chapter 26

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This chapter is dedicated to -theOnly-tavi. Thanks for voting. Hope you enjoy it.

"OK, so you will come tomorrow and I can explain everything to you over there," just then the door opened and reveled the last face she expected to see. She smiled at him as he pulled a seat and continued to listen to the person on the other side of the phone. Actually she had called doctor Cecil her family doctor to invite him to Daniel's birthday and talk to him about Sallu and how they were going to help him.
"I need to go and remember we will be waiting for you tomorrow. "
Just as he said his buy she hugged up the phone and turned her attention to her new visitor.

He looked good. In all white and his usual smile.
"I do remember someone saying that they were landing today but I don't remember a visit to my office being mentioned. "
He laughed a little, "and I thought my queen would be happy seeing here as a surprise. "
"You know I hate surprises. "
"Don't be ridiculous, the first person to see on my back to my mother land is you and you don't like it? "
Rose laughed as she got up and gave him a very warm welcome back hug. He smelled good and she had to agree that sometimes money is good. He pulled away and she walked to the refrigerator and come back with his stoney drink. That was his favorite and when she knew he was around she had only to store it in the refrigerator.

He picked the soda and said thanks to her. He was away for a month plus weeks and when he called to say that he would never miss her son's birthday for anything she believed him. She never knew why but when she started being friends with him she learned to trust him so quick. But why not trust him? He had a sense of humor that every one liked. A times she would tell him he chose the wrong career and instead of being a musician he would have just done comedy.

"So how was your month tour like? "
His eyes brighten and she knew that it was amazing. He would call after two days but never talked about it. She didn't want to here it on the phone. She wanted him to express it face to face and knowing him very well he would add white liars.
"It was mwaaaaaaaah. You can't believe this but this was the best month tour I have ever had. Imagine getting on stage and the crowd is cheering at you. You're even afraid that they may die of happiness. And when you're done they scream saying that they want more and more. I can't explain it but I felt like it was the last time to do this. Like they are saying bye to their old funny who is going on a retirement or something. Talk about selfies and out graphs. And the ladies went insane. In fact it's only one woman that doesn't do that when she sees me. "

"I'm jealous. I wish I was there to see all that. "
"Actually I got all the copy's so it will be like you were there. "
She smiled at him, "thanks. You're so sweet. "
He smiled back, "c'mon, I get that more often. I expected something new from my queen. "
Rose just laughed and said nothing.
"What happened while I was away? "
"Not but much. But while you were away, I kinda of became friends with my boss. "
He almost choked on his soda, "what? "
"Yeah we are friends. "
"You mean you and Ryan Morgan are friends like friends with him. "
Rose laughed once he was saying that sentence. He knew how her boss and her hated each other since the word go. He would always get complains from her about him and all those stuffs.
"Everyone has a good side. It's upon us to find it. "
"Indeed. And I bet his is the most romantic one. "
"Don't be silly. "
"OK, "he was laughing, "I think I would like to congratulate him for the nice move. "
She just looked at him, "putting that aside, "Nicole got engaged. "

Now he was more surprised, "you are kidding right? "
"I'm not last week it was the most romantic thing that has ever seen and also the scariest. "
"You talk as if you were there. "
"On the contrary, yes. It happened in my house after coming back from their trip. Agustin wanted to be a witness coz I'm like a sister to Nicole. "
"Mmh, "he took a sip of his drink, "and why do you say it was scary? "
"That's story for another day. About the wedding not yet set, so don't ask. The party will be held together with my son's birthday. "

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