chapter 5

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Nicole had spend the night in her friend's apartment . Agustin had left the country for some business and she did not want to spend the weekend along. With that Rose welcomed her on the condition that her friend would not be nosy at all. Rose told her about the favor her boss had asked her the previous night and they both came up with different opinions about the party. Rose had list them down and called her boss so as to agree on the best one. Also Ron had asked her to meet at the mall so that they could buy some stuffs together.

With that Rose with the help of her son and friend, they did the general cleaning and by the time they were done everyone complained of being tired. They walked to their respective rooms and took a quick shower and dressed up. They met down stairs and together drove towards the mall. Nicole and Daniel could not help but list the movies that they were going to buy. Rose said nothing but only focused her eyes on the road. Better be save than sorry.

She pulled the car at the parking lot and the two people she carried along with her kept quiet as they got out of the car. Rose made a call to Ron to know his where about. After ending the call she turned to them and said, "Ron is going to be late so within 30min we have to be done with our shopping and he will be here. "

They all agreed and got into the elevator. After the shopping was over they walked to the cashier where Rose seemed to have remembered something. She took out money from her purse and handed it to Nicole. Then said, "I need to get flour. "
Nicole smiled at her, "we already have five packets here Rose. "
Rose gave her that look of I -know- that then said, "with the problem of flour better be save or should I say enjoy the Mexican maize while you can? "
She walked to the side of flour and got amused at how people loved the 90shs. flour. Just some minutes ago the place was full of it and now only one was remaining. She reached out to pick it up when she realized that she was not the only one holding the remaining flour.

Dear God this is what I needed to happen. To be fighting for flour.

Ross turned only to meet the last person she expected to see in her life.
What kind of decision is destiny trying to play on me.
She stopped smiling and became gloomy.
He was smiling up at her, "so we meet again. "
She did not return his smile at all, "as you can see I'm not glad to see you at all. "
"Same here, " he did not stop smiling, "I never thought that I would run into you and of all the places here."
Rose looked into his gaze and said, "ever heard of never say never.?"
He could not help but notice her eyes were blue in color. With that he asked politely, "would you please let me have the flour,please?"
"And why should I do that? "
He smiled more that you could see his white teeth, "because I don't want to be doing an apology the next minute. "
Rose bit her lower lip hard, "you won't dare. "
"No, "he came closer to her, "because I'm a gentleman, that is, if you let me have the flour. "
"Pervert, "she was moving backwards, "I will..... "
She was interpreted by her cellphone. She picked it up and said, "yes love, " she listened for a while then said, "I will be right there, please tell him that. " She returned her phone back to her purse and turned back to him, "you can have it. "
"Thanks, "he smiled, "so, tell me you name sweet pea. "
"I'm leaving, "she answered then walked away. She heard him shout from behind.
"Hope I see you again, miss Leaving. "

After they were done doing shopping Ron sent the workers to take them to the company. He walked with Rose into the restaurant where the discussed on the way the reception would look like. By the time they were done it was already passed lunch time. Rose knowing her son and friend very well she started to order food for them. Just when she was done she saw them walking inside the restaurant caring the movies.

She smiled at them knowing what they were going to say. "Have already ordered so just wait for three minutes. "
The two waited as Rose went through everything that they had agreed on with Ron. The order was placed before them when Rose noticed that Ron had not ordered anything. He took his last sip of tea and waited for the waitress to carry away the mugs.

"Sorry guys, "he said pushing his seat behind, "I would have joined you in late lunch but I have my friend whom I'm sure as hell is cursing me right now. "
Nicole raised her eyes, "such a shame that you can't join us. Oh I got a plan, "she said.
Ron was already on his feet, "which is? "
Nicole allowed herself to swallow the food she was eating then said, "why don't you invite him to join us? "
"Sorry, "Ron began, "we have already made reception else where, "he took his phone from the pants, "speaking of the devil. Please excuse me. "

He was at the door before he could hear their respond. They all ate quietly and once they were done made their way to the grocery store. Rose had a chit chat with the old lady while her son and Nicole did the pleasure of making sure that they had everything that they needed for the whole week. Once they were done they said goodbye and made the journey back home. Daniel fall asleep at the back seat while playing games with his phone.

That's when Rose saw the opportunity to ask her friend, "what was that all about? "
Nicole turned to look at her. Rose eyes were focused on the road. To her she knew better be save than be sorry.
"I don't get you, " she was smiling, "what was what? "
"C'mon Nic,"she was getting impatient, "I mean back at the restaurant you and Ron. "
"Ooh! "she exclaimed, "nothing just wanted him to join us that's all. "
Rose looked at her with the corner of her eyes, "don't you think I know you better than that? "
Nicole continued to smile, "fine you win, "she was raising her hands in surrender, "don't you think you look cute together. I mean you and Ron. "

Rose could not help but smile this time, "match maker for your information, Ron has been dating for eight years now and he is getting married in two months to come from now. "
"Nooo,"she said in shock, "tell me about it."
Rose gave her a quick look and back to the road again, "now you know. "

Nicole thought for while then turned to Rose again, "you seemed to have lost your moods when you came back from getting the flour of which you never came with it. "
Rose took the last corner to her apartment before saying, "you won't believe whom I met there."
Nicole knowing that this was going to get interesting she sat upright, "who? "
"Can you imagine, "her tone was charging, "of all the people I would run to would be that pervert. "
Nicole laugh out a loud, "which pervert are you talking about?"
"That idiot that almost run me over. "
"What? "
Rose wanted to smile but stopped, "I was shocked as you are and this time was not about the running over but the flour. "
Nicole looked at her seriously knowing that she knew about it, "Rose can't you see that destiny is deciding out something here. "

On hearing that Rose laughed out a loud. She thought her friend was getting insane or something.
How could destiny bring me and that pervert together. This has to be a big joke that my friend is making.

The thought of her having that man near her gave her a heart condition and her friend thinking that they were even made for each other killed her. After she was done laughing she said, "the only thing that destiny is deciding is for us to never cross paths again. "
Nicole raised her hands in surrender, "fine but remember that you can run away from destiny but you can never escape it. In one way or the other it finds you. "

Rose did not say anything else. She parked her car in front of her apartment and they carried the shopping inside before she came back for her son.

Hey guys we have come to the end of another chapter. I'm grateful to all of you for being supportive to me by reading my book.

I would really love to read your comments and if you like the book you can also vote for it. Also if you want me to change something please feel free to letting me know.

You can also predict about what will happen ahead. About the cover still search you can also help me in finding one. Thanks guys and I love you so much.

The next update will be out by Wednesday by God's grace.


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