chapter 2

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Rose walked through the hall way responding to the greets that everyone was throwing at her. She stood at the reception where she picked up some files before greeting Diana a good morning and then walked to her office. She placed her handbag and the files on top of her table then proceed to sit down.

Picking up the telephone she made a call to the kitchen requesting for the tea to be taken to her office before her boss arrived. Rose made the schedule for the boss remembering how she got this job. Six years ago she had wanted a job that was going to help her move on with her life.

She had thought of taking her son to a day care if she got any job but her childhood friend had offered to look after him since she also wanted her friend to move on. She knew that if Rose did not find a job she would spend the rest of her life locked in doors and she could not bear that thought. That's when she offered to take care of the little angel who in a way had brought some happiness in her friend's life. She knew if she took care of the baby, Rose would not find an excuse to quit working.

Rose had gone through some newspapers looking for some advertisement and there she saw this company in need of a person assistant. She took the opportunity and wrote to them an application letter and to her surprise she received a phone call asking her to go for an interview. With that she got the job and even now she can't imagine that she has been working for all those years in the same company.

Her boss was a God sent if she could say. He never yells at people and always ready to help in best he can. Rose could not help at the thought of the real owner of the company. The person she called boss was the vice president who was left in charge of the company seven years ago. He had told her that the owner had gone to start a branch in another country and stay until it was on its own feet.

Her thoughts were brought back by the knock at the door. Rose responded as she made sure that everything was included in the schedule. Miguel placed the tray on the table where she had created a space for him. They exchanged greets and how is your family staff before Miguel left her to continue with her work.

Rose made a call after seeing everything was ready to go, "hey,  morning sir," she greeted.

"Morning to you too miss Ross," the voice was heard from the other side of the phone.

She smiled knowing that it was useless since he could not see that sexy smile of hers, "just want to know if you are ready for you tea, sir."

"Yeah," he answered before she put the phone down.

Rose carried the tray and the schedule to her boss' office.

He smiled at her as she poured some tea then set it before him. Rose proceeded to having a seat.

He took a sip of his iced tea, "I think the meeting are too many today and it seems that there is no break anywhere," he said looking at his schedule.

"I noticed that myself," she bit her lower lip, "but we are paid for that, sir."

"You are right about that, no lazing around," he smiled, "so our first meeting starts in five minutes."

She raised on her feet, "the more reason you should finish your tea now and proceed to the board room."

She was at the door when she heard him say, "after you."

She closed the door and went to her office to get the materials she needed during the meeting then proceeded to the board room to wait for the others.


Rose had asked Nicole to pick her son up for she had a late meeting and did not know how long it was going to take her. After the meeting was over she went home to free her friend from her responsibility. 

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