chapter 45

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The remote that was in her hand fell down as she couldn't believe what she saw on the TV. Her legs also betrayed her as felt her body land on the floor. This couldn't be happening at all. Why now? Why her? Why did everything happen like this? This wasn't fair at all.

But the world it's self has never been fair at all. She still had her gaze glued on the TV. She couldn't help but continue reading the news that played on the screen.

Breaking news:

The famous business man Mr Morgan was involved in a jet crush an hour ago.

His body was found burnt beyond recognition just a few km from his mansion.

It's believed that he was going out of the country.

Whether on a business trip or personal reasons that's yet to be known.

We will give more information as we get them. For now stay tuned.

With that she saw her TV being switched off. How the person got in and managed to get the remote that sat next to her she couldn't explain. She just felt a wet liquid flow down her cheeks.
She was fighting the tears back all the while as she watched the TV but not anymore. They did fall and this time she felt that she felt when she learned about her son's death.

You have to let people in your life before its too late.

The words were eating her alive this time. She never meant it to be like that. All she ever did was to grief her son like the way a mother should. This wasn't her wish. Yes she had pushed him away but not to kill him. All she ever did want was for him also to heal. Hadn't he not lost a son also? She knew she wouldn't help him with that so pushing him away was the only solution.

"I think I meant myself clear over the phone," Nicole began as she sat next to her friend,"why don't you listen to anyone Rose?"

Rose didn't say a word. She was still dumb.

"Rose please for Christ sake say something. At least anything."

Still no answer. All this time she seemed to be miles away. He thought were way too far and she was having bad memories coz it was all written over her face.

After twenty minutes or so.

"Nicole they're lying right?" She spoke and Nicole couldn't be more happier than now, "he was here with me a few hours ago," she continued as her hands shock showing where Ryan sat and stood, "we talked and he said he was going on a trip. He wanted to take a break but didn't tell me where he was going even after asking him," she swallowed hard has tears flowed freely, "Nicole he kissed me. That kiss. It was a goodbye kiss and not a death kiss," she looked at Nicole, "please tell me that it's all a misunderstanding," she shuck her friend, "my pervert isn't dead right?"

"Rose," Nicole spoke up, "you have to be..."

"He can't be dead. That isn't Ryan Morgan that is dead. He isn't the one. Just say that to me. Please I beg you in God's name."

"I wish I could tell you that but I can't," she couldn't help it anymore.

She also loved him so much. She loved him the first time she met with him in Rose's office. When Rose introduced them and she couldn't help but wish that she didn't have a fiancee at that time. When she began calling him handsome and they became a  very good team. This was not also too easy for her but for her friend's sake she had to be strong. She had just lost a friend but Rose lost a fiancee, her best friend and the father of her son.

"I'm truly sorry..."

"Sorry?" She shouted moving away from Nicole, "Nic, don't you think that I've heard enough of that? Why do you guys keep telling me that? And am the only person that gets to be told that? See where my destiny always brings me. To the same word that I've learned to hate. But whether I hate it or not it always comes back to me."

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