chapter 22

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So we're at the beginning of the chapter. Hope you've read information up there abt true love. Enjoy the chappy. 😘

Two weeks had passed since the incident that Rose had encountered with Sallu at the office. She was thankful in way since from then her boss had started treating her so well. He was being nicer to her. Always allowing to take a day off on Sunday and Saturday work half of the day. She was amused because she was getting to learn the other side of him and it was interesting. Today was on a Sunday and as for the passed two Sunday's she has been spending her time with her son to make it up to him.

The door bell rung bring her back to the reality. Her son had just left the living room to go and get some orange juice for them. His nanny was given a day off for her to go and visit her family in the province. She was about to get the door when her son ran towards it.
"I will get it, "he opened the door.
"Ooh aren't you the cutest thing I've ever known? "Nicole was pitching his cheeks as they got inside.
"Hey you've been away for a while and you come back pitching me? "
"That's coz you're an adorable baby. "

Nicole went to her friend and hugged her so tight that Rose couldn't breath. She heard her say that she was suffocating and then let go. Rose moved from the empress an got some breath before she could even alter any word.
"Did you come with the plans of killing us? "
"C'mon guys, you all are over reacting. I just missed you so much. "
"And the only way to show it is by suffocating us? "
Nicole laughed, "actually not us but you. Coz I just pitched Daniel. "
Rose pulled her hand, "whatever, anyway why didn't you tell me you were coming. I would have picked you up from the airport. "
"If I did it won't have been a surprise. "
"Ooh don't give me that. "
She laughed again, "Agustin was with me that's why. "
"mmh, so where is the cute bf of yours? "
"I left him parking then he had an agent call to make. You know he is workaholic."

So the two friends talked about their different experience while they were away from each other. Nicole was shocked when she had that Sallu had turned into a beast and moron. She couldn't believe that he was the same person that she knew. Her boyfriend's best friend. She had to talk to him in way. He would listen if the real Sallu was still in there wondering about.

The door was opened and a man walked inside. Daniel ran into his empress. He loved Agustin very much and he was his buddy although they really saw each other. Once he come to visit him they would play football his favorite game. He carried him inside and sat together on the couch after giving Rose a peck and Nicole. He enjoyed talking to Daniel telling him the different presents he had bought for him. While they did the chit chat the two women excused themselves to go and make lunch.

By the time Agustin finished telling Daniel how amazing his trip was, the food was served. They all sat at the dinning table and dunked in. The only sound that was heard was that of plates and forks. Once they were done they moved back at the sitting everyone with a glass of juice. Daniel knew that now it was time for adults talk so he excused himself and went upstairs to play a video game which he loved very much.

"So, "Nicole broke the silence that was created since Daniel left,"Agustin said that you two had some to tell me. "
"Yes, "they said in union.
Smiling at each other Rose gave him a go ahead look.
"Yes, "he placed his juice on the table, "hope you're ready for the news coz trust me that they're not good. "
Nicole sat upright from the couch and saw the two face change. She was now getting friaded by both of them. She inhaled before doing what Agustin had done, placing her half juice on the table.
"Did something bad happen? "her voice was becoming crack.

"Actually it's about you and him, "Rose pointed at Agustin.
"Did I do something wrong? "
Agustin just looked her then again to Rose.
"You have been dating for eight good years and he has never made a move of asking you to marry him. Don't you actually find that suspicious? "
"To be honest I do but I don't give a damn about it coz he is with me and I'm not complaining. The day he will think that he is ready then I will be ready. "
Rose got up and started walking around. By doing that she even made her so nervous.

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