chapter 4

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A month had passed since Rose had ran into Sallu. She had thought of how she had treated him but told herself that he deserved it in a way. She went through the schedule for the day all over again to make sure that nothing was left behind.  With everything  in order she carried it along with the tray. Rose found her boss not in the office.

She went back and started typing done some documents that were needed in less than an hour. She remembered how her boss had left on Monday afternoon to go and pick up their big  boss from the airport. Since then she had heard her fellow employees wishing to see him. According to them he was kind, good looking and every good thing that an employee would love from an employer. With all that her boss had told them that their big boss was to come the following Monday. The thought of working with the vice president for the last time scared her very much. Would her now new boss love her work? Would he understand her like the other one?

By the time she was done typing it was meeting time. She carried all the files that were needed and proceeded to the board room.  The meeting lasted for all the afternoon that when it was done Rose went into her office and picked up her handbag and the coat. When she turned to take a leave Rose was shocked, "damn it! "she exclaimed holding her hand on the left, " you scared me, sir. "
He closed the door behind him, "I didn't mean to do that, "he said apologetic, "sorry, Rose."
"It's okay, "she said, "tell me what can I do for you? "
"First of all let's have a seat, "he said offering her one, "I promise I won't take much of your time. "
She sat down next to him, "what is it, sir? "

He rose his eyebrows, "from now hence forth don't call me sir ."
"Yes sir, "noticing her mistake she corrected herself, "I mean Ron."
He smiled at her,"that's better. "
"So how may I be of help to you? "
"I need a favour from you, "he said.
Smiling, "tell me and I will be ready to help. "
"You sure about that?"
"Yeah what are friends for? "
He was laughing this time. He liked Rose very much and he was happy that he had gotten the chance to work with her. How he would have loved to work with her for longer time. In a way he knew that destiny had decided on them not to work for one another but also decided that they would be friends always. He was grateful and he had no complains at all.

"I want you to be in charge of the welcome back party for the boss. Would you please do that? "
"Sure no problem, "she was looking at her watch, "by Monday afternoon everything will be ready. "
Ron got up after seeing her restless and lead her through the hall way. She hugged him on the arrival at the parking,"thank you Rose, " he said, "now go and get that angel before you get late than this. "
He closed the door for her and said, "take care. "
He had her say, "I will, " before she drove away.

Rose parked her car at the other said of the road. Knowing how traffic was she needed to avoid it at any cost. She crossed to the other side of road and just then a car came running towards her. She closed her eyes and waited for the worst to happen to her. She opened them maybe thinking that she was in heaven. A man came from the car shouting at her, "are you trying to kill yourself miss or are you blind? "
Rose was getting annoyed by the man, "how dare you ask me this questions, Mr? "she asked him shouting ,"this is pedestrian's path and you almost killed me then you acted all mighty?  You are such an idiot if I may say to you. "

"Do you think that I don't know you type? If you want to take your life I'm not the person to help you do that, miss. "
"You idiot, "she was burning up with argue, "you were about to kill me and you think that I tried to kill myself? I'm in no moods to get into a fight with you so get out of my way."
"Wow!"he exclaimed, "I swear that I have never met someone like you. "
She smiled ironically, "so you thought that I was those idiots that you turn cards to and think that they are the one who are wrong? "she was still shouting, "you are such a...... "
"I swear that if you don't keep quiet I will do something that you will be sorry. "
"All mighty again..... " she could not finish her statement. Her lips were on his. He was kissing her. Rose pushed him away and slaped him hard."You idiot,"she pushed him away.
She heard him shouting from behind, "I was just apologising, "she did not turn to look at him.

Rose found her son had been picked up by Nicole. In a way she was thankful that he son didn't see her in that mood. She found them watching Double Kara. She said hey to them and sang herself on the couch. After the the soap was over Daniel broke the silent.
"Next time it's a movie soaps are usually boring in a way."
Nicole smiled at him, "I know but I think we could have repeated furious 8."
Daniel went up stairs to do his homework. Nicole turned her attention to her friend. She knew that something was wrong with her.

"So, " she began sitting next to her, "tell me friend, how was your day? "
"Bad, "Rose said trying to control her argue.
Nicole smiled at her, "why bad? "
"Can you imagine, "she said sitting upright, "I met this guy who almost ran me over today. "
"What?" Nicole asked, "did you get hurt? "
"No, "she answered, "but you won't believe what that idiot did to me. "
Nicole looked at her seriously, "did that guy hit you? "
"I wish he did that to me," Rose got up, "that idiot kissed me. "
Nicole was laughing so hard, "was he good looking? " she asked when she finally got hold of herself.

"it's not funny, "Rose turned away from her,"I'm serious and about good looking I was too angry to notice anything about that. "
"That is not something to be that much angry with. "
"Do you know what he said after kissing me? "
Nicole smiled, "that he likes you. "
"No stupid, " she smiled, "that he was apologizing."
"OMG! " she exclaimed, "that's so romantic, he in did has a funny way to apologize. "
"What a great friend I got, is that your way of helping?  You know what, I think that Agustin is miss you already. "
"Common friend, "she said, "do you want me to help you kill the guy for his way of apologising? "
Rose smiled at her funny friend, "of course not but I need you to sympathies with me at least. "

Nicole hugged her friend and said, "the only way I can help you is by telling you to go upstairs and take a cold shower. It will help you calm down ."
Rose pulled away from her, "you are helping now sweetheart. "
"But I still think that the poor guy was sorry and I bet you did slap him. "
"You know me very well. "

Kissing stranger  she begun to sing till I find someone to love

"will you stop singing? " she asked going upstairs.
"yeah I'm going to make dinner, "she walked to inside the kitchen.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would love to thank you for your support and I love you so much

The next chapter will be updated before Sunday. Lots of love from me to you guys


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