chapter 42

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Ryan was outside his son's ward. Actually for the passed two weeks it had been like that. Him outside when Rose was inside. She didn't want to share the same space with him at all. So when she was in he was out and the vice versa.

After he had recovered he went to her and tried to explain everything he knew. He wanted her forgiveness. She did listen to him but she didn't forgive him at all and it broke his heart in million pieces. Rose was always avoid him once she saw him. When they ran into each other she would pass him as if he wasn't there. Like he was a ghost. For Christ sake it wasn't his fault that all of this happened to him. Destiny had also decided for him like it had for her. They were all victims of destiny.

He sat there leaning on his seat. Trying to remember all that happened that day. Trying to see if his reasons were not that good enough to be forgiven. To him everyone needed a second chance and his friends had given him that but not her.

"Hey,"he greeted the two guys who seemed to be very much in the music with their drinks at the hand. The guys turned to him and their eyes widen when they saw him. "Your eyes are about to poop out of your sockets. "
"It can't be you, "one of them said.
He smiled at them, "it's me fresh and blood Ryan Morgan. "
"OMG! "the second guy exclaimed as he pulled him into a hug. Then the first one followed the lead and now they were in a group hug.

"If I was asked I would never have said that you would get time to walk in a club at all. "
Ryan laughed, "c'mon dude, we also needed to get our minds of the work. "
"John, "called the other guy, "I think he is right. "
"But it's been long, "John said,"since highschool. All we do know is that we see you in a magazine and dude I must admit you made your dad proud. "
"It's not me it's by God's grace. "
"You are in the wrong place when you say that. You should be in church and not a club. "
They all laughed.

"Nick, "he called in between his laugh, "you never change. So can we catch up a little? "
"Sure thing, "they all answer. Ryan walked with them on the counter and they sat down on the stools. The music continued to play and they carried on with the catch up. Ryan came to learn that his highschool friends hadn't joined uni and neither did they have any work. He kinda felt sorry for them. They even said that they had no place to stay for the time being. According to them then had just arrived in the town and they planned to pass the night at the club before another day came and have them plan for it.

Ryan with his generous heart he  payed for their drinks after telling them about his life which they halfway knew about it. He took them to his house but it wasn't his mansion. The house had five bedrooms, kitchen,one big sitting room and a swimming pool along. He offered each of them a room to stay before they found a foot to stand on their own.

John and Nick were so much fun to live with. Ryan had gone out with them and bought new staffs for them. They all thanked him for his generosity. Once they learnt that Ryan was buying a take away food coz he had no idea of cooking they decided to cook for him one day. Ryan was so happy when he got home made food and with the two guys around he always found himself going back home early so that he may spend time with them. This went on for two months. Then that day came. A day that struck on his mind for ever.

Ryan was working so hard so that he may win a contract that every music company wanted. It had a very good bid and everyone of course would give his best to get it. He explained it to them and they all understood and decided to give him space. One he submitted his contract he went back home.

"Hey Ryan, "John greeted taking his briefcase, "you look so bitten up. "
"Just tired but thank God that's over now, "he sat on the couch. John excused himself and took the briefcase to Ryan's room. Nick on the other hand came back with a glass of cold water and handed it to him. This was always there routine once Ryan walked in
He had asked them not to be doing that but they said that it was there way of thanking him. So he let them.

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