chapter 21

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Rose was fastening her seat belt when she turned to Ryan, "so where are you taking me? "
"Be patient and please no more questions, OK? "he started the engine.
"OK, Sir. "
He didn't say anything to her. He had gotten tired of telling her not to call him that when they were alone but then she never did listen to him. He drove away from the company and Rose just closed her eyes to enjoy the ride. She was tired as for today and just opening her eyes to stare outside or to start thinking of where he was taking her was not in her strength anymore.

After a long ride Ryan pulled his car on parking lot and killed the engine before he could wake her up. She got up and glaced at where she was. The place was unfamiliar to her. She got out of the car and took the arm that Ryan had offered her. They walked towards a big house which was surrounded by big trees. Actually if you had no idea that there was a house behind those big trees then you could never find it. The house was big but not like his mansion. Looking at it she could only come up with only five rooms and if they went more they only could be seven at least. Ryan opened the door and let her in. She started shivering more once she got inside.

"Please make yourself at home. I will go and turn the heater on. "
She smiled at him before she could make herself comfortable on the couch. The sitting room was way too huge. With a big flat screen TV on the wall. Three different couch with different colors on them. Rose was amused by every collection that was in that room. Just then she heard him talk and she almost jumped out of the couch. She turned her head knowing that he had seen her reaction. She had almost forgotten that their was someone with her at that beautiful place she was being amused by.

"I didn't mean to start AOL you,"he was coming to the sitting room, "so what do I get you? "
"It's OK, "she smiled, "I just forgot that I had someone. "
"Ooh about that, the heater has some problems. I will just light fire at the fire place over there, "he pointed as Rose followed his figure to the place. This house was awesome. Her eyes had not even finished touring the sitting room. "So I will just get you a drink and some blankets for the mean time. "
"Let me help, "she followed him behind, "I mean I can prepare coffee while you light the fire. "
"You're my guest here, "he took her hands into his, "so let me do all this and anyway thanks. "
"C'mon, I can help and I'm not complaining or I'm? "
"Of course not but I insist. "

She knew that he won't give up so she just gave him a weak smile before she got back to her couch. She continued to make her tour on the living room and reminded herself that she wasn't alone but with someone. She didn't want to embarrass herself anymore. Ryan light the fire and went back to the kitchen. He came carry too mugs of coffee.

"Here, "he handed her her mug and in return she smiled at him and said a thanks to him. "Sure thing no problem and you are welcome. Let's sit over the fire place and the seats are wooden I apologise if they aren't comfortable. "
Rose laughed as they walked towards the place, "don't think that I was born with sliver spoon like you. "
After they had settled down, "mmh ever had that the rich also cry? "
She locked her gaze into his, "you can't tell me that you cry. You have everything that a life could offer. When it comes to women it's like they are swarms of bees around you. "

"See that's where all of you people go wrong. I might have then and have sex with them but I don't love them. "
"Why? "she took a sip of her coffee, "don't tell me a good looking man like you has never found true love after having all those women. "
"You call them 'those 'as if you know many and you only know one and that is Sheila. "
"Really? What about Caro, Karen and the latest, can't even remember her name. "
He smiled, "someone has been spying on me. "
With that he made her blush in front of him.

Did she just do what I think she did? Rose Ross actually blushed at me? This is mmh what do I call it..... Let me just say awesome.

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