chapter 18

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Rose had agreed on the condition that he had give her. For her son she would do anything even giving up her life. She had spend the whole of the morning section with him. He was happy and she was even happier. After she had lunch with him, she went upstairs to her room and got herself ready.

"This can't be. "
She hit the car with her hands. The car broke down again and this time she knew she won't hear the end of him. She took her phone and checked on her contacts. She phoned her mechanic who assured her that he would be there in less than ten minutes. After that she phoned her boss not wanting to make the same old mistake.

"Where are you? I've been waiting for the past twenty minutes and I'm getting impatient. "
She held her breath as she had him finish.
"Sir, my car broke down again. "
"Ooh, so where are? "
"I'm at the junction. "
"I'm coming for you. "
"No need Sir. I will take a cub. "
"I insist and I won't take no for an answer. "
"Fine. "
"Good. Give me only two minutes and I will be there. "

She put her phone back into her purse and within two minutes he was there. They exchanged hi and he opened the door for her. There was silence build between them. Everyone of them seemed to be miles away in thoughts. The ride was long and by the time they arrived Rose was peacefully asleep.

"Get up we are already here, "Ryan shocked her lightly on her shoulder.
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. He was staring at her gaze. She then looked through the window and found that she was in the middle of nowhere. Then her gaze were back on him. She knew that he had not stopped staring at her. She took in a breath so to find her voice. Ryan was not able to control himself, those blue eyes of hers took control over him completely. He was leaning towards her and before he knew it their foreheads touch him.

He felt something run down his spine and he knew that it was not him. This woman in front of him was doing something to him that even himself could not understand. All he felt at that moment was to take her right their. He won't care about the place or them being inside the car.

God stop me before I do something bad. I want her so badly. I want her like I've never wanted anyone else in this world.

He saw her close her eyes in front of him. She looked beautiful when she did that. He then perked her on her cheek. Rose on hearing a perk she opened her eyes and smiled at him. To break the silence, Ryan moved back and leaned on his seat in order to make her comfortable.

"So, "he began, "are you ready for the adventure? "
She still couldn't make out where they were,"yeah. "
"Okay then but before we get out I know that we agreed that it would be only one place and also one hour but I've change of plans. It will be two places but the time doesn't change. So do we agree? "
"Got no complains as long as the time does not change. "
"Great then, "he smiled as they both undid their seat belts.
"Ooh one last thing. "
"What? "she said looking direct into his gaze.
"We can't do this without being friends. So once again, friends for now, "he held his hand in front of her.
"Friends for now, "she said shaking his hand.

They both walked out and now Rose realised that they were walking towards a big building. At the entrance it was written 'That's not your Destiny. ' She turned and looked at him and one glance at him he knew that she had a question. He stop which also made her to stop.

"Sir, "she began know that he had read her thoughts,"I know that we agreed on having no question but I got to ask. Where are we exactly?"
"Remember at the party?"
"yeah, what about it? "
"I did ask you a quiz and you answered me with honest. Then this is about it. "
She still didn't get him at all. Just when she was about to speak, she saw Ryan smiling up at someone. She turned at where his gaze where fixed and saw an elder woman approaching them. She had specs, she wore a linen green dress which covered every part of her body. She got where they were still wearing that smile. She hugged Ryan and exchange long no see.

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