t h i r t y f o u r

596 51 31

$ t h i r t y f o u r $

His hand balled up into a fist, and he gripped the material of his hyung's shirt tightly. His dark eyes pooled up with angered tears and his upper lip curled into a snarl as he demanded. "Why the hell did you keep this from me, hyung? In what fucking world did you think this would be a good idea?" 

"I didn't want you to wait on her if she wasn't going to wake up. It wasn't going to be fair to you." Minho explained, not even trying to stop Baekhyun.

"Do you know how much I cried over her?" Baekhyun asked him. But Minho and the other boys had seen it. He had been a wreck when he lost Minha and it had taken him a long time to recover from her loss. "For over two years I was leaving flowers at an empty grave while you fucking watched and stayed quiet. If you would have told me that she was alive, things would be different now. You did this to us, you fucked us all over." He'd have never allowed himself to fall in love with Miran. He would have kept his distance and remain faithful to his wife. Miran would have probably ended up with one of his brothers. The thought of her with someone else made his heart ache because he loved her.

Minho bit down on his lip. "I'm not asking you to stay by her side, Light. All I'm asking is for you to pretend for a little while. She still thinks everything is the same. Her feelings for you are the same as they were three years ago. I want to ease into telling her that things have changed."

Baekhyun ran a hand through his hair in frustration. It was a request he didn't want to fulfill, if even for Minha's sake who wasn't the one at fault for what had happened. "I can't do that. I can't let her think that I still love her when I don't." He gave a shake of his head.

"She needs you, Light." Minho pleaded. 

"You should have thought about that before you let me believe she was dead." Baekhyun said. He quickly added, "Now take me to my son. I want to meet him." He made yet another demand. Minho had asked him to wait until morning, but the pack's beta couldn't wait any longer. He had already missed so many things--two years worth of them. He wasn't willing to miss a single moment more. He texted Miran, letting her know that he had some errands to run with Minho, and the two were on their way to Minho's house.


They arrived about a half hour later and Minho opened the door to a darkened house quietly. His wife was already fast asleep, and the baby was in his room, sleeping as well. They walked across the living room to the stairs that went up to the bedrooms. At the top of the stairs, they were met with Sunjoo who held a gun in her hands. She didn't like the kind of life her husband had. But she still let him teach her how to defend herself in case of an attack.

Both men raised their arms up her husband called to her slowly. "Sunjoo, its just me."

She instantly relaxed and dropped her arms at her sides. He walked over and kissed her on the lips, taking the gun from her hands and stuffing it under the waistband of his jeans. "You didn't tell me we'd have a guest over so soon." She informed him, eyeing Baekhyun with suspicion. "He must be Light." She finally guessed, since her husband said he would talk to him.

Minho said nothing and they walked past her. She thought they would go into Minha's room first, but instead, they went to see the baby. The child was in his cradle, sleeping peacefully, and Baekhyun felt his breath hitch in his throat. It was a little person who was just as much a part of him as it was Minha. His hand reached out to touch him, as though to make sure he was real, but Minho stopped him.

"You'll wake him." He warned.

Sunjoo watched them from the doorway. Baekhyun ignored his words and picked the child up in his arms. The little boy was shaken out of his sleep, but almost instantly closed his eyes again when Baekhyun held him in his arms. He had always wanted to have a child of his own, and he had always regretted not being able to save Minha. Now he had both of them. But things were different now. 

"I'll come back to see Minha in the morning." He whispered to his brother in law. Minho stuck his arms out to take the child from him, and Baekhyun shot him a look. He had also moved the child out of his reach, taking a step back away from him. "What are you doing?"

"I'm putting him back to sleep, in his bed." Minho said.

The pack's beta gave a shake of his head, refusing to give the little boy back to him. "Fuck you Minho hyung. He's my son. I'm taking him home with me."

"You can't take him. This is where his mother lives--this is where he lives." Sunjoo protested, planting herself at the doorway to prevent him from leaving.

Baekhyun was quick to shoot her a glare. He didn't know Sunjoo, but he thought that she had no right to forbid him leaving the house with his son. "Who's gonna fucking stop me from taking him? Minha can't take care of him right now, and this little boy has a father. I couldn't take care of him before because you two kept him from me."

Before he could even take a step towards the door, Sunjoo made a rash decision. She hurried towards her husband and lifted up his shirt, grabbing the gun that was concealed there and immediately pointing it at Baekhyun without a second thought. She quickly threatened him, "Put him back in his crib and let him sleep in peace. You can visit him whenever you want, but he's staying with us. I don't want him growing up around criminals like you." Her words were brave and determined, yet her hands shook with the gun in them.

Baekhyun gave a sarcastic laugh and pulled his gun out in a second, holding the baby in one arm while pointing his gun at her with the other. "Yeoja, your hands are shaking." He pointed out teasingly. Eyes darkening, he told her in a menacing tone. "You can't even imagine how many stupid people have tried to scare me and died for it. I could kill you right now, and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it. No one threatens the Wolves and gets away with it." Baekhyun was rarely seen that angry, but he couldn't stand by while Sunjoo took his son from him. 

Minho stepped into the line of fire, being the peacekeeper. 

"Both of you, put the gun down." He said slowly.

"He's trying to take him from us." Sunjoo said through a shaking voice, trying to defend what she was doing. She had been on board with letting them know they had a son, but she didn't imagine that the baby's father would want to take him from them. "Yunkyum won't be happy with him. He knows nothing about the baby."

"And whose fault was that?" Baekhyun accused, venom seeping through his words.

Minho heaved a sigh. He took a step towards her and placed his hand in front of the gun, lowering it slowly until he was able to take it from her hands. "I don't want him to take the baby either. But he's his son. There's nothing we can do."

"I'll bring him in the morning so Minha can see him." Baekhyun assured them with a sigh. He wasn't doing it for them. He was only willing to bring the baby back to that house for Minha's sake. She still hadn't met Yunkyum yet and she had every right to spend time with her son.

Minho had to hold his wife back while Baekhyun walked past them and left the room. Her cries had done enough to wake the baby and Baekhyun cradled the crying child in his arms until Minho went out to the car to meet them. The two of them were completely silent on the way back home.

And Baekhyun didn't know exactly how he'd explain things to Miran.


question of the day: do you all think it was okay for baekhyun to just go in there and take the child like that?

here is my honest answer: i think he was right to take the baby. its his baby after all and minho kept him away from seeing that baby grow and develop for two years. but at the same time, i feel like a big change like that must be difficult for a child.

also, a little random thought: each time i type minho or minha's name in this story, my brain reads it as the portuguese word for "mine". its pronounced different from korean, but minho is the portuguese word for "mine" in male form, while minha is portuguese for "mine" in female form. my brain always reads their names as <<miña>> and <<miño>>. idk. does that happen to anyone else?

i hope you're all having a great day!


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