chapter 37

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The morning sunlight filled into the room waking Rose up. Her body was aching and slightly bruised. She had never felt so much alive in her entire life until last night. Ryan laid beside her his head on the pillowcase. She reached down and ran her index finger softly over his lips. He moved a little making her to jerk her had away. He opened his eyes and smiled up at her.

"Good morning love. "
She leaned over him and returned his smile. During the night she had become familiar with this man's body as he had with hers. Ryan ran a figure down her throat and between her her breast.
"So tell me, "he began, "why did you say yes to me yesterday? "
She looked up at him and he had that smile that he had woken up with, "why do you ask? "
"I almost forgot that people never change. You ask them quiz and they reply with another. "
"I'm not people, "she said sitting up.

"I know love, so tell me coz if I do remember you first scared the hell out of me and when you saw me cry you 'I can't bare to see the man that I love cry' so I'm just wondering if it was out of self pity or something else. "
She didn't answer him neither spare him a glance. He just hoped that he hadn't blown everything up. Not after what happened last night. She had moaned his name over and over again. He would be so stupid if she got made at him.

I'm so stupid. Would she give herself to me if it was out of pity? Dear God just help that she doesn't make a big issue out of this.

"I said yes coz I love you,"she turned to look at him as he came back to reality, "Ryan you made me feel complete for those three months that I have dated you. If I said yes then yesterday just know that it was out of the love that I've for you and not self pity. "
Ryan sat up and hugged her from behind. He felt so stupid to ask  that question.

"I think we should go and visit Ron today, "she said after some silence in the room.
Ryan sank on the mattress, "speaking of Ron. How many kids do you want to have? "
Rose turned to look at him. He wasn't serious about the question or was he? She had never even thought of that before but now that he asked she had to. She had already one and she had a very good experience of child birth and bring them up.

"I think one is enough, "she saw him get shocked or maybe he was pretending to be.
"You can't be serious, "she loved and at that laughter his heart skipped a beat.
"So how many does my pervert what? "
"Basketball team I think, "now it was his turn to see the expression on her face, "don't give me that. I know you can handle them very well. "
"Do you think that it's a matter of going to the hospital and coming back with cute little babies in your arms? "
"I will help you sweetie, "he was making a smirk on her.
She hit him on the shoulder playful and as always he made a pain sound.

"I know you will, "she laid back down to his side, "and we all know how. "
Ryan laughed and pulled her for a kiss.
"Fine then coz my secretary is complaining we will have two so that they will be all three. "
"No additional I said one coz I will be the one who will be in pain and not you. "
"And I said two coz I won't leave your side when you're in labour. "
She had no strength to argue with him. It was very early in the morning and again after what happened last night it was hard to do that.

Ryan pulled her close enough that there were no space between them. He was about to take her lips when, "I think we so have to go to work today. "
He rubbed her lips with his thumb, "yeah but it's not actually we but I,"she gazed up at him, "yeah you just have to stay back at home. Prepare yourself and then after work I will come pick you up and we can go visit Ron then go out to celebrate our engagement coz we hadn't done that. "
"Ooh!"she exclaimed, "and here I thought we over celebrated it. "
He kissed her forehead, "actually we haven't even gotten started, "he took the lips that he was so much longing for. As always the swear berry taste never escaping him.

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