chapter 9

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Rose sat down and started making the schedule for the day. This one she had to make sure that everything was well arranged and no missed to prove to her pervert boss that she is not the kind of person that he thinks she is. He wouldn't put her done and she won't allow him do that. She wanted that once she was free she would make her way to Ron's office to apologize for last night.

After she left from work she had gone to pick her son up. With her worried face her son made a phone call to Nicole without her knowledge. As always her childhood friend was right there to save the day. She helped her both physically and emotionally. Rose felt guilty since Agustin was back in the country and his girlfriend was not available for their dinner. That's how it always was, once he went for business outside the country, he would take his girlfriend for a dinner to catch up for the lost time. She was his queen and he was her king.

Speaking of king and queen when will I ever get mine? I can't believe that I asked that.

Rose was shocked when she opened her phone and found 23 missed calls and voicemail. She would apologize. She took the telephone and made a call,"please Miguel would you bring the tea know? "she asked as he responded on the other side of the line, "thank you, I will be waiting. "

Rose heard the opposite door open then close.

The pervert is here. Miguel better hurry up.

Just then the door opened and Miguel got in with his usual smile. She got up and picked the tray from him. After how is you family Rose said thank you to him then picked up the schedule. She opened the door slowly and walked to the table to place them down.

"Morning sir, "she greeted.
He looked up from the file on his hands, "what's so good about the morning? Seeing your face makes me sick. "
He watched her reaction but she gave none then he looked at the cup which now was full with tea.
"What is that? "
Rose had to be patient, "tea sir. "
He looked at her, "who told you that I take tea? "
She was shocked at his question, "I thought you take tea sir. "
He got up and placed the file on the table, "you see why I want you to quit? You thought instead of asking you just thought."
Rose felt her body become weak as he walked around her.

Dear God give me the strength to face this problem.

"Sorry sir, "she began apologetic,"I promise it won't repeat it's self again.
He come close to her as she turned to face him, "don't stand there and just apologize, get me some coffee now and I give you only ten minutes. "
She wanted to walk away when she remembered, "black or with milk? "
"Black. "
Sugar or no sugar. "
"No sugar. "
She said okay and walked away.

Rose was back with his coffee and handed it over to him. She picked up the schedule and also handed it over. She watched him go through it then lifted his eyes to meet hers.
"The afternoon meeting, cancel it. "
"Okay sir, "she answered.
"Is everything ready for the first meeting? "
Rose felt like hitting his head hard. Did he think that she knew nothing about her work? She has been here for six years and she knows her work better than he thinks of her. "Yes. "
"Good, "he answered. Just as she was about to excuse herself she saw him open his mouth, "why weren't you at the party? "

Was it a must?

"I had something to take care of?."
He placed down his coffee, "something or someone? "
Rose wanted to shout at him, "don't you think that that is personal, sir? "
He got annoyed by her arrogance and smacked the table, "when it comes to you there is no personal issues, damn it. "
"Ooh, "she was also getting tired of playing cool. Who did he think he was anyway? "So when I get fucked up I come to tell you since there is no personal issues between you and me. Who do you think you are anyway? The only thing I now is that you are my boss and that's what I'm paid to do and not to talk about my personal life. Sorry to say this, but fuck off from my personal life. The same way I won't give a damn about who meets with you the same way I want you to keep away from my life. If you want you can do anything or say anything concerning work to me and I won't mind. And about the party I never heard that it was a must for everyone to attend. So according to me I had no business in coming and now if you may excuse me, sir I have to prepare for the meeting. "

With that she walked out without minding permission granted or not. She sank herself on her seat and started looking for the file that was needed. After few minutes she got up and proceeded to the board room.

"Looking at the file that has been handed over to me by your secretary, "began Mr. Lewis, "it shows how much money I'm going to get once I do my vidiocy in you company. I think the deal is fair to both me and the company. "
Ryan was all smiles, "glad you liked it Mr Lewis, "he watched as the guy smile back at him.
"If I may ask, "he began looking at Rose, "I have seen so many videos that you have shot and they all are incredible but do you choose for people or you choose for yourself? "
Ryan cleared his throat to bring the man's attention back to him. They were closing the deal with him and not with her. Her work was to take down some notes and nothing else. She had no say on anything that was been discussed by them.

"Well, " he began on seeing the man back to his gaze, "we choose for you. "
Lewis was shocked, "what? "
Rose knew that she had to speak, "what he means is that we choose for you one of the best dancers and best faces you would love then present them before you and you get to make the chose of your own. "
He looked relived at her explanation, "thanks for the explanation, my queen. "

What??? Did he just call me that??? Although he is older than both of us I think he is better than this pervert that is sitting next to me.

Rose almost blushed, "welcome. "
"Now that the deal is down I need to sign the contract and since I'm traveling today I will be back tomorrow evening and on Wednesday I will be here to take a look at the best. The song it's about love, so I need good faces. I will trust you, my queen to take care of that. "
"I will make sure that you won't be disappointed. "
"Thank you and I wish everyone was like you. "

When Rose was about to speak again she heard her boss clear his voice to tell them that he was still there. She kept quiet and handed Lewis the contract to sign which he did gladly. After which followed an hand shake with Ryan. He then picked Rose's hand and kissed it making her to smile. He then let go and said that it was his pleasure doing business with them. Rose responded by saying that pleasure was all theirs as Mr Lewis walked away. Ryan took hold of Rose's arm as she was about to walk away.

"What was all that about? "he asked burning up.
Rose was strangling to free her arm from his rough hand, "what was what? "
He held her tight, "don't play dum with me."
"Trust me when I tell you that I don't understand what you are talking about. "
"Ooh! "he exclaimed, "is that so? I'm talking about you making me look like a fool in front of my client. "
"I didn't do anything wrong. And besides you have won the contract. "
He pulled her close to him that they were sharing the same air, "listen to me brat, next time you better shout you mouth and let me do the talking. Stick to writing no one wants to hear about your opinion. Got it? "
"Yes, sir, "she answered.
He smiled at her, "good. "

"Let go of my arm, you are hurting me. "
"I will, "he said still holding her, "but not after I have done this. "
He lowered his lips down to hers and took them in passionate way. He kissed then thinking of how it would feel if she responded to his kiss. Without nowing it she had pulled away and a slap was landing on his too handsome face of his. He heard her call him pervert as she closed the door and left.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed the chapter. My grandma come to visit and you know how sometimes they can be. Do this, do that and everything else. Anyway I'm not complaining but there is but.

So how did you think of Ryan?

What about Rose?

As always tell me what you think about them.

Like I always say I 😍 you guys so much. Keep reading.

Next update will be out very soon.

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