chapter 33

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Rose just looked at him in the dark. She couldn't bring herself to what he was saying right now. With him saying that he was in love with her looked like it made more rain to pure. She moved back from him to as it continued to pure on them. This was the first time that someone told her that he was in love with her and turned had she lacked words to say to him. Yes since Sallu's  encounter she meet so many many men that wanted to take advantage of her but she did out smart them as always. With that smart brain of hers it made men to stay away from and she was glad coz she wasn't willing to share her life with any one else. She remembered her talk with Nicole and get son. He needs a father. She might have brought him up in a good way by always being there as the mother and the father, he needed a real dad. If her son was happy then she would be.

She felt her shoulders beginning held, "I don't mean to scare you, Rose but I had to take this off me. It did hurt loving in silence but now I fill a heavy burden has been lifted off my chest. "
She looked into his gaze, "but I..... "
"I don't want you to give me an answer. I do understand that you can never fall for a pervert like me. So please safe your breath. "
He was sounding like he was crying. Ryan turned around to head back to the car. Rose was still dumbstruck when she heard him tell her to get into the car. She followed him and they drove to the hotel. Ryan said his good night to her and they got into their rooms. Rose went into the bathroom took a warm shower since she was shaking. She took her pjs and wore them back. After that she damped herself on the bed and took her phone. She made a phone call to her son. Thanks to Almighty the time differences was not that much. At the first ring she heard his voice.

"I swear I didn't play football, "she laughed on hearing that. She just knew that he did. If his son did something that he knew was wrong he would start denying it before he was even asked about it.
"What else would I expect from my disobeyed son of mine. I will skin you alive when I get back. "
"Mum, "she smiled, "plz don't be male dramatic and don't worry nanny made sure that I got no bruises. "
"OK but that's not why I called,"she sat up at the center of the bed, "can I ask you a quiz? "
"You know you're my mum and you don't need a go a head for that. "
"My son is becoming a grown up now. "
"Don't flatter me or I might not answer your quiz. "
"Do you remember when you said that you do need a dad? "
"Did you find my dad? "
"Actually no."
"So what do you want? "
"Someone confused that he is in love with me...... "
"And what did you say mum? "he cut he to ask.
She laughed a little, "I said nothing actually coz it came as shock to me. And I want to make sure that you need a dad. You know that if I ever beginning dating that man would definitely become your dad. "
"Do you love this guy? " he got no answer, "if you do mum then I will also love him. You need to be happy and we need to be compete. "
She bit her lower lip, "so you mean I talk to him if I feel the same towards him? "
"And what are you waiting for? Have to go coz nanny is here and she says hi and asks you what you are waiting for. "
Before Rose could say anything else the line was cut.

She got off her bed and now she was standing at his door waiting for him to open. Once he opened the door she looked at him and her mouth went wow. He was only on short.
"Can I be of your help? "he asked and she realized that she had woken him up.
"Please forgive me, Sir, "she said, "I didn't know you were asleep. I will actually live you to take your rest"she turned around to take a leave. Before she could take even another step he pulled her into his arms. She leaned on his bare chest and feeling the warmth that it was supplying she wanted to remain there for ever.
"you will never be a bother to me love, "he said stroking her hair. He pulled away leaving her cheeks to the cold. Ryan allowed her to walk in and he closed the door before following her. Rose hated herself now for listening to her son. Where in God's name was she going to begin from.

Hey pervert I really really love you so much. I want you in my life and I want you to be my son's father. This is insane why did I listen to you my personal adviser? Came down Rose just breath.

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