chapter 28

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Dedicated to the first four readers in the previous chapter. Love u guys. 😘

The big day was there already. Rose got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. She washed her face and brushed her teeth then proceeded to the kitchen. As usual her son was on the couch watching cartoon. She greeted him good morning kiss him on the forehead then went to the kitchen. She found her nanny making tea and she began to make pancakes.

Yesterday Nicole had gone to pick her up and seeing how broken she was she took her to the caffeine near the company. Rose explained everything to her and by the time she was down her friend understood why she was like that. She knew that if she was in that position also she would have broken down more than Rose.
"It's not your fault friend, "she had said once Rose had down the explanation,"it's that cute bastard fault. He failed to understand how sweet you her and how good of luck you're to everyone who gets to know you better. To me are the best luck and never think otherwise. Coz if it were not for you you know the rest and also you made me meet my future hubby. To even think I almost dumped him for that pervert of yours. "

With that Rose had given her a weird look but then Nicole said it was a joke. Rose smiled and Nicole breathed out a breath that she even had no idea that she was holding it. They took a cup of tea that calmed them down. Afterwards the rest of the day went as it had been planned for. Buying everything that they needed then back home it was.

Rose set the table for both of them as nanny walked out to go and get Daniel whom is deaf when it comes to watching cartoons. She came back with him and settled on the dining  table.
"Let's thank God for the great day and the food. "
Daniel lifted his gaze to meet with his mother's. Since he was born not even once did she teach him how to even say may the grace and now she wanted them to pray for food? If there was the best present for his birthday this was the best. His mom giving thanks to Almighty. They all bowed down and she did give thanks.
"Who taught you that mum? "Daniel asked after they had done praying.
Rose smiled at him, "a friend, "then her face changed remembering that he was not her friend. He wasn't even worth to be called that. No friend would say bad things about their friends. Why had she even remembered that part. Yes she did see him praying for food at his house and she was shocked because he doesn't look like a thanks giver. And he had proven her that yesterday when he never appreciated the good that she had done for the company. The hard work and everything time she spent in it neglecting her only child. He was a pervert and she would never change her way of thinking about him.

"Why the change of face mum? "
She came back to reality, her son staring at her, "nothing just eat your breakfast. "
"Okay then, "he cut his pancake, "hope you wouldn't do that again coz today is my birthday and I won't like to see you like that. "
"Today is your birthday? "
Daniel was almost choked by the piece of pancake that he had put in his mouth, "that's why you just said morning to me?"
"Sorry love, "she pulled her seat back, "mummy has to go to work. You can have your favorite juice orange juice and I will tell nanny to prepare your favorite food that is mashed potatoes. Then I will call Nicole to take you to the mall and there. That's the best way to spend your birthday. Bye. "
Daniel was about to cry, "you barely touched your breakfast and now you're leaving and all for what? To work? You can't even spend time with me and I'm get a year older. I thought that you could do this for me but how can you if you can't even remember it. What wrong did I do? Is it because I'm a bastard's child? I never asked for this mom. You know what I hate you. I hate you with all my being and I wish that one day I die so that you may never see this thing that led you to this life. I want to set you free for you to live your own life the best you can and the only way I know is death coz when I'm alive you can't coz you will feel guilty. "he got up and run up to his room. They all heard him bug the door.

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