chapter 34

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Rose placed her hands on his bare chest as he snaked his hands around her waist and pulled her close. Their mouth never left each other. Ryan tasted her sweet berry lips. He could swear to himself that he was not getting enough of her. Just when he was about to push his tongue on hers the door was knocked making them to pull apart. Ryan saw her smile and bit her now sour lower lip something that he always found it being sexy. He pulled her close again again and when he was about to go back to what they were doing before that knock they heard the knock again this time louder. Ryan pecked her lips and walked to the door. He opened it reviling room attender with a sweet smile.
"You had asked for clean towels Sir, "she said with that smile that seemed not to fading away anytime soon, "sorry we took long to attend to you. The thing is that...... "
"It's OK miss, "he cut her short, "can I get them plz? " he yawned to pretend that he was very much sleepy. But could he even close his eyes and getting the best news ever.
"Yes sir, "she handed him the towels, "have a blessed night."

He smiled back at her before saying you too and closed the door. He turned to see that Rose was seated on his bed smiling at his impatient mood. Ryan walked to the bathroom and placed the towels there before going back to her. He sat on the bed making her feel his weight.
"So, "he began, "where were we before that knock? "
"You're so impatient, you know? "
"Yeah but can ever be when it comes to you love. "
Rose smiled at him. He held her cheeks and rubbed her sweet face with both his thumbs. He placed his forehead on hers making her blush. This was so damn good. He was enjoying every time he saw that he brought an infection on her.
"To be honest I know nothing about the man that I have began to date. "
Ryan sat up, "does that mean that we are sweethearts? "
"C'mon you love me and I feel the same so yeah we're. "
Ryan just smile and pecked both of her cheeks.
"Tell me what you want to know, coz I promise that from today hence forth I will be like an open book to you. "
Ryan saw her lean to pinch his too cheeks, "aren't you the sweetest thing. "
"I am but don't pinch my cheeks again. That kinda hurts. "
"OK, "she raised her hand, "so tell me about your childhood till date. "

Ryan saw her seat upright and wear the business face. He was about to laugh but he held his laughter for another section.
"It's boring and I'm sure by the time I'm done you will be snoring. "
"Try me pervert. "
"Call me that when we are only the two of us. "
Rose laughed, "OK, pervert. "
He just gave her a gaze and took in a deep breath, "so I'm Ryan Morgan the only child of Mr and Mrs Smith,"he saw her give him the look of 'who then is Morgan 'look.
Ryan remembered his childhood as he told Rose about it. His parents were the sweetest couple that he had ever know. Even the neighborhood they all respect the Smith family and not because of their richness but coz of their love. Ryan had never seen his pare fight neither argue and if they ever did that it was not in front of him. Then when he was ten his mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. They had no idea about the sickness since she had hidden it from them. He remembered her flying  out of country in the name of business when in reality she had gone for an operation.

When she came back she looked okay to then with no signs of any disease nor operation. Ryan got his toy staff and he wouldn't be any happier than that. Days passed but his mum showered some signs of sickness. She would complain of tiredness.  Then one day they were all from having dinner from a fancy restaurant and his mum fainted at the door entrance. His dad carried her to hospital. And with no time some text were run on her to find out what was wrong with her. All this time Ryan and his dad were restless waiting for the news. Then the door gave them the shocking news. She was at the last stage and nothing would save her not even their money. They walked to the ward that she was and saw all those tubes that were running through her body. She was awake and she stretched her hand to them. Ryan took it and his dad just stood there crying. They asked her why but the only answer they got was that it was too late and they would have wasted the money for nothing. She said it was not worth the second operation. All she wanted was for them to be together. Before she passed on she had then promise her that there relationship would never break.

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