chapter 12

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A year had passed since Rose started working with her big boss. He had made her life a living hell in the company even after feeling guilty of the way she had spoken to him and apologized to him. He took that as her weakens and throw every kinda of insults to her. It got even worse when Sheila come to visit in the office.

She had accepted Lewis' offer and the song had down so well that it was even played as number one in every channel and even won the best song of the year. Lewis was so overwhelmed that he had become a good friend of hers and was always there for her. He was part of her family and she was thankful that he respected them so much.

After the song many artists came to sign contracts with Ryan's company and insisted that Rose had to be in them. Rose agreed to some and others she couldn't accept them. Then Ryan was there to make her quit but it had no effect on her. She was paid and she saved up the money for future use. It was not in her nature to waste money anyway.

Just then the car broke down at the middle of nowhere. Rose got out to have a look at it and there she found the engine with allot of smoke that even choked her.

Great. What I just needed right now.

She looked at her wrist watch and it was 8:00a.m and they had meeting that would start at 9. She took her phone and found that the battery was about to die. She dialed her mechanic and told him where the car broke. Then she made a call to Diana and told her that she will be kind of late but will arrive before 9 so to inform her boss before he starts looking for her.

Rose started to stop the vehicles that where passing and none even stood. She felt like trekking but she was still miles away from the office.

Now that good for nothing boss of mine will get a good reason to skin me alive. I just hope that I will have the strength to face everything today.

She came back to her thoughts when she saw a car pull in front of her and a man got out of it. Her body became numb at that moment. Destiny had it's own way of deciding things but to her were always bad ones. She tried to move away but her legs were glued on the ground.
"Hey, "he greeted reaching near her, "do you need any help? "
He got no answer from. She has always given him a cold shoulder for the past one year. If she speaks to him it's as if he is a stranger to her. He was running out of patients with her. She had to talk to him. Understand her and tell her that everything will be okay. He had to be forgiven by her.
He began again, "Rose do you need a ride to work? "
She looked at him, "sir as you can see I'm perfectly fine, so you can leave now. "
"Damn it, "he was trying to keep his cool down, "why are you so much Stubborn? I can see you need help but your arrogance won't let you. "
"Don't insult me. "
He come close to her, "Rose, for god's sake shout at me. Don't hold back what you feel for me. Please just do that. "
Rose walked away from him but he was behind her. He shock her begging her to say something but still said nothing. She stood there rigid but he was not about to let her be. This was his New Year resolution and he had to get it no matter what came may. She got tired of being bunked by him.

"Sallu,  what do you want me to say? "
He knew he was getting there. He saw the argue on her face and for once she called him by his name. He needed to keep the argue in order to make her let it all out.
"Anything Rose, anything. "
"So you want me to say anything? "she was about to laugh, "please leave me alone. "
"no, I won't and if you want that to happen please just answer me this question."

She waited for the question, "do you still love me? "
"What? "she asked him, "how dare you ask me that, you bastard? You left me at the alter as if I had gotten myself pregnant and you dare ask me that? You said you loved me and would be with me through thick and thin but when only one wave came along you left without looking back."
He come to touch her, "sorry, Rose. "
"Sorry? Is that what you can say to me, sorry? Where were you when I needed you most? My own mother died on my wedding day and you, you left me by myself when I needed you and all you can say is sorry? Don't touch me. "she moved away from his touch. "You left the country and a year later I heard you had gotten married. And as a fool I thought you would come back. I waited for days which turned to months then to years and now you have a daughter who is four years old. How dare you then ask me if I still love you? Do you know what I feel for you? Disgusts, hatred and yes hatred. I hate you with the same strength that I loved you with. I HATE You. "

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