chapter 15

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Rose turned to look at him. He was smiling at her.
"Hey, " he said getting closer to her, "you look as if you have heard the worst thing. "
She said nothing but continued to stare at him, "what I meant was that I love you as my friend for now. "
He heard her sine a relief breath then he couldn't help but laugh.
"C'mon, did you actually think that it was as lover? "
She finally got the strength to reply, "nop,"she lied, "we both know that it would be an history of the century. "
He was still laughing, "yeah,"he took a breath first, "imagine what the newspapers and magazines plus the press title will be, 'The pervert falls in love with his secretary queen' that would even kill my parents. "

"Do you mean that you can't fall in love with a secretary? "
"C'mon, "he laughed, "I don't  need someone to dictate notes to. I need someone of my class. Imagine of this, instead of making love to her I have her to write notes that's crazy gal. "
She swolled hard before she asked, "so we are not supposed to be married coz we only know how to take dictation. Goodness, I always thought that you're smart but you proved me wrong. You're no different with those people who are gender bays. Anyway someone is waiting for me in the car so excuse me and thanks for being friend for now. "
She was walking out when she heard him say wait but she didn't. Instead she slammed the door at him and walked to her car.

Damn it! I have blown everything up and here I thought that the friendship would maybe last for a while.

Ryan went to his room and took a quick shower. He had to meet up with Ron after working hours were over.

Rose opened her apartment with the spear keys that she always carried. She never wanted to bother her son's nanny by always ring the doorbell every time she walked home and a times she came home late. She found her watching Zee world channel.

"How is you day ma'ma? "she greeted.
"As always tiresome but I'm not complaining, anyway hope everything is okay here. "
"Yeah, "she said, "what should I get you? "
Rose thought for a while, "cold mango juice would do me a whole lot. "
She got up, "excuse me madam. "

After the nanny had left Rose took the remote and flipped the channel to see if there was anything good going on. She was not a fun of watching and the only thing she knew was that her son loved to watch a soap in zee world by the name Twist Of Fate. According to him he said that it was full of comedy in it. After going through the channels she landed in Keeping Up With The Kardasian's in e channel.

She was handed the juice by her nanny then joined in watching.

"Don't tell me that you guys are actually watching that, "they all turned to see Daniel behind them. Rose realized that time had passed without her noticing it.
"Young man, "she smiled as he gave her a peck, "don't tell me that you come home alone. "
He smiled throwing his backpack on the ground an habit that he has for long now.
"Nop,"he sat on his mother's lap, "I asked for a ride. "
Rose looked at him, "who told you that you can do that? "
"If I waited you would have called and said that you aren't coming. "
"Don't ever do that again Daniel. "
"And why not? "
She looked serious, "what if you get lost what will happen to me? "
"I can never get lost. "
"Don't argue with me, "she was shouting, "that is final. "
"What? Why are you even worried about me? You want me to be waiting for someone who never comes. I'm always the last one to leave the school compound. And when is that, when you call giving excuses that you can't make it. What sort of mother does that? "
Rose slapped her son, "don't you dare be ungrateful little witch. You know that all I do in this life is for you. And where is your father? "
Daniel was crying, "you know what, I wish that he was alive. I'm sure that he would make time for me. He would not hire a nanny to take care of me neither would he slap me like you did. All I ever wanted for one good year is your attention but I guess I can never get that. Don't worry dear mother coz I will never beg for that again. And if you may know something, I HATE YOU. Hate hate hate you. "
He said running upstairs, "come back here young man. "Rose shouted but he didn't come back.

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