chapter 10

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Rose took the coffee to her boss office. The previous day was tire some to her. She thanked the stars for going home at least earlier. She placed the tray on the table and served it to her boss after greeting him a good morning. She was thankful that this time he responded well to her greeting.

Rose handed him the schedule for the day which he looked at it keenly. He looked up at her and said, "good. "
She wanted to smile but held it back. At least today he was in good moods or so she thought.
"Sir, " she began, "in the evening we have to choose for the crew that will be in Lewis album. "

He took a sip of the coffee,"yeah,  remind me of that since it's not in here. "
Without anything else to say to each other, Rose picked up the files that needed to be worked on and left the office.

She was kind of amused by the way her boss was behaving today.

Maybe he hit his head on something hard that made him get a temporary amnesia. Or maybe he was getting tired of the game.

She worked on the paper work the whole morning. By the time she was done everyone had gone for lunch and come back. She picked her hand bag and rushed to the near restaurant where she grabbed a light meal and went back to the office. In less than thirty minutes the meeting would start and everything was needed to be arranged.

The door was knocked and she responded it without looking up.
"Can I talk to Ryan? "she heard a female voice ask. She looked up and saw this young woman. She looked familiar but she didn't know from where. She was beautiful with her black hair curled up. Her black eyes fixed on her. Her smile scared the inner her. She looked like those ladies who got whatever they want using their beauty.
"Hello, "she heard her say. With that Rose realized that she was still staring at her and hadn't said anything.

"Ooh, "she said, "sorry but you have to get an appointment before you see him. "
She still continued to smile, "I'm sure that if you tell him that it is me, he won't think twice. "
"Is that so? "
"Yeah, "she never gave up on her smile.
"Okay, I wish you all the best. "
"Sorry,  but I don't need that. Now may I? "
Rose answered sure before taking a telephone to her ear to make a call, "Sir someone is here to see you. " She listened to the other side then answered, "she is a lady. " She held the phone before saying, "I forgot to ask your name. "

"Tell him that it's Sheila."
Rose told him and with that he allowed her to go and see him.
"You must be a one luck person, "she said to her, "follow me. "
Rose open the door and let the woman get in.
"Sweetheart,"he called as he passed Rose to her and hug her for two minutes.
"You are suffocating me, "he heard her say before he let her go.
"Why didn't you let me pick you up from the airport and when did you arrive? Hope you brought me a present and a good one for that matter. "
Sheila smiled at him, "too many questions which one do you want me to start with?"
Ryan pulled her to his seat and then sat on the table next to her, "start anywhere. "
"I landed yesterday, "she began.
"What? "he asked, "and you never bothered about a phone call? I would have come to  pick you."
"C'mon you were at work. "
He held his hands at the back of his head, "you know that I can do anything for you. "
Sheila held his two cheeks,"then how would it've  been a surprise to you? "

Just then they heard Rose clear her throat reminding them that she was still there.
"Cancel all the meeting for now? "
"What? "Rose asked, "some of them have already arrived and the meeting is starting in about ten minutes from now. "
"Damn it, "he was now loosing his cool, "do what you are paid to do and if you can't cancel you can ask Ron to get in there. "
"But that is  your work and not his. "
Ryan got from his sitting position and to her, "for the last time do want you're told to do and no one should disturb me from now. "
She wanted to laugh, because of that beauty he was ready to neglect his work. Ron had a fiance but not even once did he bring her to his office during working hours. If she ever came, it was during lunch time or when they were about to live in the evening. But this man was different. He was doing whatever he wanted. Yesterday he canceled a meeting and now it's five minutes to the next meeting and he was saying to be cancelled. How did he even end up in business anyway.

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