chapter 16

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"That only means one thing then. "
"Which would be? "she asked sitting up.
He looked into her eyes becoming watery, "that I'm a bastard child. "
Rose  couldn't believe him, "where did you get that from?"
"My friend told me that if you don't have a father that means that you are a bastard child and that is what I'm. "
She took him into her arms then after a while pulled him back, "listen to me, "she held his chin that their gaze locked each other, "you are no bastard  child coz you are mine and only mine. Besides you don't need him with you. If we have made  it this far the two of us then we can't complain. Remember that you are only mine and I repeat mine alone. "

He moved away from her touch, "but that doesn't mean that I am an wonted child, mum. "
She was holding her tears back, "have I not been a good mother to you? "
"It's not about that mum, "he inhaled before he said, "you can't tell me that you were happy when you heard that you were pregnant. "
"I know that I wasn't but when I heard you grow in here, in my womb I learnt to be happy and I couldn't wait to hold you in my arms. "
"Still same thing coz you were never happy when you had that I was in there. "

She didn't know how to tell him everything. He was too young to understand somethings. Let's say the truth here, no one is happy when they are raped and then you come to know that the rapist left a permanent mark with you. She only had to convince him that she loved him so much and she won't blame him for his father's mistake. All she had to do was to bring him up respecting everyone in the society.

Her thoughts were back when she heard him ask, "would you forgive him if he ever came back? "
She shivered on hearing the question. Would she really forgive the bastard who ruined her life?
"No, "she said it in low tone like she was talking to herself.
He looked at her, "okay I understand but would you allow me to be near him? "
"I think dinner is served coz I heard nanny call downstairs. "
"Please mum,  stop avoiding the quiz, so would you? "
"Let's go now coz the food will get cold and would be adding another work. Also I want to go to bed early. "

He knew that she wouldn't answer so he just got up and lead her downstairs. Nanny changed the channel when she heard them come down.
"Which song was that? "
"Wild thought, the latest of Rianna ft Dj Khaled. "
"Wow! I love Dj Khaled. "
"Same here most his voice. "
"Yeah I know girl but did you know that he won the best hustler of the year last year in hip-hop award? "
"Mmh, had no idea about that. I only know that he has a cute son."
"Yeah again gals stuff, I mean you're always interested in more personal than the career. "
"Hey, don't you dare call me a gal, you know how old I'm? "
Daniel laughed, "if I may guess you're only 18. Can't believe that I even call you nanny. "
"First of all I'm not 18 as you're saying I'm 21 and second you call me nanny coz I'm your nanny. "
"You're so annoying. "
"You're worse yourself. "
They all laughed.
"Will you two cut it off and let's go to the dinning coz I'm already starving. "

After saying that here stomach grabbed and they all laughing heading to the room.


"Hey, "greeted Ron joining his friend in their favourite club.
He looked up, "you sure as hell know how to keep time."
"Would you believe me if I told you that I got late due to work?"
"Nope. "
"See, "he said as he signed for a bar attender to take his order.
"Anyway hope you're done coz if not considered yourself fired. "
"Please give me a root beer and some lemon,"he waited until they were left alone. "I know that that is what you threaten people with but not me. Talking of which Sheila was at the office earlier. She said something about calling you and not picking here calls. Is that true? "

Ryan waited for the bar attender to place the order then leave.
"She only wanted fuck and it's so hot to be doing that. "
Ron laughed, "yeah I know it's so hot and knowing you very well you take everything that is thrown towards you as long as its in skirt. "
"Ouch, "he said touching his heart, "that really hurts. "
"So where you fucking another person?"
"Nope, "he sipped his cold beer, "I was with a friend. "
"In a hotel? "
"C'mon now, "he looked at him seriously, "my mansion. "
Ron almost choked in his drink, "did I hear you right? "
"Why? "
"You dare ask me that? I have known you since we were in high school and never I mean not even once did you take a girl home. It's either in an hotel or in your office. "
"I know that so stop winning already. "
"Tell me all the juicy news and who the lucky gal is. "

"Stop being evil here, "he was smiling, "nothing happened between us. "
"Can't believe that and I'm not  buying that. "
"I'm innocent. "
"I never asked whether you plead guilty or innocent and spill the beans already. "
"We just slept holding each other that's all. "
"You mean since last night? "
"Yeah and nothing happened apart from sharing the bed and holding her near me. "
"Why do I find it hard to believe you? "
"That's your problem then. "

"Still  can't believe that Ryan Morgan shared bed with a woman and nothing happened. "
"Will you stop being a doughting Thomas? "
"OK, " he was raising his hands in surrender, "so do I know her? "
He smiled, "very well and more that I do. "
"Mmh, so who is she? "
"Rose Ross. "
Ron now was choked by his own drink. "did I just hear you right? "he asked after a long cough.
"yes my secretary and the reason I called you here is because you have some explanation to give to me. "
"What did I do this time? "
"Ron playing all innocent. "
"Coz that's what I'm. "
"Why didn't you tell me that Rose had a son? "
"Coz that isn't up to me to tell you that. "
"So you're not denying you knew it. "
"Nope. "

The two friends talked allot of things and Ryan told him about Rose's past. He said that he would help her.
"Then what's worrying you? "
"Ron you don't get it, do you? "
"no, "he was being honest.
"I'm afraid that she might be the one. "
"What? "his eyes almost pooped out of the socket.
"Yeah and once again destiny is deciding on me."
"you're just confused. "
"I'm not. "
Ron did not know what to say to him.
"She is the one and if she isn't then my bad. " 
Hey guys 😍  you

Hope you enjoyed

Sorry for the mistake it was not re-read to correct

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