chapter 43

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"What are you talking about? "Rose asked looking at the doc. She thought maybe she had heard him well. "Why aren't you guys doing anything anymore? "she looked at the nurse who was writing down what doc had said.
"Rose, "Dr Cecil tried to be as sympathetic as he could, "we are sorry but we just lost him. "
She moved away from where she stood and began to laugh. She laughed so loudly that one could here when he or she was outside the ward.

"I don't like this kinda joke doc, "she said in between he laugh, "it my son's life you are joking with here. "
Dr Cecil moved to where she stood now trying as had she could not to laugh anymore. One could tell that her ribs were paining coz of that laughter.
"As much as I wish that is a joke it isn't Rose, "he saw her get serious now, "Daniel is dead Rose, "he held her shoulder when he told her this.
"No no no, "she moved away from his touch, "it can't be. Not my son. Please not my son, "tears fell down her cheeks.
"You need to be strong Rose."

Rose walked to the bed side where her son laid. She looked at him and he was a sleep peacefully.
"Daniel love, "she called him, "wake up love and prove to doc that you are alive and not dead, "she said it in a calm way holding his cheeks, "please love wake up for mummy. "
But he did wake.
"Rose you have to stop this, "Dr Cecil was pulling her away from the dead body.
She pushed him away, "he is not dead. You don't want to save my son but you know what I will do it myself. "

She took the tray that the nurse had taken from the table with injection and some medicine. She took the injection and put a medicine that she didn't even bother to read the name and pulled it inside the injection. Just when she was about to inject it in his body, Ryan took it away from her. She was still crying when she was doing this. She turned to look at him.

"Rose love, "he called her in a calm tone but it was hurt at the same time, "just calm down. "
She took a step to close the distance between them and held his shirt, "Ryan, I know that you do know that our son is not dead. Please tell them to save him. Please don't let our son die,"she was pleading.
"Rose he is gone and they can't do anything to save him. Nothing at this moment. I'm sorry Rose. "
She leaned on him and began to crying. He felt his shirt being wet by her tears and some how he was grateful that she had understood the situation. He held her into his arms and patted her back. He didn't know how long they stood there but the next thing they heard was the door being opened and two men walked in.

"We came to take the body to the mortuary sir, "one of them said.
He looked at his son's dead body then back to them again, "go ahead. "
The men walked to the bed side. Before they touched him.
"What do you think you are doing? "Rose got up from Ryan's chest.
"Ma'am we need to take the body to the mortuary, "the other guy said.
"My son is not dead, "she walked to them, "get out of here and if someone needs to be in mortuary is you two guys. Now get out before I do something that you two won't live to tell it. "

"Rose please calm down, "Ryan was pleading.
"I will if you chase this idiots from here. Tell them that my son is not dead, please Ryan explain to them, "she turned to her son then back to them, "he can't be dead. We just spoke with him a few minutes ago. Just tell them to walk out of here. "
Ryan walked to her, "I know you're trying so had not to believe this but he is no more with us. Please just let go. "
"You're now on there side? "she looked into his eyes, "you all can go to hell,"she turned to her son, "love please wake up and tell this people to get out of her. Remember you promised that no matter what you will never leave me. Please wake up. If you won't may will not take you to the mall. OK I'm leaving, "she turned to walk away then looked at him, "I'm not joking son. I will leave. "

Just then Dr Cecil walked in with the same nurse. He took a already prepared injection and looked at Rose.
"What's that? "she asked looking at the injection.
Dr Cecil moved close to her, "you need to calm down Rose, take the body away, "he turned to the men that were now afraid.
"Just dare make a move and I will kill you, "she threatened.
She was injected with the injection and the two men went to her son's bed.
"I said don't touch my boy you idiots, "she was fighting to get free from Ryan's gasp,"let go of me. Please don't take my son away. "
Then she fell asleep.

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