chapter 11

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"Are you sure that you don't what me to take you home? "he asked with consented eyes, "I mean it's late. "
She smiled at him, "c'mon it's not that late, it's only midnight and I'm sure that I want to walk. "
"But..... "
The rest of the words were swolled by her kiss.
She pulled back after a long passionate kiss, "stop being a big dad to me coz you're not. "
He raised his hands in surrender, "fine but promise that you will be careful and once you arrive home you will call me. "
"Mmh, it's just a few blocks from here and I know this place well so stop getting yourself all worked up. "
He came close, "Rose, honey, I just want to make sure that you arrived home save and sound so just promise. "

"Ooh nana, love is simple nana, promise me no promises....."
He took her hand, "will you stop singing and promise, for crying out loud. "
"Ooh my!!!! "she exclaimed, "you are so male dramatic. Can't you have fun for a while? "
"You know that this is a serious matter and you are talking as if it's not. "
"Fine I promise, "
He smiled, "then I will be expecting your call once you arrive. "
She kissed him a good night kiss and left. She was so much happy that he had thought of their future together. Having him buy a house for both of them and loving her so much was all she needed in this life. The happiness was too much that she thought it was better for her to walk to her home. This would help her get fresh air which would help in getting her beauty sleep for the rest of the night.

While she was in her day dreaming she heard a hand grab her before she knew it she was inside a car that was                       overspending. She wanted to scream but her mouth was covered with a black linen clothe along with her eyes. After a long drive the car pulled to a parking and was carried into a dark room.

Rose felt her body being tossed on a mattress then the men laughed. They were the same men that had kidnapped her that she heard them getting drunk. After hours of struggling Rose heard the room she was in open the close again. She pushed herself to the wall in order to avoid the man whom she felt he was coming towards the bed. She was pulled back to the center of bed and uncover her face and mouth.

"Who are you and what do you want from me? "she asked still terrified. She got no answer from the man. He only came close and sat next to her. He was drunk since his breath smelled of alcohol. "Please I know you're  drunk and drunk people do stupid things so please just listen to me. Don't do what you want to do. " He was coming closer as she spoke. First he was toying with her hair, then her ear as Rose moved away from his touch.

Dear God give me the strength, please don't abandon me at this time. Remember you have said that we call onto you and you will answer? I need your answer now. I know you are watching.

Rose began again, "I can feel that you are a good man. I can feel it so please don't hurt. I'm like your sister, please don't do something that you will regret for the rest of your life. "
Still the man said nothing. This time he pulled her back to the center of bed.
"You know something, "he finally said, "you talk too much bitch. So let's get this done with already. "
Rose seeing that he heard nothing that she said and he was already on top of her, she started to fight back and scream. But no one  came to her rescue not even God did.

She was about to see his miserable face but then she heard something ring. It was the alarm that saved her from the past. The past that a part of her wanted to forget but the other wanted to see the monster's face.

Rose got up and put the alarm off and looked at her sheets which were socked with sweat. She moved to the bathroom and brushed her teeth then proceeded to her son's room.
"Wake up sleepy head, "she said pulling his sheets from him.
Daniel turned the other side of the bed, "just five minutes mum, only five I promise. "
Rose pulled into sitting position, "if that happens, it means that you will get late for school so to the bathroom now. Before I finish setting the table I need to see you there ready to go. Okay? "
"Yes mum, "he was still closing his eyes.
Rose got up from his bed, "of you go young man. "

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