chapter 31

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Dedicated to d4ni3lg. Thanks dear for the votes and comments. 😍 u.

Ryan had asked Rose to do him a favor by remaining in the office after work so that they go through some contract together. She agreed and waited till everyone had left the office. Today was her first day at work and she was glad that it went well without any problems. She had asked him to give her a week so that she could explain everything to her boss before handing him the resignation letter. He was not ready to let her go when she went to see him. He was ready to promote her or even increase her salary if that was the problem but she didn't accept any. It did hurt her living the company that she had fallen in love with in such a short time. Everyone in that place loved her since day one but she had left them for what she had no idea if it would last.

Her former boss told her if she ever needed favor of anything all she had to do was just make a call away. She thanked them and left the one place she had found a family. The next thing she had to do was to tell Nicole her decision which she almost freaked out.
"Are you sure that that handsome pervert of yours won't ditch you again?" she had asked her. Rose just smiled at her and told her if he ever did that then she would kill him that same day. The rest of her friends were like Nicole but later agreed with her decision. Now that she had spent the whole day here she just hoped that she didn't make a wrong decision. But what if she actually did?

Rose got up and walked to his office. The place was so damn quite that she was not sure if that was really a great idea. But this wasn't her first time to be alone with him. But at same time she felt that it was way too different. She knocked on the door and she heard him respond on the other side of the door. She got inside remembering  one of the few soaps she watched by the name 'Behind Closed Doors '
Ryan was busy on his laptop when she closed the door behind her and walked to her seat. He looked tired with his loose tie. She saw him move his hand lazily up after finishing to type something. He looked like someone who had not slept for two weeks or something. Rose had doughts that he would even continue for another hours.

"Please forgive me, "he said closing his laptop, "I had to finish that and sent it today. "
"I do understand, "she smiled at him.
He smiled back lazily, "mmh you have to forgive me, I know that this was not our agreement but I had to do this. "
They had agreed that Rose had to leave at the time that her son was  to be picked from school. Also during the weekends Rose had to work on half day on Saturday and take a day off on Sunday.
"It's okay, "she still looked at him, "my son is on a holiday so I can't complain. "
Ryan looked at her then picked up the file. He walked to her side placed it down and then leaned near her. She could feel his breath so close, she closed her eyes trying to concentrate. Ryan opened the file and she looked at it.

"It needs some correction which has to be done today and also sent today. "
"I will take care of that, "she said pick up the file and got up.
Ryan didn't move from his position, "actually we are going to do it together. "
She just sat down and opened the file once more.
They all began to go through the file marking out each mistake that they came across with. After an hour Ryan walked of the office leaving Rose to continue with the work.
"Please have this, "he offered a cup of coffee.
She picked up and said thanks to him. He nodded his head then she began to show him the correction that she came across while he went out to bring coffee for then. Once they were done with the correction Ryan pulled the opposite seat and sat down.

Rose on the other hand took his laptop and began to write a whole new file. Hours were passing and she kept on typing, Ryan had help but when she took over Ryan leaned his head on the table and he fell asleep. Rose got up and went to make herself tea to help her control her sleep. She had just come back when she heard Ryan talk in his dream. She couldn't make out the first words but the last one she got them loud and clear, "why did you leave me? "
Rose sat down and placed her mug of steaming hot tea on the table. She raised her hand to shake him awake but instead just let him be. She couldn't help but wonder who left him and why it bothered him so much that he even dreams about it.
"I still do love you and always will do. If only you could come back to me. Please don't say it's impossible. I miss you so much and you still have a place in my heart. "
He then turned his head to the other side his face still buried by his large arms. She placed her hands on the keyboard and continued typing. She didn't want to think about his dream but still affected her in a way. Why it did that?she had no idea.

After prove reading the document over and over again she sent it and then closed the laptop. She carried the three empty mug back to the kitchen and went to her office. She picked up her belongings and went back to Ryan's office. He still slept peacefully. His face was now facing her side. She couldn't help but stare at his too handsome face. It still showed tiredness even in his sleep. His lips so dry and oooh she has to wake him up and not stare at him. She shock him gently and he woke up slowly. He sat up and looked at her. She smiled at him, "fell asleep while working sir. "
"Mmh, "he rubbed his eyes, "where are we now? "
She laughed at his question, "heading home Sir. "
"Go ahead, I will have to finish this work. And thanks for the help. "
She still laughed, "actually I already did everything and sent the document and by tomorrow you will get the feed back. "
He was now shocked, "what, you did all that? "
"Yes and you need to get home get shower and take a long rest. "
"Sure will do that, "he got up and took his coat from the huger.
He wore it and took his car keys, "shall we miss Ross? "
"Of course sir, "she gave out a big yawn.
"I'm also staving, "he said once they stepped out, "let's have our supper at the caffeine. "
"Thanks but I have to head home. It's very late but you can go and grab something. "
"I will just order pizza then. "

After that they walked silently. They got into the elevator and went to the basement.
"So guess it's a night, "he said standing in front of her.
"Yeah, "she smiled.
He closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. She snaked her hands around his neck. Staying in each others arms for a while Rose could smell his vanilla scent on her nose strip. He pulled away and placed his forehead on hers. She looked at his lips which were still dry. He smiled at her and began to lean in. When he was about few inches from taking her, his phone rung. She pulled away and he cursed under his breath. He picked it up.
"So where were we? "he asked putting back the phone on his pants.
"About to leave. "
She was about to pass him when he pulled her making her to land on his chest. "Why are you running away from me? "
"I'm not, "she said looking up at him, "I'm tired and I need to get a rest. "
"Can I ask a favor from you. As a friend. "
"Sure thing. "
"Will you give me a kiss? "
She smiled at him, "sure thing, "she stood on her toes and pecked him,"so can I go now sir? "
"I never made at my cheek, and this isn't the first time you done that. "
"Yeah and isn't the first time I will tell you that you have to specify which type of kiss you do need. "
"OK, "he raised his hands in surrender, "next time you will be in for surprise miss Ross. "
She laughed, "is that a threat? "
"Take it whatever  way you want."
"Gudnyt Mr Morgan. "
"Same miss Ross,"he kissed her forehead  and walked her to her car. He waited till she drove out of the basement. Ryan got in of his car and drove home.


Rose walked into her apartment. Being late as it was the house was so quiet. She walked to the kitchen picked her supper from the fridge and warmed it. She sat on the dinning table and eat everything. She was really staving. After she was done she took her dishes to the sink and walked upstairs. She went to her room took cold shower and change into her pjs. She comped her hair and walked into her son's room. He had thrown his covers his legs swinging on the bed. She picked up the cover and brought them back to her son. Just when she was about to cover him up she noticed two bruises on his left foot. This was it. She had had enough of this boy and football. She went into his bathroom and came out with the first aid kit. She took care of them and then covered him.

She returned the kit to its place and walked out. She made her mind that she was going to give him her piece of mind tomorrow. If it made him stopping to play football then she had to do it. To her he was way more important than anything in this world. She got into her bed and slept off.

So hey guys, hope you all are well

So how did you guys find the chappy? Plz let me know about it.

So I just realized that this story is way too far to be at the end and I don't want to have too many chapters since its my first buk to write here. So I need to made it a little short but still will be interesting. So let me know what you think about it. If you do want me to shorten the story or write it all. Be waiting for your opinion.

Do remember to comment, vote and share. 😘

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