chapter 8

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Ryan looked at himself at the mirror one last time to make sure that he looked handsome as always. He loved the color of his eyes that eluded every woman, neither dark brown nor light blue. His stance was bold. His custom-tailored suit had clean lines, and a stark white shirt. After seeing that everything was perfect with him, he took his expensive perfume from a dresser and sprayed himself then placed it back and rubbed the back of his hands. He closed his bed room door and walked away.

Outside his big Mason he found his favourite sport car parked outside waiting for him. "You ready to go sir?" the Shaffer asked opening the door for him. Ryan knew that the question was ironical so he did not answer him. The drive was silent. The Shaffer focusing all his eyes on the road and Ryan on his own thoughts. He was thinking about the incidence that had taken place earlier between him and his secretary. All he wanted was for her to quit her job.

At first he thought of the reasons but he found none. He hated to admit it but somehow she was correct.

Don't mix business with personal issues.

The words repeated themselves on his mind as he tried to brush them away. She was arrogant, something that he was himself and she did something that not even his own parents had ever down to him and that is to challenge him. He found it funny and also annoying at the same time. Who did she think she was anyway? He was the boss, one of the the billioners  in the country and also outside and she, she was nothing, a nobody who refused free money.

Who on earth would refuse a check of 10million? He was surprised to find himself liking her. A part of him was happy that she was ready to prove to him that she is not those ladies who depend on others so as to place food on their table. But the other part was not happy at all. He remembered her futures so well that his body did some kind of magic on remembering them. Those were the same futures that made him to be slapped few days ago. Those blue eyes of hers staring direct into his eyes something that no lady ever had any guts to do that before but she, she had them.

The same guts she had challenged him with and he hoped that it would be the same guts that she would handle whatever was in stall for her. He would make sure that she will regret why she ever closed his path on the first place.
"Sir,  we are here, "his thoughts were brought back by his Shaffer who was now pulling the car at the parking lot. He waited for the door to be opened and when it finally did he said a thank you to him and walked to the entrance. At the entrance he met his best friend who looked weary of welcoming people to the party.

"His highness has finally arrived, "he was shouting so that his friend could here what he was saying. The music was so loud and Ron didn't want to repeat himself. He was tired of doing that already.
Ryan greeted his friend, "c'mon men, I'm not his highness. "
They both laughed as Ron called Diana to continue what he'd been doing.
"Here is what you are going to do, "Ron began to explain,"you will stay here and once you hear your name called out you come out. "
Ryan found himself asking, "what? " At that point he had to agree that he was beginning to sound like Rose. He remembered the way she had looked at him and asked the same question that he had asked right now when he told her to quit.

Stupid. Why are you even think about her anyway? She is arrogant and arrogant people don't get along well. In few seconds you will see her and nothing good will come out of it since we both hate each other. Wait did I just say hate?

"Are you even listening to me?"he heard his friend ask.
He looked at him, "sure thing. "
Ron smiled knowing that he heard nothing at all. His mind was miles away. "Don't worry I will stay here."
"Glad you only heard the first one because the rest you heard nothing at all. "
Ryan returned his smile, "can I have a drink as I wait in here? "
"Sure thing, "Ron said, "I will tell the waitress to bring you one."
"Okay. "

Ron walked away and at the hall way he picked a glass of wine and asked one to be taken to his friend. He walked back to his position letting Diana go back to enjoy herself. After 30 minutes or so everyone was inside the hall chatting and being patient for the party to officially begin. The music died and they all become quite.

"Ladies and gentlemen, "began the male voice at the mic and everyone turned their attention to him. Ron walked close to join the gathering. "Thank you all for coming to this special occasion. I know that most of you think that I'm looking for an attention but we are not singing Charlie Puth's song here. "
Everyone laughed at the crack of   his joke. He was funny and that's why everyone loved to have him in their parties as MCA.
"We all came here to throw a welcome back party for your boss, of course I can't say our boss since he aren't mine. As we all know he has been away for about seven years but now is back to kick you all. Without farther a do I would like to welcome him and please dejaay play for him attention as he comes on the stage, "he took in breath as everyone laugh out, "I'm saying that because he will be needing your attention as he walks in. Now welcome  Ryan Morgan. "

Ooh, mmh, you may run around the song began as Ryan walked inside. Everyone joined in sing as Ryan did some dancing styles in front of them.
"You see why I said he needs attention? "the man asked the crowd as everyone laughed and the dejaay stopped playing the music. "Welcome man, "he greeted him, "we all missed you and let me give you a chance to tell this people here that they will work hard than before and their salary will be deducted by 80 percent."

Ryan picked up the mic from the mca. Waiting everyone to be quite he got the chance to look to the crowd and see who missed the occasion. "Hey guys, "he greeted them, "first of all don't get scared coz I didn't come back to make your life a living hell at all. I come back to take care of my business........"he went on.

After he was done, Ryan walked to the crowd as he received a welcome back sir greeting from everyone. He thanked them. Finally he was where his friend was. For the past one hour he has been making a phone call but it seems that it not going through.
" me when you get this voicemail please sweetie. " He turned only to find Ryan standing behind him.
Ryan began, "she just left today and you're already worried about her. "
Ron smiled, "never heard it's wrong to ear drop at other people's conversations or privacy? "
"C'mon you are my best friend. "
Ron laughed, "it makes it even worse."
"Mhh, "he said, "with that aside the party is amazing and I must thank you for that, Ron. "
Ron put his phone back to his pants, "actually don't thank me Ryan coz I did nothing. Thank your secretary she did all this to make sure that you felt at home and I can see it worked out perfectly. "

Ryan kept quite wishing that he had not even commented anything. But he couldn't fight it, the party was good and entertaining everyone.

So apart from arrogance she has other talent. Wow! I will make sure that I plan a party and she will be the one to organize it whether she likes it or not. I like her already. Wait did I just say that? Stupid me. I'm just amused not like.

Ryan avoiding to fight with his mind anymore he asked, "by the way she is the only one that I have not seen her in the party. Why? "
"She said she had an headache, "Ron lied. He believed that it was not his business to go telling people about others life and that was not an exception for Rose at all.
"Ooh! "Ryan exclaimed, "thought it was because.... "he kept quite. If she hadn't told him anything it meant that it was between them.

What a good thinker she was. That only means that no one  will notice anything.

"Do you know anything that I don't know? "his thoughts were brought back by his question.
"No, "he said, "only that she is my secretary. "
Someone came to call Ron to help him get some staffs. Ryan went to join another group as the party went on and on.


Hey guys, I'm kindly sorry if the chapter might have something missing. I have wrote it during the day and I'm kinda of a baby sitter to my one year old sister and I think you all know about babies

Anyway hope you liked the chapter.
So what do you think about Ryan?
What about Ron?

Please live your comments.
As always I 😍 you guys so much.

Next update will be done by two days to come, God willing.

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