chapter 44

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Song How do I breathe by Mario. Only of my favorite songs hope it's yours too. Enjoy.

One month and two weeks had passed since Daniel had died. It wasn't that much easy for those people who knew the kind. The bravest they have ever mate. To them he will always dwell in their heart forever.

Rose had changed since her son passed. She wasn't the same woman that people knew before. She quit her job saying that her only reason to go there was already gone. She let her son's nanny to go coz she wasn't in need of her anymore. She barely got out of her bed. If it wasn't for her best friend who never left her site then things would have been worse than they were right now.

Nicole passed by her apartment every morning to get her out of bed and make her have her breakfast. She would then drank her to the bathroom and make sure that she took her shower. Then she would prepare lunch for her and live. When she came back from work she would find that Rose hadn't touched her lunch. All she said she did was sleep.

Nicole would then warm the food and force her to take it. She did her best in trying to make her friend cheerful but no. She remembered dull for those days. She also had moved to her son's room and refused with his things being taken away.

Ryan on his side tried to make her happy but as always she locked everyone outside. The thing between them had even go worse after one week. They made love together and when morning came and Rose woke up. It was like hell had gone loose. She chased him out of the house saying that he never loved her son. She told him that she needed some space to mourn her only source of happiness. Ryan tried to make her understand that he was gone but it all went to waste.

We all give up sometime in life. It's part of us. Unless we want to be like Raila who never gives up his fights. Rose was now in her son's room mourning for him as always. Only the pillow on the bed would explain the amount of tears that it has come in contact with. The door bell rung three times before she could even realize that it was ringing.

"I'm coming, "she shouted when it went on the forth time and she was coming downstairs. She stood at the door and wiped her tears before she opened it. She forced a smile on her face when opening the door to let the visitor in.
"Ryan? "she called him in shock.
He looked up at her, "can I come in please? "
She looked at him. He had pleading eyes that made her to move aside so that he may get in.

Ryan walked inside and she followed behind after closing the door behind them. He sat on her couch and hoping she would sit next to him she sat on another couch making him feel disappointed. He hopped that maybe she had changed her behavior for that one month that he hadn't seen her. He took in a deep breath and looked at her.

"So how have you been love? "
She looked at him when she heard the word love. He wouldn't apologise for calling her that. She was still her love. And she will always be.
"I'm OK as you can see. "
"You're not OK and we all know that, "he sounded hurt and the same time about to shout, "Rose for Christ sake please let people help you get well. You need help love. "

"Did you come here to give me lectures coz to be honest I'm in no moods for them. "
"When will you stop pushing people away? "he was shouting Now. Yes, if that was the only way she would understand then he was going to do it. Who mourns over a person for over a month anyway the way she does? If you love a person you celebrate the life that they lived. You can't change destiny. You may run away from it but never hide from it. "Do you think that Daniel is happy seeing you like this? Do you think that that boy would have wanted to see you like this? We all know what he would have done. Don't let the life your son lived to be wasted in mourning. Wake up every day for him. Do something important every day coz of him. Wake up love, get in your feet and show people that once you had a son who was alive and his legacy still lives. "

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