don't know how to fight."

But Jagi had been right. He just needed a little extra push.


what the fuck did i just write? okay, so im a very traditional mexican and hitting a woman is a huge no no in my culture. i mean, in every culture probably. i mean, there's even a saying about it. "a una mujer no se le debe tocar ni con el petalo de una rosa." (you shouldn't touch (hit) a woman, even with the petal of a rose." 

like its a really serious matter. so it was interesting to write this. 

and so jin really did need a little extra push to be able to get himself to fight his alpha. lets hope he wins. he might get his ass kicked like jagi. who knows? (i do, lol).

thank you for reading. have a wonderful day!


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