chapter 14

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Rose got up the following morning, her head pain so much. She looked at the room that she was in since what was not familiar to her.

Where I'm I? What happened last night and how did I end up here?

She noticed that the room was painted grey and purple. A big and cosy room for that matter. She got out of the bed and brushed her teeth after seeing a new brush then went downstairs. She found Ryan in the kitchen and then she understood where she was.

Ryan took the kettle and put water inside then placed it on the gas to boil. He had not yet realized her presents in the kitchen. He took two plates and placed them on the table. That's when he saw her standing there, in front of him.
"Good morning, miss Ross, "he greeted her as he placed the pancakes on each plate then took a fruit salad that he had made and placed it at the middle of the two plates.
"What I'm I doing here? "she asked instead of responding to his greets, "did you by any chance kidnap me? "
Ryan laugh at the question then put off the gas, "and why would I want to do that? I mean I have so many women who come running to me and not the other way round. "
"You pervert, I want to go home now. "
Ryan took the blundered juice and placed it on the table, "that's not what you wanted last night. "

Rose looked at him horrified at what might have happened last night. Just then she realized that she was on his shirt.

Oh my, did we do something with him? I'm so stupid. Why can't I remember what happened to me?

"What do you mean by that? "
Ryan pulled a seat, "you head must be punting after what you did,so you can have you breakfast first then we will talk about you going home. And just to end your doughty nothing happened between the two of us and you changed yourself into my T-shirt after.... "
"I remember, and I got myself drunk. I'm so stupid. But are you sure nothing happened? "
Ryan pointed the seat that he was still holding to her, "nothing even though I would have loved to. But don't worry I don't take advantage of people. "
Rose sat down and waited for him to puree for both coffee then sit down before she said, "you are a pervert. "
"Yes, your pervert, "he smiled at her and she smiled back.
"Did I make a fool out of myself? "
Ryan swallowed his food then said, "no but you made allot of promise to me. "
Rose was choked, "what kind of promise? "
"You really can't remember? "
"Would I ask if I remembered? "
He put down his empty cup of coffee, "I don't think so. "

"So what did I promise? "
"That you will be giving me a kiss every day since I did help you. "
"What? "she asked pushing her now empty plate away.
Ryan took the salad and added it on the plate then pushed it back to her, "you even signed a contract, if you want I will get it for you. "
He was getting up when she said, "no need but hope you understand that I was not in my right mind when I did that "
"Yeah, I know but you already signed and no going back. Besides you know that I've always wanted that and now I can't ignore everything. "

The rest of the breakfast they eat quietly on the plate and the fork spoke on that table. Ryan picked up the dirty dishes and placed them in the sink then turned to her, "I will tour you around the house if you want. "
"I want to go home. "
"Why are you in hurry or do you have someone waiting for you? "
"it's working day and I have to be at the work by 8."
"Today you are not going to work  you  can spent your time with your friends. "
She looked at him, "really sir? "
"Yeah, "he was smiling then he saw her frown, "what happened? "
"The thing is that I don't have many friends. I only have my best friend and now Lewis and all of them are out of the country. "
He did not know whether to be happy or sad, "really now? "
"Yeah, so I will just go to the office. "
"Why don't we do one thing, "he said it more of a statement than a question.
"What? "
He come close to her, "we pretend that we are friends and spend the day together, so what do you think of that? "
"Like I have any other choice. "
"Pick a place and we can have a quality time together. "
She even went closer to him, "why not behind closed doors? "
He leaned that their nose touched, "it sounds awesome, I love the idea. "
He was about to take her lips when she moved away making him to curse under the breath, "don't be evil minded. So friends for now, "she was giving her hand to him.
He shook it saying, "friends. "

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