chapter 40

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For  the past months things had not been that easy for Rose. Her son's operation was such a great success. Yes the operation was carried out and she was grateful that nothing bad happened to the kid. Ryan was the one who explained everything to her son. Of course no one can accept to be operated on without knowing the reason for it and since she had no courage he did it. Rose remembered that day very well. The way Ryan began as a story so that Daniel would understand it. The man won't miss to quote a story in the Bible. Like that of Ezekiel who reminded God all that he did and God heard his cry and answered him by adding years on him. But still there were questions that she never thought that she would answer. Yes Rose stood outside the door when Daniel was being explained everything and she couldn't help but cry. Who wouldn't anyway? The questions like, how did I get diagnosed with leukemia? Am I going to die very soon? And what is that other disease that you just mentioned? Is it a very dangerous disease that why it has that big name like that? What did you call it again? Thrombo......? And Ryan would help him pronounce it. It broke her heart when she heard those questions. Still there was that question she hadn't ask and she was not yet sure whether to ask it. But to be honest it was so much damn tempting.

After the success of the operation Daniel stayed in the hospital for a couple of weeks then he was discharged. Dr. Cecil told them that the boy had to start chemotherapy which would help in prolonging the days for the day. He didn't want to give them hopes that the kid would live till he gets old. He was on the last stage of leukemia and for one to survive that a miracle had to happen. But that happens really very much really. So the chemo began and it helped the boy so much. At a time Rose won't want to see her son in such a pain so Ryan did her a very big favour by not leaving her site at any minute. He held her hand all through. Daniel had got side effects of chemo as they had been explained that would happen. His skin was so much easy to be bruised and it would bleed. The only way to avoid that was Rose not allowing him to touch anything sharp and also not to go anywhere without an adult help to avoid hitting something. Sometimes after his chemo he would become very much nauseous and vomit allot. So he had to be helped to the bathroom to once his section of chemo was done. It wasn't easy for her to see her son struggle everyday so he might live. If only she would take her place. No child at that age was supposed to suffer. Again it just ended up reminding her that the world was never fair and it will never be.

Daniel the biggest appetite guy now won't even take two bites of his food. He had lost all his appetite. Everything to him tasted bad. Its either hospital or bad. He had to be begged for him to eat even three spoons of his food. His favorite was no longer favorite to him. Yes this lead to large loose of his weight. The past few months Rose would only call her son skeleton to see if it would work on him. She wanted him to eat. For him to add weight in order to win the disease over. She felt sorry for him every time she saw him. But would she let him see that? She won't let her son see her like that. She had to compose herself when she was in front of him. At least he had to see that she was strong. Only strong in front of him coz she would break down once she wasn't near him. His hair was all gone from his head. It had stared falling one by one. And they took him to the barber to have it all shaved. Dr. Cecil had explained that patients with cancer can use cold cap which keeps the scalp cool while a dose is being administered, and it helps in preventing or reduce hair loss. But the luck was neither on their side coz cold cap can't be used by the patients with leukemia.

Rose's friends all were with her in every step of her son's treatment. She remembered someone saying that they should inform Nicole so that she may come back and be with her family but Rose didn't let them do that. Her friend had to enjoy her one month honeymoon and once she came back she would know everything. She made everyone promise that no telling her anything until her honeymoon was over.
"How could you have ever thought that it will be a bother to me? This are the times when people need their families and friends around them and to me you and this little angel you're my family and family is very much important to me than anything in this world,"Nicole had said once she came back and got to know about the news. From then she had made it a life mission to visit everyday. At a time she would ask for a leave in her work place so that she may be the one to talk her angel for his chemo. She would also watch their favorite movies everyday and Daniel would sleep on her laps when the medicine would drunk him to sleep. Talking of work, Ryan had transferred his home. He would work home and if there was a meeting he thanked the technology since he would attend the meeting while he was at home. If there were outside the town or country sometime Ron would attend them and when Rose insisted that she has to attend he had no other choice but to do that. He would make the meeting quick so that he would go back to his family.

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