chapter 23

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So this chapter is dedicated to flawsome -me for the great cover that he made.

Hope you all enjoy.

Rose pulled her car in front of the hospital that she had been informed her boss was. She got out of her car and ended to the reception area. She had left her son with her best friend who promised to wait until his name nanny came back.
"Why is he? "she was still in a shock that he was in an accident. The fat woman glanced at her then opened her mouth to speak but Rose bit her to it. "I'm Rose Ross. You called me like 30 mins ago telling me that my boss was here. "

"Within those thirty minutes we have also called different people so who is your boss? "
"My bad. His name is Ryan Morgan. He was involved in a car accident. "
She looked at the computer then read his name out loud. Rose just nodded her head as she waited to be given more information. The fat nurse just informed her of his condition then showed her the office of the Doctor Who was in charge of the case.
"Doc, "she called him once they were already inside the office, "miss Ross here wanted to get more information about Mr Morgan. "
The male doctor placed the papers that he was studying down then showed Rose a seat to sit on.
"Thanks and please make sure that you look after the patient in room 302 just in case. "
"Of course, "she smiled at both of them, "please excuse me. "

"So are you a relative to him? "
"Nope just his friend. "
The doctor smiled at her, "he was involved in car accident of which you do know that. But he doesn't have major injuries. "
Rose sighed with relief, "so he isn't in danger? "
"No, he just had a shoulder dislocation but we took care of that. He was injected sleeping medicine so that he may get a rest. "
"So that means that he will be discharged today? "
"No he has to stay here till we make sure that everything is OK. Maybe he will be tomorrow. For today no. "

At least she could now breath properly. He was okay and nothing worse happened to him. She smiled at the doctor as he went through the files again. Since she got into that office she had had a good chance to look at the doctor. He looked handsome with one big pimp that she bet was a mosquito bite. His shot black hair was comped in Afro.....
"Do you want to go and see him? "she stopped observing and felt embarrassed, she just nodded her head. "Go to room 580 it's on the last floor. "
"Thanks. "

Rose got inside the elevator and pressed the last button. She hated the smell of hospital. If she had another option she wouldn't be here. When her son gets some cold or malaria she calls her family Doctor Who comes to examine him in her apartment. The elevator door opened and let in two more people. She just continued to think and it came to the last floor. She got out and looked at the doors on top reading the no. Just after passing two doors she saw the room that Ryan was. She opened the door slowly. There he was but not alone. He was awake and talking with the nurse.
She was about to walk back and wait but the nurse had turned just on time.

"Please help me talk to this stubborn man, "she was pleading. Rose just smiled since she knew how stubborn that man can be. She walked in and closed the door behind her slowly then walked to his bed side. He had his eyes closed after what seemed an argument with her. The nurse held a tray with streaming soup.
"Why are you giving him that? "
Ryan just opened his eyes when he heard her talk. He was about to talk when the nurse spoke.
"He woke up minutes ago and the doctor said once he does he should be given this soup which will help him get his strength back. He still has some medicine to take but he is behaving like a child. He neither wants the soup nor does he want to take the medicine. "

"OK, "she took the soup from her laps, "why don't you inform the doc that he is awake. Mean while he will take care of everything. "
"Thank goodness, "the nurse sighed a relief, "I will just do that. "
She excused herself and left the two alone. Rose was still staring at the door when she heard her arm being touched. She turned to look at the stubborn him and smiled at him. Not knowing where to start but a smile was a good start.
"So why is the child refusing to eat? "
"What are you doing here, Rose? "
"I was given a call and that's why I'm here. "
"You shouldn't have come. "
"And why is that? You had no one else, I mean your family doesn't live in the country and Ron went to do shopping for his unborn child and he won't be available till tomorrow. "
He looked away from her, "I don't want to worry you with my problems. "
"C'mon, don't be such a baby. You always help me even when I don't need your help. And you think I will live you alone? No sir. I'm here so you can as well as fire me but I'm not living here. "
He just smiled as it is he had no strength to argue with her. "Now you're going to take this soup and your medicine and I won't take no for an answer and if you dare me I think you know me better and if not you will. "

He didn't say anything. She got up and helped him to seat done. Rose placed his pillow behind his back then took the soup and started giving him. He ate it while staring at her hand. Once he was done she got up and went to a small fridge at the corner. She got out a bottle of water and picked the medicine from the table. She purred the water in the glass and opened the medicine for him. She went back to him and helped him to take them. Once she was done with everything that the nurse had said, she helped him go back to sleeping position.

"I will check if the doc has been informed that you're awake or the nurse forgot. "
Once she was on her feet the door was opened reviling the doctor and the nurse. She stepped aside allowing the doc examine him properly. He wrote something done once he was done and handed it over to the nurse. He then looked at them.
"Mr Morgan, "he called, "do you by any chance have head ache? "
Ryan nodded his head.
"What about you arm? "
"A little. "

Doctor smiled at him, "they will not hurt for long. You need a rest and by tomorrow you'll be fine. "
"Does that mean that I can go home today?"
"No but if we see some improvement you'll tomorrow morning. "
Ryan was struggling to get up, "I'm perfectly okay,"he was out of bed and making few steps, "see, "he looked at the doctor, "just a pain on the shoulder but as you said I think it can't kill. "
The doctor caught him when he was about to fall. He walked him back to the bed, "I said it will hurt not kill and you're very much weak. And you're not going to be discharged. Please if you can't listen to me I think you can listen to your girlfriend. "

Rose gave the doctor a weird look but he didn't look at her. She went to Ryan and held his hand to hers, "listen to the doctor coz in here he is the boss. "
"Like I have any other option. You can't even be on my side. I will just be bored in here for the whole of night. "
The doctor smiled once again and looked at them. He then told Ryan that if he woke up feeling well then he would be allowed to leave the hospital. He excused himself with the nurse and once again the room was only left for them.

Rose sat on the bed her hands on his. She felt his warmth and she knew that his body temperature was kinda of high.
"I think you have done a lot for to day. I will be fine. "
She pulled away from him, "who said I'm living? "
He was now surprised, "don't tell me that you're about to do what I'm thinking. "
She smiled, "I'm sleeping on the couch and I don't want to argue with you, "she got up, "I will make a call and come back. "
She walked out and after 20mins she was back, "so we go to sleep now. "
Ryan saw her smile, "we can share bed it's big for the two of us. "

"What eve I hurt your shoulder? "
"It's my left and you're sleeping on the right. "
"Okay, "he moved as she climbed on the bed.
He lined on her ear and whispered, "I missed sharing bed with you. I think I'm thankful to the accident in a way. "
She looked up to him, "what really happened to you? "
"That's it's a story for another day. Now can I use my special pillow? "
She just kept quiet and watched him pull her closer and close his eyes. She placed her head on his chest and stared at the empty space.

Hey guys hope you all are okay

I would really like to apologize if the chapter was kinda of boring. The thing is that I don't know much abt hospitals coz I hate them myself.

Tell me what you think about the chapter coz I feel I didn't give my best in it. please please.

Do comment, vote and share.

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