chapter 32

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Rose checked everything as she placed in her bag. She made sure by the end of her packing she had everything she needed for her journey. After that, she walked inside her bathroom and took cold shower which she always said help her think well and relax her muscles. She also thought that once you bath with warm water you will get old so quickly. She walked out wrapped on her towel. She sat on her dresser and did her make up then dried her hair. She picked her long sleeveless red dress that was waiting on bed. After she was done she looked at herself one last time in the mirror and seeing that she was ready she picked up her bag and purse and headed down stairs.

She was going out of country for some few days with Ryan. Actually when they sent that file that they worked on till late night, Ryan was called the following day and was informed that his company was among the chosen one to attend the conference. He was asked to join the rest in two weeks time and that day was now here. They were so happy that their hard work had surely paid off. She came down stairs and found her son and his nanny as usual in front of TV. She just smiled at herself. Thanks to heavens that Nicole was not there coz it would have been crazy.
"So what are you guys  actually busy watching? "

They all looked up at her and their mouth went wow. She was beautiful and she did know that.
"Mum, "Daniel had to talk, "you sure that it's a business trip you're going? "
She smiled, "human never change. I ask a quiz and I'm answered with another. And yes I'm going on a business trip. "
His nanny was laughing when Daniel said, "looks like you're going on... "he kept quite, "we are watching the last episode of Teen Wolf  season six. "
"Yeah, "his nanny helped, "I feel too bad that it's the last one. We will never here of another season again. "
"Sure and this is the fifth time I find you guys watching it. "
"Mum it's just that we love it very much. "
"And if it's not that it's Lucifer. "
His nanny smiled, "talking of Lucifer, is season three out yet? "
"I believe that you guys actually do have something we call phone which has a Google or opera mini  along with free Wi-Fi so you know what to do. "
They all laughed. Daniel took the DVD player remote and paused the series. Rose talked with them and after half an hour they heard a car get inside the compound.

The door was knocked and as always Daniel said, "I will get it. "
He went towards it and opened it reviling Ryan. He looked so cute in blue suit and black tie. Daniel gave him man hug yeah kids of today.
"What's up buddy, "Ryan greeted walking with him inside.
"I'm cool yesterday you never came."
For the past weeks since when Rose forgave him, Ryan has been visiting for some specific days and yesterday was one of them.
"I guess I need to apologize, "he said.
Ryan said hey to the others and seeing that Rose was ready her smiled at both of them.
"So shall we? "he asked as she picked up her things, "and am I forgiven? "
Daniel just smiled at him, "sure think. "
Rose hugged his nanny then went to her son. She said good bye as they walked towards the door. Then she  remembered something, "love, "she called, "don't even dare play football. "
He looked at her then at Ryan. He remembered how she had gotten furious when she had seen his bruises. She told him to stop playing and  if he didn't she threatened to call the head mistress and ask her to get him out of the school team. With that threat he played cool since that was his favorite game and he knew it was also his talent. They had agreed that if he was at home then football would be played when she was around.
"Please don't dare say a word, "she looked at Ryan, "coz I won't listen. "
Ryan looked at Daniel, "can't help buddy this time my hands are tight. "
"But you always find a way to convince her. "
"We are getting late and if you ,"she pointed at her son, "young man dare to disobey me then I'm pushing with my threat OK? "
"OK mum and have a safe trip "he said lazily. Then when they were about to turn, "hey buddy, if something bad happens to my mum, "he was gazing up at him, "you will have to answer to me. "
Ryan was now laughing, "I would be dead before anything happens to her. So she is save with me. "
"Glad to know. "

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