chapter 7

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Rose looked at him as he stood up from his seat. She didn't understand what sort of a game life was trying to play on her. She had hopped never to set her eyes on him again and now that was not the case. She inhaled in think of him being her boss and getting instructions from him. How she wished that it was Ron she had continued to work for.

He walked to where they were standing and he could see the confusion in his friend's face. He wanted to smile at him and make an assurance that everything was okay but the fury in her face made him think twice. Rose was thinking of calling it a quit. To her she saw nothing good could come out of her and this man.

But why should I quit when my whole of six years I have dedicated to this company?

No, I wouldn't give him that pleasure of walking over me. This is not going to end without a fight unless my name is not Rose.

She turned to Ron after hearing him squeeze her arm hard.

"Can both of you explain what's happening here?" Ron looked at them one at a time.

Rose wanted to speak but she saw him open his mouth, "just a miss understanding, "he looked at her, "or I'm I wrong miss or should say Mrs. Leaving?" his tone was a mocking one.

Ron was about to laugh when he said, "actually it's in deed a miss understanding since her name is not Leaving."

Ron saw his friend turn his gaze from him to her. He was waiting for her to say something but she said nothing. The only thing that she said since she got into that office was 'you? 'then nothing else.

He turned back to Ron, "then tell me her name."

Ron smiled,"Rose, "he called her, "meet your boss, Ryan. Ryan, Rose your personal assistant."

"Nice to meet you Rose," he was starching out his hand to her.

Rose hesitated for a while before she accepted it, "nice to meet you, sir."

He kissed her hand and with that Rose pulled away from him and placed her arm back to Ron's. Ryan smiled and went back to his seat before offering them to sit.

"I must say that I have heard allot about you and trust me they are good things."

She gave him a weird look and said, "yeah I know but I have also heard allot about you and trust me they are also good things but I'm sh...... "

He cut her short, "I'm glad, just hope that we will keep our good reputation with us as we begin to work along each other."

This man will never stop amazing her. She inhaled before she said, "you can count on that,  sir."

He smiled ironically then turned back to his friend, "could you please give me a minute with her,  I need to clarify somethings with her."

Ron wanted to say something but Rose placed her hand on his to show him that she will be okay. He stood up and excused himself. No one spoke until they heard his foot steps faint to the hall way.

Rose was burning up with argue, "listen you pervert, don't think that I w........ "

"You can quit if you don't want to work with me," he had interrupted her.

"What?" she asked in disbelief.

He smiled his usual smile, "you heard me, Mrs."

Rose swallowed hard, "and why do you want me to quit?"

"It's pretty obvious that you don't like me out of the different circumstances that we met and you are not in any kinda contract."

"So that's why you want me to Quit?"

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