chapter 30

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Dedicated to Gudsoul95. Hope you find the answer to u quiz here. And that's for always being the first to vote and comment. I 😍 u.

And thanks to all. Hope u enjoy the chappy.

Ryan was at the backyard of Rose's house. He had finish playing video game with Daniel. After that the young boy had asked him to join him for football. He loved it. It was also his favorite game and to be honest he was already falling for this charming boy. He had thought that he looked like someone he knew when he was young but he couldn't remember who. But what surprised him more was the fact the he loved half of his liking. First it was video games, now football. He hopped that their was no more than that. This wasn't the first time he met the young boy. In fact the first time the  boy would not stop praising him. Daniel had said that he was more handsome than the way the magazines had made him appear like. That was during his birthday and he was the one who gave him that video game.

Daniel had made a promise to him that he won't tell his mum where the present came from but as always there had to be a condition in which in exchange Ryan accepted. He looked at the backyard which was more beautiful than his. He loved it. He remembered how he made his way to her house. He had followed Ron yesterday and he saw him get into this apartment. After that he went back to the house freshened up and then went to meet him at their usual club. He kept quiet about the issue and when he went back to his house he couldn't sleep. He stayed all night awake thinking of how and where he was going to begin his apology to her. When morning came he went, took shower and then decided to go to the office. Even there he couldn't concentrate so instead he went to her apartment since he knew she never worked on weekends. When Daniel's nanny had opened the door he was so how relieved that she was not the one who opened. He asked about her where snouts and he was told that he had missed her, since she had gone to by grocery. He said that he would wait and that's when the rest followed.

"Here, "he came back to reality, "have some juice before we start the game. "
"Thanks, "he picked up the juice from Daniel's hand and took a sip, "how did you know that orange it's my favorite? "
Daniel raised an eyebrow,"I didn't, in fact I brought it coz it's also mine. "
He smiled at the boy, "we do have so many things that we like. I think we should share so that we make sure it's not everything. "
"I agree. "
Ryan took a sip of his juice, "let's begin. Favorite food? "
"That would be potato mash. "
"Same here. Favorite color? "
"White and blue. "
"Actually mine is black and white. Best ride? "
"Any can do. "
"Sport car when I'm not working. "
Daniel got up, "mmh we don't have so much in common. "
"I agree. But we can be best buddies. "
"Yeah, "he finished his juice, "but after you winning the game which won't be that easy. "
"We shall know about that then, "Ryan finished his and handed him his glass which he picked.
"Don't tell me that you're going to play wearing that, "he pointed at his out fits. He was wearing a black suit with a bolt tie. Ryan just smiled then nodded.
"Why am I even being bothered coz this is the best opportunity for me to win. I will be back. "
After Daniel left Ryan looked at his wrist watch and it was already in the noon and Rose had come back from the grocery shop.

Daniel came back and they all began to play. Daniel was very good at his talent and Ryan was. This made it hard for both of them to score. After a 30 minutes a goal was scored. Ryan was jumping up and running around like a small kid he did some waves to the empty space pretending to be waving at his funs and thanking them. Daniel was laughing while watching him him. The last thing he knew he was being carried around. He screamed to be put done but Ryan gave him no attention.
Still carrying him on his shoulders, "so are we buddies? "
"Put me down and I will answer that. "
"Naah, "he shock his head, "answer first. "
"Yes we are best of buddies. Will u now? "
"Love go and wash your hands inside and take some pizza I bought for you. I bet you are staving. "
Ryan froze. That was Rose but he knew she had not recognized him since he was showing her his back. What was he going to say to her? He was confused at that time.

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