chapter 13

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Ryan pulled the car in front of the building. He didn't insist that Rose should answer him at all. They had no relationship apart from an employee and employer. The door was opened for her and him. He handed over his car keys and took Rose's arm. He felt her struggle to pull away but he held it tightly.

Once they were inside the building he leaned towards her and said, "you won't leave my site at any moment. "
"And may I ask why? "
He smiled at her, "I wouldn't want you give another man that kiss that you gave me back there. So if I may say  you are my date. "
Rose pulled away from him, "you are kidding, right? "
Ryan pulled her back into his side by holding her waste. "I'm serious about this, so don't test my patience. "
Rose wanted to shout but she realized that there were people watching them. "As you say sir. "
"Good gal, now smile you don't want people to think that my date is not happy with me. "
"You had this all planned. People are coming to the fundraiser with their dates and not their secretaries. I mean I should have known this, when the deal is too good think twice. "
Ryan smiled at a man who passed them then turned back to her, "which deal was too good if I may ask?"

"You can't see it? First you tell me late then you order a white dress which I bet cost a fortune. And then you say you want me to take some notes. I was so stupid. "
"That was the only way I could get you to come here. "
"So clever and if you had told me, bet me I won't have come. Anyway why did you not let Sheila come with you? "

Ryan was about to answer when she heard someone else call him from far. She was smiling up at them as they turned to look at her. She was wearing a long black dress.
"Hey, Ryan it's been long. "
Ryan looked at her with the look of do I know you?
"Can't remember me? "
He said,"sorry but I can't remember you. "
"Ooh it's me Caro, remember me? "
Rose was still looking at the two of them when she heard her ask, "so, she is the thing that made you to forget me that easy. "
"Watch your mouth young lady. "
"So, what's her name? "
Ryan pulled Rose back to his side, "she is Rose, the one who makes my heart beat properly. Want to know anything else? "
She held her hands on her chest.
"She looks terrible and I think you should work on her looks first. "
Ryan smiled ironically, "I love her coz she is beautiful in nature, unlike you. And about working on something, did you work on your skills on bed, coz the last I can remember you were terrible on bed. "
Caro left in furry that left both of them smiling.
"Ouch! "Rose exclaimed, "you are terrible, sir. "
Ryan was still smiling when he said, "Ryan, for now not sir. "
"Yeah, "Rose said, "I haven't forgotten about everything. "
"Bet me she was terrible in bed. By the way, how does it feel like when you make love to someone. I mean I have only had sex all my life. "
"Don't know. "
"C'mon don't tell me that you're a virgin. "
Rose pulled away from him, "I'm not. "
"That means that you have had sex like me then?"
"No, "she was avoiding the question.
"Then what happened? "
"If you may know I was raped. "
"What? "it come out before he knew it.

Just then the attention was called and they all gathered near. Rose could not get away from Ryan's arm. He was kinda of over protective to her. People made speech and the last person was Ryan. He lined and kissed her cheek and whispered don't make a move from here then left.

Rose listen only at the beginning of his speech and once he took his eyes off her, she slipped away. She went at the backyard to take in fresh air. Rose realized that someone was following her and she turned back to see Caro. She was carrying two glasses of wine.

"Do you care for one? "
Rose kept her smile, "sorry but I don't drink, anywhere thanks. "
She purred the drink on her white clothe that made her scream.
"Did you honestly think that I was bringing it to you? I was only waiting for  the right moment when Ryan would let you go. "
Rose was slapping her and pulling her hair, "you bitch you will pay for this. "
Caro was already screaming, when everyone arrived at the scene. Ryan found Rose on top of her showing her flaws like a wild cat. He was somehow proud of her. She knew when to attack and how to do it.

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