chapter 35

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Ryan was still holding his bleeding head when he looked at the side of the bed. He was shocked when he saw that Rose was holding a vessel on her hands. How she managed to have it he hand no idea.
"I promised myself that I will never let you hurt me again you monster. That was the first and last time you ever did that to me. Not anymore."
She was shouting. Ryan got near her and tried to touch her but she was lifting it again towards him.
"Don't you dare come near me, "she was gazing up at him.
"Rose you need to calm down. It's me Ryan. Please come down. "
She heard him plead but still the vessel was ready to attack. He lifted his hand to touch her but she moved back. Now he regretted it. How stupid he was to think that it would be that easy to make love to the woman that was once raped and never gone for canceling after that.

What was he going to do? How in God's name was he going to calm her down. He had to think if something and very fast before she became uncontrollable. Just then an idea came into his mind. He got off the bed and walked to the rooms balcony. His head was still hurting but that was not the time to take care of it. He thanked that he was not bleeding that much. He took his phone and dialed a number. He listened to it ring and at the third ring it was picked up. Ryan talked to the person and after explaining everything and the situation that she was now. He listened to everything that he was told and at the end he mumbled a thanks and hugged up.

He went back to the room and found Rose still coiled at the bed side holding it but this time it was on the bed. He moved to the bed and sat down. She didn't move but continued to stare at that vessel.
"Rose, "he called but she didn't spare him a glance, "I do understand what you went through that night but trust me I'm not the one who did that to you. I just want to make you happy. Please let go of that thing that you're holding. I won't hurt you and will never do that. "
He got close to her and she didn't do anything. He moved his hands to her holding and took the it away from her. He breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't attack him.

Then he turned and placed it down. When he turned he saw her tear fall down to her lap. This was so much breaking his heart. Her mind was not even near to be there. He went to her and hugged her. At first she was about to attack when he held her but after doing what he was told she leaned her head on his shoulder. She had now come back to her senses. Rose was crying whole heatedly. Ryan rubbed her back to calm her down. She was struggling to talk but her emotions couldn't let her say anything. Ryan wished he would turn the time back. He would stop this pay.

Maybe eight years ago she would never have gone what she had go through. He would have stopped this from happening. He doesn't know how but in a way if he had met her those eight years ago.
"Don't cry love, "he was still holding her in his arms, "it's not your fault. Shh,please don't. It's breaking my heart. "
Rose got up from his empress and looked at him. Ryan saw her now swollen eyes widen. He knew she had seen his head.
"Sir you're bleeding, "she said in panicking voice.
"It's nothing Rose, "he assured her.
"Please tell me I didn't do that. "
He took his hand to where the pain was, "actually..... "
"Please forgive me, "she said getting off bed.
"Rose where are you going. "
She looked at his over her shoulder, "I'm going to take care of the mess that I've made, "then he saw her walk into the bathroom.

After three or four minutes he saw her return with a first aid kit. She placed it at the center of bed where he sat. She took out the the this that she needed. Ryan was about to pick up something when she hit his hand.
"Ouch! "he exclaimed moving his hand away, "that hurts Rose. "
She smiled at him and at least he was happy since she had done that after that..., "and it will hurt more if you don't let me do my work. "
"C'mon love. Let me do this by my own. Besides its not a big deal anyway. "
"I'm the cause of this mess so seat there and shut up. "

He did say anything else. She took Tincture of iodine and purred it on a whole that she was holding and then moved his hair so that she may see the place where the wound was. After placing the wool on his head she heard him give a painful moan. He was about to jump away from her touch but she held his shoulder gently which made him to stay still. After she was done did infecting the wound, she returned everything back to the kit and returned it back to its original place.
"I never thought that my boyfriend was that much of a coward,"she said once she was back to the bed.
He smirked at her, "I'm not a coward. "
"You are coward coward coward. "
Ryan moved to her happy and confused. This was one person who was out of control minutes back but now she looks like nothing has happened.

"Don't call me that. "
"And if I don't obey? "
"Then you get a punishment. "
"Pervert, "she called him.
Ryan ignored her and sat next to her. He looked serious and he saw her also do that. He looked away from her and then back to her.
"Rose did you ever go back to This isn't your destiny after that day I took you? "
"No to be honest. "
"I believed that you knew the reason why I took you there Rose. "
"I did but I didn't want to share my experience with anyone. Do you know how it feels? "
"I don't and that's why I took you there. You will find all your answer there Rose. We can't help you completely but the can. They can help you heal that wound in your heart. "
"And do you think that I don't know that? "ah was now shouting at him. Ryan wondered if it was going to be like that if she wasn't going to accept to seek for help. All he was doing was for her own good. For her own happiness and peace of mind. Why was she then reacting like this?

"Rose there is no need to get mad. All I wanted was to help you..... "
"Sure thing. Are you with me because you love me or you feel pity for me. "
"Rose, "GE called her but she looked at him with horror, "where has all this come from. "
"From you not understanding me. Do you think that it's easy going in front of people saying to them 'hey guess what I was raped and I have a son out of that act. 'please spare me. "
"You're misunderstand me Rose, the place you have to go they all have the same experience like you so I didn't say you go telling everyone. "
"If you're worried about me breaking your pretty face next time don't worry coz that won't happen. "
"Stop being stubborn Rose, "she got up, "please don't complicate things more than they already are. "
"So I'm complaining this right? "
"I don't mean that, "he got up and walked to her, "all I'm saying is that, you just go to the therapy and if you see it doesn't work then don't go back there again. All you have to do is give it a trial Rose,"he explained in a low tone and slowly so that she may not break down more than she is right now. "If not for me my love please do it for the love you say you have for me. Please give it a try. "

After he was done talking he saw her came down. She said OK to his request and they all agreed that after the conference the first thing they would do once they got back home was to visit the place. Ryan pulled her into his warm empress and held her in a way to never let go. He was in love with this woman and he would do anything to save her from her ghost.

After some minutes he pulled away and looked at her. There was this question he had to ask her that has always bothered him very much.
"Rose, "he called her.
"Mmm,"she answered looking at him.
"Please don't break done again. I just want to get over and done with this topic, "she was still looking at him, "if you ever met your rapist would you ever forgive him? "
She looked at the bed then back to him, "my son has ever asked me that you know. "
"You mean Daniel knows his dad is a rapist? "
"Yeah, "she kept quite for a while and seeing that he was not about to talk she continued, "at first he knew that he was dead. Then one day we had an argument coz I used to spent most of my time working. So he wished that his dad was alive but I had to tell him the truth. He had to know so that he won't turn up being like him. "
"Ooh. "
"Yeah, he is the one who has seen me gave my nightmares. You know I wish I could see the bastard face. But I can't remember it. "
He pulled her into a hug just then he heard her say, "and about forgiving that beast I will never do that. He will die without my forgiveness. Even if he comes crawling on his stomach. "
With that Ryan just held her into his arms even tighter.


Hey guys hope u okay.

So tell me how did you find the chapter? I do feel that there is something missing in this chappyplz let me know what you think abt it,also ur predictions which I love so much.

I did the update today coz tomorrow I won't have the time to do that coz its my birthday. All are welcomed to the big party 😃😃😃

Dedicated to IrmaWitch thanks for the votes dear.

Plz remember to comment, vote and share

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