chapter 17

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Hey this chapter is a dedication
to my dear friend Gudsoul95 hope you find it interesting.

Rose was done with her work before tea break at ten am. She was amused by her boss who had behaved very well with her. With her not having any work to do and not interested with having a break she went to visit Ron in his office. She knew that he would not be anywhere else apart from locking himself in there.

"knock knock, "she said knocking on the door and her head already inside.
"Who is there? "
"it's me the monster. "
"Please spare my life and I promise to give you anything that you want. "
"Did you just say anything? "
"Yes, as long as you spare my life. "
"Okay then, "she said, "I need 15min of your time. "
"Then you have it. "
He pulled a seat for her then after she had sat down he sat beside her.

"Can't believe it a week since we saw each other and we work in the same company and floor. "
"Yeah me too, "she smiled, "just that pervert of a boss won't let me even have a break. To say the truth I don't know what happened to him today. I think something hit on his head very hard."
Ron laughed at the joke. She was funny and scary sometimes. He had come to learn about her and Ryan with the situation that they were in from Ryan. He told him how he was making her life a living hell for her to quit but she never gave in. Afterwards he didn't ask her since she always said that everything was okay between them. He knew that she wasn't the type that told everyone about her problems and he did respect that very much. But to be honest it was his first time to hear her call his friend pervert. He knew she did but never heard from her.

"I think I'm boring you, "he heard he say that.
"C'mon, "he took her hands into his, "you are not. "
"You even didn't hear anything that I said."
"Sorry about that. "
"Don't ever say that word to me again. "
"Sor..... "he held his hand to his mouth.
"What's your problem anyway? "
"Just think about my wife. "
"Ooh! "she exclaimed, "isn't she feeling well? "

Just when he was about to answer the door was opened and they both focused their eyes towards the door. There she was. Her face so pale. She leaned on the door to get support from it. It seemed that her legs were getting tired of caring her body.  Her face looked like that of a zombie, with make up ruined by which seemed like she was crying. Rose could not believe that she was the beauty that had been the first runner up in the beauty contest that had been held a month ago.

Ron got up and went to her. Her took her to the seat that he had gotten up from. Rose snapped out on realising that she was staring at them instead of helping. She looked for water at Ron's office but realized that he had none.

"I will go and get some water. "
Just after taking two steps she heard her say, "no need that's. "
"Bae, you need the water. "
"I said I don't need it. "
"Fine, no water. "
"Sorry about that. "
"it's okay, so what did the doctor say? "

Rose that as a private conversation so she was excusing herself, "please excuse me guys. "
Again when she was at the door step she heard her say, "you should stay coz he needs a friend right now. "
Rose saw her get into the purse and get out a white envelope. She handed it over to Ron whose hands were shaking. He looked at her then back at the envelope once more. His heart was beating at faster rate making him weak.

As he opened the envelope his hands were still shaking and sweating. He wished that the earth would only open up and swallow him at that moment. He won't bear to see the person he loved most in pain. Seeing her in that state was breaking his heart already in million pieces. Now he was holding the fold paper with him. He looked at his wife then Rose who gave him the your -friend -is -right here.

He then looked at the paper and unfolded it. He started to read and the more he read the more his face changed. He read it over and over again. This reminded Rose of the way she has to make sure that all the files have no mistake before taking them to her boss. She remembered one day that he had hit her with the file that had only one spelling error. He insulted her and made her work till midnight. From that day she would rather read the document a million time before taking it to him.

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