chapter 29

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"What's this? "he asked holding the pieces of paper in front of her.
She was shaking as she answered,"it's the file that you asked for, Sir. "
He threw the papers on her face. She was crying when he said, "do you think I'm stupid as you are? "
"No sir. "
"Did u go through the f****** file as I asked you to? "
"Yes sir I did. "
"And you never saw any mistakes, or did you? "
"I..... I, "she was mumbling, "I didn't see any sir. The file was okay. "
"So you want to mean that I'm not a profession? "
"I never meant that. "
"You're so dumb and stupid do you know that? Who hired you in the first place? "
"You actually did Sir. "
"Ooh do I'm the one,"he said that in more of statement than a question.
"Yes, "the poor lady. She was actually crying.
"And how long have you been working here? "
"After today it will be a week coz I started last Friday Sir. "
He got up from his seat, "guess what then. "
She just kept quite. He moved from his seat and went to where she stood.
"You just got yourself fired,"he saw her give her a what face, "yes you're fired. Pick your week salary from the receptionist and get yourself out of my property. "
She was now on her knees beginning him not to fire her but he gave no sheet about it.

"I'm the bread winner in our family sir. Plz don't do this to me. I need money very badly. Listen to me for once Sir. "
"You should have put that in mind before bringing that sheet to me. Please don't make me call the security coz it be very much embarrassing. "
He went and opened the door for her. She looked at him with puppy eyes but he never gave in. She just walked out and he slammed the door. He walked back to his seat and sat there quietly. A month had passed since he saw Rose walk into his office. The last time he saw her was when she came to hand him her resignation letter. He had begged her to stay buy she showed him cold shoulders.

Afterwards he called her but she never picked his call. He sent so many damn messages apologising and wanting her to go back to work but he got no reply. Then she had changed her number and gave it to her friends at his company. He wanted to badly to get hold of it to an extent of even threatening to fire them but they all stayed loyal to her. He needed he in that office. He wanted to see her walk inside through that door with that smile that he had not forgotten every day carrying his coffee. He needed to sit next to her at the meetings as she took down the dictation. And most of all he needed his friend back to his life.

Just then the door opened reviling his friend. He knew why he was there.
"I just saw your secretary crying at the reception. "
"That's coz I fired her. "
Ron pulled a seat and sat down, "you can't fire every secretary that you hire Ryan. "
"And do you think I don't now that? "
"The only problem with you is that you want to see Rose in them, but you have to give this people a chance. "
"That's the problem I only want her here with me. I want her working for me. Only me and only me. "
"How many people have you fired within one month? "
He looked like he was counting his figures, "I lost count of them. "
"See what I'm talking about? She is happy with her new job. She can't stop saying how good it is and how well paying it is. "
He got up again from the seat. That's how Ron always said. He never gave him her no. nether did  he give him her home address after so much begging.

At a time he understood why he didn't do anything to help him even after see how desperate he was. But a he didn't. He took the opposite seat next to him,"that's my problem Ron, I don't want her to be happy working in another company. I want happy in here. Working for me. "
"Look here Ryan, "he said, "you had that chance and you failed and now you have to move on coz she already did. You can't give the time to spare for her son but there she has more than she needs. People love her there, appreciate her and mostly her boss is willing to do anything just to keep her with him. She can't leave all that to come here to get humiliated."
He signed deeply, "I would now die for her. "
"I believe you but as Chris Martin said you only know you love her when you let her go. "
"Will you help me? "
"The only was I can help you is by telling you to move on. Move on. "
"I'm being serious here. "
"Believe me you not but I'm also being serious. As much I would love to help, I can't you know I will pay a big prize and it's loosing her friendship and that's the last thing I would wish for. So sorry man. "
"And I also remember the quote keep try as hard as you can to make your enemies your friend. She thinks I'm the enemy so I will prove her wrong. "
"All the best,"he got up from his seat, "sorry but I've to go. "
"Where are you going? "
"I've to meet Rose in her house. It's on Friday and we usually talk about important business but personal. "
"Okay man, "he got up and walked him to the door, "plz say I said hi to her. "
"Sure will do, "he hugged his friend a good bye, "please take care. I will meet you at our usual cub at 8:00pm."
"I will and sure I'll be there. Take care. "

Ron left and Ryan went back. He was all alone again. He looked at the work that he had to do all by himself and buried his face on his hands. To him this was hell on earth. He signed and he got out the pieces of paper that he had thrown on his secretary's face. He went on through the first line when an idea struck his mind. He took his car keys and walked out hurrying down the hall to the car parking at the basement.

He started the engine and smiled at himself for the first time in that day.

So hey guys hope u okay.

What do u think of the chapter?

I know it might have been a little bit short but I needed to show you how life has been for him since the incident.

So what do you think of Ryan?

What idea do you guys think that he had in mind at that moment that made him to actually smile?

So today people were voting for the president and others. I didn't coz I'm too young for that. I just hope the the results will be fair and the leader will be God's chosen one as they announce tomorrow.

Plz let me get your comments. I luv to read and reply to them.

Remember to comment, vote and share.

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