chapter 25

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It was in the noon when Rose got out of the meeting. She was already getting tired of taking notes for that day and even so she knew that she had more meetings for that day. She opened her door lazily.
"Surprise, "she almost jumped out of her skin. It was Nicole inside her office. Since the day of her proposal,she has been happy and always out of her work. Rose knew that she had a rich fiance but that was no reason for her to neglect her work. She had dated him for years and now a proposal is making her loose it all. Her decorating work was so amazing. Always giving credit to those who deserve it. And Nicole was one of those. It was always work your own hours but make sure that everything is in success. When it came to traveling Nicole was never left behind, and what would make her more happier was when they went same place as Agustin. Like last time.

"I don't like surprises and you know that. "
"C'mon Rose, "she pulled her into her arms, "just say you're happy to see me. "
"I'm not, "she pushed her and walked to her seat,"what are you doing here anyway?"
"Can't I come to visit my friend? "
Rose smiled, "Ooh that's so sweet of you,"she stopped smiling, "you have never done that before. You never stepped your feet in here so why today? "
Nicole walked back to her seat and sat down. It was true that she never met Rose on her office not even once. She hated going to discuss personal matters in the office. But today she was here. Nicole moved her eyes around the big office. It had a big space with a couch that seemed to never have been sat on. The files were well arranged on the shelves and others were on her table which were clear that she was using those for today. Nicole moved her eyes to the small refrigerator that was placed on a corner. Then a door that she bet it was leading to a  bathroom. Then her eyes were back to her friend and her mouth was a, "Wow! "

Rose still stared at her, "well that doesn't answer the quiz. "
"I know but I'm thirsty. "
"Do you need some hot tea? "
Nicole was laughing, "with this sun? Don't be ridiculous. Just water will do. "
"Before I get you some. Honestly I don't like the way you're neglecting your work my friend. This week you haven't gone and now you're extending it. Please don't take advantage of your boss liking you. Nothing is permanent my dear friend. "
"I get it and I will obey you. But I din't come here for that. "
"Ooh! "Rose exclaimed walking to the refrigerator to take water for her, "it's gossip. So who is the last in gossip? "
Nicole laughs has her friend purrs her water it a glass. She waits for her to sit before she says, "actually it's not gossip. I wanted to take you lunch so that we can talk about that. "
"Sorry but I got someone else taking me out for that. "
"OMG! "she takes a sip of water, "who is the lucky guy? "
Rose raises her eyebrows,"don't be silly. It's a friend. "

"Mmh, why do I find it hard to believe you? And who is that friend anyway? "
"Actually it..... "
"Your boss. Ooh my friend I'm so happy for you. He is so damn handsome. The way he looks on those businesses magazines makes me want to eat him all whole again. And on television you, when he looks at the camera you think that he is looking at you. I can't believe that he asked you out for lunch. Actually, I came so that I can meet him face to face. "
"You're the craziest person I've ever known. I don't even know how you became my best friend. You're engaged. Engaged. Stick to your fiancee. "

"I can sense jealous. "
"Over what? "
"Me liking your boss. "
"And why should I be. We are only friends and he is my boss and nothing else. "
"Mmh, I don't believe you. Admit it that you like him. "
"And why should? I don't. "
"You do. "
"I don't. "
"You do do do do. "
"Will you stop being childish. "
"I will when you admit. You like him. You do do do do like him. You do..... "
"OK, "she stopped her, "but just a little. "
"Wow. The handsome pervert has a beautiful what do I even call you? "
Rose closed her eyes, "don't call me anything, but he is handsome as you say. But a womanizer although I must say for the past few weeks haven't seen him with any of his many  women. "

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