chapter 27

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"You can't do that and I forbid you to that. "
She just breathed in and looked at both of them. She had sacrificed her life for this company. She hadn't spent much time with her son for the past one year and some months because of it. And what did he do? Nothing else but to make her life more miserable. Enough was enough and this was the time to put an end to this. She was still staring at them and she had to snap back.
"You have always wanted that so I'm doing it. About my resignation letter you will get it on Monday. "
She turned and walked towards the door. He asked her to wait but she didn't. She closed the door and left them.

Ryan was now more confused than he thought. He didn't know why he had done that. It was not her fault as she had said but still he couldn't help but get mad at her. This was total insane and he knew it. Wait did I say he knew it? She was the best secretary that he had ever worked with. She was the only one who could withstand his arrogance all the time. This was wrong and he had to do something. Whatever came to his mind he would do it right away.

"It's a good thing that that cheap whore resigned. "
Ryan came back to reality. He turned and looked at Sheila who now sat on his seat. She had to be shameless at that point.
"If there is anyone who is cheap between you and her it's you sweet Sheila. "
She was actually smiling when he started to talk but after he finished his statement he saw the smile faint away. She swallowed hard.
"Have you forgotten who I'm? It's me you one true love. "
Ryan was now laughing loudly that anyone passed outside his office could hear him.
"True love? "he asked sarcastic, "since when?"he breathed in a little. "We were never couples. I don't even remember telling you that I love you leave alone love you but like you. Or have I ever said that? "

Now she was shocked than before, "you never said any of those but I thought that....... "
He cut her short, "that's the problem with cheap ladies, usually they throw themselves to men like us thinking that we love them or like them when on the contrary we don't. Common sweetheart, do you really think that I could fall for you? You must be insane then. Too cheap and I'm expensive. And a piece of advice don't ever think cheap things are sold together with expensive ones. "
She got up from the seat and walked towards him. She pulled him closer to her. She was biting her lower lip try to make herself look sexy.
"I will forgive you for saying that coz I now you're in bad mood. "
She was about to take his lips with hers when he pushed her away.
"I'm being serious here. I've had sex with you for so long. It's time for me to look for something fresh. So do me a favor and live this place and never show your face to me again. "

"You asking me to leave? "
"Damn it, yes so just fuck of."
"I won't. "
Ryan now was mad. He grabbed her arm and opened the door for her. He pushed her out .
"You will pay for this Ryan. Read my lips. "
He just smiled, "you don't scare me. So do your worst sweetheart. Anyway it was so terrible having sex with you. I think you should  stop coz you gone kill a man one day coz your already a rotten, I even lack the right word for you. "
Before she could say anything else he closed the door. He walked to the table and called the security instructing them never to let Sheila in again. And to tell her never to step her foot back there. Once he was done he remembered that his secretary was leaving the company and it was for good.


He slowly opened the door to her office. She was putting a book in her cartoon as he saw a tear fall down and land on the book. Something hit his heart and he fell it break into pieces. He had to stop her even if it meant kneeling in front of her. She didn't deserve that, and he was ready to correct his mistake. He closed the door slowly but made a noise as he pressed it to lock. She immediately wiped her tears and looked at the door only to see him. He hated the way she looked at it. She had done that before but just few days ago, it was okay. They were even friends. What had he done? He wished that he could turn the time back. He wished that he hadn't said that at all. He was that everything was okay between them.

"Ooh, "she looked away, "If you think that I stole anything from the company then go ahead and and check everything. "
She took out everything from the packed cartoon and started telling him what it was and how it belonged to her as if he had asked her to do that. He was so dumbstruck that he didn't say anything. Once she was done, "see, "she looked at him, "I stole nothing and if you want to check my handbag I will help you do that. "
She went and took it and just when she was about to purr everything done he stopped her, "that isn't necessary coz I trust you. "

This time she laughed bitterly, "don't even say that you don't know the meaning of that word. "
He moved from the door, "I didn't come here to see to it that you don't steal anything from the company. Actually I don't give a damn about any of them. "
"Then I bet you came see if I had already left. But don't worry I was about to do that. "
He inhaled a little, "Rose, I want you to..... "
She took her handbag, "don't worry. I have left the document in good place and I won't sell any information to the other company. I'm not that heartless to do that."
He moved and held her hand which she jerked away from it, "I don't want you to leave, please. "
She picked her box, "and why? I'm bad lack and I should live away from people coz I will bring bad lack to them. "
"I know I shouldn't have said that but I was mad. I didn't mean to be so rude to you. Please stay. "

She looked at him her tears almost on fall down but she held them. She was not going to cry at least not in front of him.
"Just stay coz a friend is asking you to. "
She placed the box back on the table, "do you even know the meaning of that word? "she inhaled, "you're not my friend and I regret the day I said you were. A friend doesn't hurt his friends with his words. A friend accepts you for whom you are and not judging them. A true friend doesn't shout at his friend when someone else is there and looking at what you did minutes ago they don't much up with any of them. "
"I didn't mean any word I said those few minutes ago. "
"You meant everything and I thank you coz you made me smell the real coffee. Come to imagine it, my dad passed days after I was born and I brought the bad luck to my mom. She had to stave so hard to make sure that I had good life. Then I was about to get married, raped and left at the alter coz I was pregnant. My mum died coz of my bad luck. Now I'm just hoping that my son won't be affected by my luck. You know, I wish that I can take your advice to leave far away but he is my life and I just can't leave him coz I know his destiny is not mine. "

She was crying and he moved close and pulled her into his arms. He heard his shirt get wet on the shoulder and he hated himself for that. He had made her quit and her son was being raised up with that job that she had. This was wrong. Totally wrong. He heard her move away from him and pick up her box back it her hands. Just then her phone rung and she picked it up.
"Nicole, "
"We should be doing shopping so are you coming? "
"Yeah but will you pick me up?"
She had silence then, "are you nervous about your son's birthday that you're crying and you can't even drive? "
"It's not about my son's birthday and please you will get to know when you come to pick me up. But don't take long please, Nicole. "
She was now crying when she said that. Then she heard Nicole with her worried voice, "is everything okay? "
"Nothing is okay Nicole,"with that she hugged up the phone and placed it back to her handbag. She looked at Ryan one last time and walked out.

Ryan was still dumbstruck once the door closed. He didn't believe that he had destroyed a life and not only one but plus one.

Did she just say that her son's birthday is tomorrow? What have I done?


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