chapter 19

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Rose heard a knock on the other side. She responded to it and continued to make some corrections on a document that needed to be presented to some company for partnership. She had received a call from the receptionist telling her that someone was there to book for an appointment with her boss. Without wanting to disappoint whoever he was she told Diana that it won't be possible for this week nor the next one but to her surprise the guy insisted on seeing her. She just allowed him.

"As I had told the receptionist earlier you can't get an appointment neither this week nor the next one,"she still concentrated her eyes on the unfinished document. She was tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. Since morning up to now. She swore to herself that it would be the last time she does go through that paper.
"Actually I already got it. "
Rose froze on her chair on hearing his voice. That was the one voice that she could never forget. Also it was the last one that she herself wanted to listen to. She slowly raised her eyes from the document hoping that it was a kind of a game that her ears were playing on her. But it was all true. He stood there smiling at her. That smile that he was wearing. He was dressed in black suit and if she had to admit he looked so damn handsome.

"What are you doing here? "
"I came to see you. "
"To see me? How did you first know where I usually work? "
"Won't you offer me a sit at least? "
She swallowed hard closing the file, "like hell Will I do that. Answer my question. "
"OK I was stalking you. "
This time she almost choked on her own saliva. She couldn't believe that he would even go that far of even stalking her. She held her argue which was burning up from inside. How she wished that she would never see his face again. Never hear his voice in her life.

"So you have become a starker now? "she was biting her lower lip hard to control herself from exploding. This was a working area and the last thing she needed was to cause a scandal.
"I want to talk to you. Sor....."
Now she got up and hit the table with her hand so hard that he jumped back with terrified face. She was breathing hard when she pointed a figure on him, "don't you ever dare say that word in front of me again. And you may leave. I think we have nothing to talk about. "
"When did you become like this, Rose? "
"What do you care? Get your f****** body out of here now. "
"I won't live until we talk. "
"Talk? About what? "
"Us. "
She laughed sarcastically holding her face on her hands. Then she raised her hands on the air, "there were never us and will never be us. "

"Will you stop your ego for once at least. I have been within the country for one year and a month is almost ending. And do you even know the reason why I came back the first place? "
"I don't give a damn about it. "
Sallu was now raising his voice.
"You will listen to me you spoiled brat. I also have my ego and I put it down same way you will do with yours. For God's sake stop acting like a teenager. Have had enough of you ignoring me. I won't leave here not after I have talked to you. If you want a scene I'm damn ready for it. Bring it on and I'll gladly create one. So you choose. Either peaceful or we start the show. "

With that he pulled a seat and sat down. He saw argue in her but this time he didn't give a damn about it. He had been patient for long and enough was enough for him. This was it and he won't let go of the chance. He could not even bring himself to think that she had told him that there were never them and never will be. To him if that's what she used to tell herself then she was misleading her own self. How could she? They almost got married and had a family and all she could say was there were never them? Sallu swallowed had. Just then he saw her make a phone call. At first he thought maybe she had been polite enough to ask for a cup of tea or coffee. His throat was dry already. Just then he heard her say the word security. He took the telephone and slammed it down.

Argue registered in both of them.
"I told you I wouldn't leave and please don't test my patience coz I'm running out of them. "
"What do you want us to talk about? Ooh! "she exclaimed looking at him with a mocking smile, "how you left the woman you claimed to love so much at the alter even knowing that she was innocent. Then after three years you got married? Noooo, "she was again biting her lower lip, "how you kissed another woman even knowing that you are married? What exactly do you want us to talk about coz I just mentioned just but a few. "
"I want us to talk about everything. "
She looked at her wrist watch, "sorry but I don't have the time to chit chat with you. "
"You will seat down and listen to me. I don't give a damn how long it takes, now sit. "
"You know what, you have no right to talk to me like that. I'm not your kid nor your fiancee nor you gf nor your wife. "
"I know that and no need to remind me of that. But in real sense, you were once my Gf then my fiancee and you were about to be my wife and finally be the mother of my kids, " he laughed with a mocking voice, "but you left me as you always do. "

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