chapter 3

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Rose walked to the bathroom the following morning. She washed her face and brushed her teeth thanking the heavens for not allowing her ghosts to come back again. She went back and made her bed then proceeded down stairs. Daniel sat on the floor his eyes fixed on the Nickelodeon channel. She kissed him on the forehead, "morning love, " she greeted taking the remote away from him.
He raised his eyebrows then answered, "morning too, mum. "
She was about to get to the kitchen when she turned to look at him, "did you do what is needed to be done every morning? "
Daniel smiled at her, "mum, " he called her with that voice that she knew what it meant. "Can I please finish watching ninja turtle? I promise that I will do that after this. "
"Then after that it will be after American dragon  then after that will be so..... "
"Please mum I promise now can you make breakfast because I'm starving already. "

Without another word Rose smiled and went in the kitchen. She made themselves a breakfast which she set before the table. After the breakfast was done Rose cleaned every part of the house. Her son sat on the couch after he was done with his part of a job watching TV. By the time she was done with her general cleaning it was time to make lunch.

With her groceries out of stock she went and cleaned up then came down stairs. She was dress in a green dress which showed her sexy figure perfectly. After a ten minutes drive, Rose parked her car at the mall. She went to the other side of the car and opened the door for him.

Knowing her son very well she took him first into a restaurant and ordered their lunch. Once the lunch was done Rose went into the supermarket and with the help of her son they bought everything that they needed for the house.
"Mum, "her son called, " can I remain playing here as you go to buy groceries please, "he was pleading to her.
She looked at him and knowing it was not such a bad idea she left him but asked him to behave.

"it's been a while since you came here Rose, " Olivia stepped out of the counter giving Rose a warm welcome hug.
Rose pulled away to say, "common Olivia it's only last week I sent Nicole here and you are making it look like its been years. "
Olivia pulled to a bench ,"that's because you are like a daughter to me, child. "
"Please don't start your drama now, " she was pulling away from her. Rose loved Olivia so much. She was like a second mother and for that reason alone she was thankful.  This lady had taught her how to take care of a baby when she had no idea. She had put herself in her mother's feet only because she was her best friend. That was the kind of relationship she wanted between her and Nicole . The kind that never ends even after death.

"So where is that little angel of yours? "
Her thoughts were brought back to the reality, "at the mall playing, you know him. Speaking of that I have to do shopping right now, "she was on her feet.
"The usual? "Olivia asked following behind to help her get them.
"Yeah, "she walked the other side.


After she had said goodbye to Olivia Rose turned to walk away. Hardly had she taken few steps when she saw him. He stood besides her car smiling at her. The smile was as good as she could remember it. His muscular body was leaning against her car.  She wanted to run to him. To have him on her arms again. Just when she was about to do so her common sense cane knocking on her.  Don't be stupid girlfriend he doesn't belong to you anymore. He is a marriage man with a family and further more he left you at the alter when you needed him most.

With that all her smile fed away. What she felt at that moment was a mixed reaction. She took in a deep breath and walked to her car. She did not know what to say him but she had to tell him to move aside from the car.
"Sir, " she began biting her lower lip hard, 'I have to be somewhere but you are leaning on my car. Would you be so kind enough to excuse me please. "
He looked into those blue eyes that he used to love so much and smiled. "Rose don't tell me that you can't remember me. "
"I would have loved to cheat chat with you but as you can see I'm in a hurry."
Sallu came forward and shook her hard, "say something at least Rose shout, call me  names but don't stay this cold on me please. "
Moving away from his touch she opened the door and got into the car and drove away without a word. Sallu stood there not knowing what to do. He had just arrived in the country and this was what he got?

He had thought t that everything between the two of them was okay but how wrong he was. He walked to the grocery store and was happy that at least someone was glad to see him. After a long catch up with Olivia Sallu  bought the groceries and left. 

Hey guys we have come to the end of another chapter. I'm grateful to you all for reading my book. I know this chapter was kinda of boring but I had to write it anyway.  I promise that the next one will be a good one
Please live your comments .


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