chapter 1

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Seven years later

Rose kept turning herself from one end of the bed to the other. All she wanted was to get some sleep before morning but that was not happening anytime soon. She got up and wore her sleepers and walked to the balcony of her bedroom. She opened the window inhaling the beautiful ascent of red and white roses in her garden. She stayed there for hours until it was about morning when she felt a heavy sleep carry her away. Without wanting to waste the sleep she got back to her bed and covered herself.

"Where are you taking me to? " she asked as he pulled the car in the parking.
Sallu looked at her beautiful blue eyes falling in love with them all over again, "patients honey, "he smiled killing the engine of the car. Sallu got out of the car and as a good gentleman she knew him to be, he opened the door for her. "Do you trust me? "he asked her holding out his hand to help her get out of the car.
Rose gazed up at him seriously before answering, "no."
She heard him choke at his own saliva, "You want to mean that you... "
"It will depend on the place we are, " she stopped him placing a light kiss on his lips.
"Then trust me on this one honey. "
She thought for a while then smiled at him, "only today."
He took out a piece of black cloth from his pants and waved it at her, "since you do trust me for now, I want to fold your eyes because it's a surprise. "
"On one condition Mr. "
He smiled sensing her fears miles away, "Which is? "
"I won't fall. "
"Your wish is my Command, milady," he said folding her eyes and placing a quick kiss on her lips.

Sallu led her to the house after they had gotten out of the elevator. She breathed a new fresh air at that place making her anxious, "can you unfold my eyes now? "
"Of course, "he answered unfolding her.
She had to rub her eyes to make sure that she was not dreaming. The apartment was beautiful.
"wow! " she exclaimed "honey the house is so beautiful but, " she was turning her beautiful face to be gloomy.
Noticing it he ask, "but?"
"I can't get the amount to buy it. "

Sallu pulled her on his laps,"And who said something about you buying it? " he asked her as he got lost in those blue eyes.
"I still don't understand anything yet, " she was smiling at him.
Sallu did not know what would happen to him upon seeing that smile which always made him not to control himself.
"What I mean is that it wouldn't be a surprise if you where to buy it. "

Rose got up from his laps and walked at the four corners of the house. All her favorite colours where in there. The sitting room was big enough to have a soccer players as babies just as she remembered Sallu wanting them. The furniture was still not there apart from the the chair he sat on.
"You mean that this is our apartment? "she asked after her eyes had had enough of admiring it.
He came behind her causing electric currents on both of them, "I like the sound of 'our'"
"Mmh, "she turned away from his erection, "better start getting used to because very soon we are going to be husband and wife. "

He couldn't help it he took her lips with his and gave her a passionate kiss caressing her whole body. He was now raising her knee skirt up lowering her to the floor. Just when he was about to get it off he heard her say something . He cursed under his breath before sitting up.
She took his hands into hers, "it's just few days honey. Please bear with me. "
"Sorry, " he was hugging his head, "I was wrong to rush you. "
She smiled and said, "it's okay, on that night I would have to stop you."
He smiled at the sound of that.

Rose could not hold her joy anymore. He had bought a house for them and it was a wedding gift from him. She had asked him to pull the car down the street so she could walk.
"Are you sure you want to walk? "he asked pulling the car.
She gave him a kiss before give him 'I will be fine ' look. Without needing to argue with her he kissed her forehead as she got out of the car and walked away.

The neighborhood was very much quiet. At this point she would only thank her mum for choosing such a peaceful place. She walked slowly thinking of her future. In few days she would become Mrs Neil and the sound of that made her stomach full of butterflies. She thought of how she first met her man and how she played hard to get to the point of him giving up.

Rose could not help but smile, her life was all perfect and she had God to thank for that. Just then she noticed a car that had been following her for a while now. She was only a block away from the house so she started walking as fast as she could. Maybe this wasn't a good idea as I had thought before.

Before Rose could take another step she heard a hand grab her into the car. When she woke up, she found herself in an enclosed room and all she could hear were voices of drunk people. The room was so dark that she found it hard to make her way to the door. When she finally got hold of the knob the door was locked.

Rose sat at the floor for only those drinkers knew how long. When she was about to fall asleep after fighting it off for long she heard the door open and then close. Pushing herself further at the wall she heard a hard hand push her on the bed.

Then she heard someone jumping on the bed so had that it would have broken. Flipping her eyes open she saw the sun rays getting to her room through her window. It was morning and she had not gotten herself prepared for work. She turned and smiled at that one thing that gave her the strength of fighting in life.

"You naughty kid, "she began her head still on the pillow.
"Common mum it's getting late and I have to be in school in less than 30 minutes from now. "
Rose threw the covers away getting out of the bed. She had to prepare breakfast for her son.

"please my love get a shower and wear you uniform on your own for today as I make your breakfast ," she instructed perking him.
"Okay mum, " her son said lazily following her behind, "please mum don't burn the beacon, "he shouted at her as she ran downstairs.

Within 20 minutes breakfast was served to the young man who had a great appetite. Rose got to her bathroom and took a quick shower and wore a knee pink dress with a little make up. Running downstairs with only 5 minutes left she grabbed her handbag from a chair where she had left it last night.

"Hope you have brushed you teeth young man, "she said opening the door of her car to let him in.
The young man waited until his mum had gotten into a car, "yes mum. "
She smiled at him, "that is my boy, now fasten your sit belt. "
He did has she instructed and off the went. "I will pick you up in the evening my love, " she placed a kiss on his forehead before saying, "I love and take care. "

He waved her as she drove away.

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