chapter 38

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Days had been passing as if they were being chased from behind and life would have been better than it was now for Rose. She had people that loved her so much. Ryan had never stopped surprising her everyday of her dating with him. He was so perfect that not even her she could think that he was that same boss that used to insult her everyday coz of a small mistake. People at the office were so damn happy for them and they all said that that was the cutest couple in the town or was it town alone? She smiled to life more than she ever thought she would be. He son had become more handsome by the say and he had now a sweet heart that he used to talk about so much.

Rose had become a godmother to Erica because she already had a son. Yes the two parents had agreed on the twins name and Eric and Erica were the names. Sallu was more happy when he got the news and it was also a consistence that he had a daughter and he wanted to be a godfather for little Eric. The party was so much amazing and was attended by so many people to celebrate the new born. Too bad that Nicole wasn't there to celebrate. She was still in her one month honeymoon.

Today was on Sunday and Rose had no where to go. Ryan was out of town to take care of some business. She sat on a couch think about her perfect life.
"Mum, "Daniel called coming downstairs. She looked up at him and he was carrying his ball already changed to play football. Yeah he had gone to church with his nanny and when they came back they eat the lunch that Rose had prepared for them.

"Don't tell me that you want to do what I'm thinking."
Daniel went and sat next to her smiling at her, "hey can we just play and stop getting worried over nothing? And besides you're with me. "
"I'm not going to play that thing if that's what you want to happen and neither are you. "
"C'mon mum. "
"Don't c'mon mum me, "she looked at him and he had those puppy eyes that seemed to work on her. "Daniel last night you had a very bad headache and I'm not allowing you play. "
Daniel smiled, "that's more reason I should excess and I'm not having the headache any time soon from now you know. "
"Don't act smart with me young man. "
"I'm not and don't worry coz have had a chat with God that He won't let that happen again. So mum please, "he was pleading.

This boy always seemed to have a way of getting away with whatever he wanted. He had someone's behavior but she had never known whose. Maybe it affected him for staying with that person or something else. Maybe it was Agustin's. But does Agustin behave that way? She had to investigate about that late but right now she had to take care of the problem at the hand.
"Fine, "she saw him jump from the couch, "so you wait here I go and change to something that can play that stupid game of yours. "
"OK, "he said sitting back on the couch,"and please don't add make up coz its a game. "
She rolled her eyes and walked upstairs. She reached her room and walked to the wardrobe to look for her track suit.

Few minutes later she came down all changed and ready to begin the game. Daniel followed her through the back door and now they were setting some roles on the game. They all did agree on them and the game began. To them since they had no referee they had to be their own keepers. Daniel had retreated his mum allowing his nanny to go out on a date with her boyfriend. She would have been of so much help. It was now time for them to take a break and they did.

"I thought you're the easy one to score,"Daniel said as they sat on the bench.
Rose laughed, "you should have thought once again,"she messed up his hair, "can I tell you a secret? "
Daniel looked at her then back to where the ball had been left, "sure. "
"The thing is that I used to play football but it was never my favorite game. I loved tennis very much so I ended up playing it more. "
"Mum, "he called now gazing up at her, "I never would have ever gazed that, "he was smiling.
"If you did it would never have been  a secret that's why it's a secret love. "
He just laughed. He couldn't believe that. To even image that Nicole had never told him that. Yeah she used to tell him all the crazy things that they did with his mum and he always found them full of humor. Going through his mum's photos and laughing at the closed that they used to wear.

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