chapter 39

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Rose was still thinking, digesting what the doctor had said. He had to be kidding and this was not a good way to go. She tried to believe that he was not joking but it was very much hard. This was not good at all. She had raised him up. Given him a good life that a mother would give to her child. Where did she go wrong then? Why exactly did she miss the right path. If it was food she gave him the balanced diet that people eat. If it was about love she had given him enough. She was his mum and his dad at the same time until recently. Ryan had now taken that responsibility from her. Yes he had been teaching herself how to behave like a good guy and that she was grateful to. But then what was that he lacked that got him sick? She had failed in a way. She had let her mum down and this time terribly. He mother never even let her catch cold. And she what did she do? It would have even explainable if it was that cold. Someone would have have understood where it came from. Poor boy was suffering because of her mistake. If anything bad happens to her son she would never forgive herself never.

But then a disease like that does not happen to someone without....
"Dr Cecil I still can't get you, "she finally got the strength that she had lost for a while, "I mean we all know that thrombocytopenia occurs to people who are going through chemotherapy treatment of the cancer and my son is not even diagnosed with the disease. "
Dr. Cecil looked at her understanding what she was saying. It was true that only people who are going chemotherapy were the one to be diagnosed with that kind of disease but this time was different. This things so happen in medical area. He had seen so many surprising things in his career and he was now used to them. Like people giving birth to kids who share one heart and they survive. Isn't that a wonder? But still was there something more he wasn't telling her? Rose hoped that there was none coz she couldn't take it anymore. This wasn't what she dreamed off. He life won't go back into misery again. That wasn't her destiny. Misery wasn't her destiny and she won't let it be. Enough was enough.
"Is there more that what you're telling me Dr.? "she was holding her tears. If she wanted to understand everything that he was going to say then she had to be calm. She only wished that any of her friends was around. To give her all the support she needed. She took in a large amount of air then gazed at the doctor.

He gazed up at her, "it's true that he has not being through chemotherapy but we found something else. "he kept quiet so that she may digest the new information or at least say something. She continued to gaze up and him and when he saw she wasn't about to say anything he went on.
"Your son is in the last stage of leukemia, "
Now there he saw a reaction. He couldn't tell what it was but this wasn't a very good sign at all.

Dr. Cecil had known her since childhood. He was the one who help her mum to bring to this world. He treated her every disease that she was diagnosed with. In other way he saw her in every step of her life. When she lost everything in a blink of an eye he had seen that. For him seeing her pull all the way to where she was it made him proud. Proud as her parents would have been of her if they were alive. We barely see such fighters in this world. But now having this news he was the pain and something that himself won't explain it. Yeah once he got the results at first not even himself would have understood it or believed it. He did them over and over again and still they came positive. If he won't believe the first time would she believe him? She saw her son being well little did she know that he had cancer.

"Please tell me that this is all a very big joke so that all of us can go home and forget it ever happened, "she couldn't hold her tears any longer, "how can he be diagnosed with cancer Now and last stage when he was perfectly fine? "
"Actually this things happen Rose, "he tried to be as gentle as he could, "most people suffer from cancer and it's not know until it's too late for something to be done. "
"But he can't be a victim, "she couldn't accept it, "for crying out loud he is just a baby. "
"That's the thing Rose, "he held her hand that was placed on the table and squeezed it, "leukemia has no age. Tell me when you first saw some that were not normal. "
He waited for her to try and remember when.
"The first time I saw him he had a bruise on his leg and I dressed it. When I asked where it came from he said he got it while playing football. And knowing him very well I believed him. "

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